I love Paranormal Spring Break as much as you guys do, because I discovered amazing new-to-me authors in the process! Today, Darynda Jones, authors of First Grave on the Right is by my side for a very helpful guest post. The subject I suggested her? Reaper's Guide: The Art of Dating. Shall we see the 5 golden rules of dating Paranormal style?
A Reaper’s Guide to Dating:
Tip #1: Prepare mentally
Everyone, even a reaper, needs to prepare for the dating arena. If you really want to succeed, to find that someone special, you’ve got to be committed to playing the dating game. Preferably without collecting the soul of the person you are dating. Unless you are willing to date a corpse. In that case, be prepared for a very one-sided relationship. Advice: Don’t kill your date.
Tip #2: Prepare physically
Treat yourself to a makeover. Go shopping. Get rid of that dry skeletal look that was so yesterday. For the love of God, exfoliate. And that long black robe? Very 70s. Update your hair and wardrobe and step into the arena in style. And don’t kill your date.
Tip #3: Think about your expectations
Consider what you hope to achieve while dating. Are you laid back and just want to have fun by poking your would-be honey bunny with the tip of your scythe or do you want to be married in eight weeks, seven days, six hours and twenty-three minutes? Dating for a long-term relationship versus dating for purely sexual reasons are two very different kinds of dating. Adjust your regimen—and your attire—accordingly. And don’t kill your date.
Tip #4: Be realistic
Dating is a whole-package kind of deal. If you want glitz and glamour, you need to present yourself that way. And, no, sewing sequins onto a tattered black robe doesn’t really count. See tip #2. You might stash the scythe while your at it as well. It makes people…uncomfortable. And don’t kill your date.
Tip #5: Never make yourself too available
Dating is very much about the thrill of the chase. Don’t be afraid to be mysterious. In keeping with this philosophy, don’t sleep with your date too early. Sure you can tie him up on the first date, but will that really give him a sense of who you are? Or will it have him pressing charges? Best to save the bondage for the third date as a general rule of thumb. And don’t kill him!
These tips were brought to you by the caring people at the Rest Easy Mortuary, where resting is easy and eternal.
Waa! What an helpful guide Darynda. I already found my second half, but I’m sure this precious will help many single girls out there *winks*
In the spirit of Spring Break, would you share with us your best memory?
I’d love to say my fav memory of spring break was when my BFF and I went to Hawaii, had torrid affairs with male supermodels, then won a bikini contest that was judged by the members of Seether. (I have a little crush on the boys of Seether.) But since none of that ever happened, I guess I probably shouldn’t say that.
Really, I’m the most boring person ever. My best spring breaks were hanging with my BFF at the lake, lounging on rocks and spinning tales of adventure and mayhem.
Once a writer, always a writer.
Thank you so much for having me!
Thank you so much for stopping by Darynda <3 It’s been a pleasure to have you on the blog!
A smashing, award-winning debut novel that introduces Charley Davidson: part-time private investigator and full-time grim reaper.
Charley sees dead people. That’s right, she sees dead people. And it’s her job to convince them to “go into the light.” But when these very dead people have died under less than ideal circumstances (i.e. murder), sometimes they want Charley to bring the bad guys to justice. Complicating matters are the intensely hot dreams she’s been having about an entity who has been following her all her life…and it turns out he might not be dead after all. In fact, he might be something else entirely.
Fun facts about the book:
- Charley’s name was originally Harley Davidson, lol. Yeah, it was worth a shot.
- Originally, Charley was NOT the grim reaper. She was more like a sarcastic version of The Ghost Whisperer. But an agent who was interested in the story early on said that concept had been done to death. He wanted something bigger. And the real Charley Davidson was born! (Then the agent rejected her.)
- Darynda stole the name Reyes from a kid while she was working as an interpreter, as well as the name Federico. She hopes they’re okay without them.
- The character for Uncle Bob is based on the high school principal in Darynda’s hometown. He doesn’t really like her, so nobody tell him.
- Misery is based on her brother’s cherry red Jeep Wrangler.
- Charley’s attention span is quite similar to the author’s.
- Swopes (ie, Garrett Swopes) is Darynda’s BFF’s last name.
Thanks to Darynda I have a Signed hardcover copy of First Grave on the Right to offer to one lucky reader!
- This giveaway is open Internationally
- To enter, just leave a comment sharing with us a dating tip of your own ^^
- Don’t forget to include a way to contact you!
If you want to earn an extra entry, spread the word and provide a link in a different comment =)
Tweet: WIN! *Signed* First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones http://nblo.gs/f9s04 @parajunkee & @Tynga #ParanormalSpringBreak #giveaway PLZ RT
Ends April 6th, 2011.
To anxious? You can purchase First Grave on the Right here:
If he's not into you, he's not into you. DO NOT KILL HIM. I've learned this the hard way, girls. If you go to starbucks with a corpse, you'll get odd looks
Don't be too needy. You seem to get the worst men when you are willing to just take anybody.
ReplyDeleteLOL a dating tip - Be yourself - he has to like you not the you you're trying to be to please him.
secsec1 (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted!
secsec1 (at) gmail (dot) com
I have to go with honesty.
ReplyDeletebacchus76 at myself dot com
tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/DonnaS1/status/44993409844387840
ReplyDeletebacchus76 at myself dot com
Hmmm...a dating tip, have fun, there's no point in being in a relationship if you spend the whole time obsessing over his flaws, you don't get to enjoy it then. :)
ReplyDeleteI tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/AmburHostyn/status/45008556214337537
Thanks for the chance to win First Grave on the Right :)
So you wanna date me? Please submit the following: Copy of drivers license & SS card, current pay stub, clean drug test & std screen. Otherwise don't bother...
Always have an exit strategy planned incase you need an out.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this awesome giveaway Tynga and it's really nice to make it international =) ! Darynda Jones seems really funny ..
ReplyDeleteLet's see .. a dating tip .. I'd say, though it's kind of cliché, just to be yourself because if you're not I don't think it's worthy to keep seeing the guy. I mean, you have to feel comfortable around this person and in order to feel that way, you have to act like your normal self =)! I don't know if you understand what I mean, my explonation is kind of messy.
Thanks for the giveaway ;) !!
Hmm. Dating tip....
ReplyDeleteObsessive stalking on facebook is okay - as long as you don't get caught. So don't reveal anything that you shouldn't know, like his mom's name, what his childhood dog looked like, and that his favorite music and books all now mysteriously match YOURS. And don't kill him. ;)
http://twitter.com/#!/InsaneGrizzlies <Tweeted.
Best dating tip I can offer is just be yourself !! Dont go over the top, wear what you feel comfortable in, just be you !! Because if he likes you it will be for the person that you are , not who you pretend to be ;)
ReplyDelete** Never kiss on first dates ** is that still possible lol..
I have twittered and tagged you I am run_with_wolves,, sorry Im not to good at posting links .. Hope you find me !!!
Thanks for the great giveaway !! and for making it international !! I really love the sound of this book !!! ** waves Hi Darynda ** and thanks Ladies for the post it was a hooot !!!
I think what Stacey says is the most valuable - wouldn't know too much about dating anyway!!
Dating tip? Maaaah, I am the one, who need some :D. Maybe don´t be too clingy and act like he has to fight for you :D
Tip, tip...play it cool but not too cool. Don't talk too much about yourself or don't laugh at eveything he says. Be interested, smart and fun.
ReplyDeleteAs I am not anything above mentioned, I am usually teriible at dating!
aliasgirl at libero dot it
I would also say be yourself!
Oh gosh some of the dating tips are so funny!
ReplyDeleteHow about, try not to date someone on your reaping list. hehe
If it's not working, don't keep trying - move on.
I have heard so many great things about this book. I want! . Dating tip: Be completely comfortable. It freaks them out on a first date, and don't kill them ;)
ReplyDeleteFB: http://tyngasreviews.blogspot.com/2011/03/psb-guest-post-giveaway-with-darynda.html
My dating tip is to relax, make eye contact and really listen to what the other person is saying and talk about each other's interests.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this giveaway!
I also tweeted about the contest here:
How about don't date another reaper? You would constantly have to be on the lookout for him to kill you and you would have to prevent yourself from killing him...wayyy to much preoccupation and hazard for the dating arena...come on, isn't it hazardous enough without having to dodge your date's scyth?
My dating tip would have to be, to just be yourself :). If the person doesn't like you for who you are, then it's their loss.
ReplyDeletethank you for the opportunity!
Tweet Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/MoonlightGleams/status/45133103647305729
I have been married for far to long to give dating tips... hmmmm... HUMOR! Make sure there is humor.
ReplyDeleterobin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/IntenseWhisper/statuses/45135360195428352
ReplyDeleterobin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
My tip: Always have a way out. Either drive yourself or have a friend available to pick you up if things go sour.
ReplyDeleteTweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Jovial_1/status/45135537207648256
Don't be afraid to be yourself. Meet in a public place for the first date. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
ReplyDeleteWow, I haven't dated in a loooong time, so my only tip is be yourself and make him laugh. :)
this book sounds great!!
I tweeted... :)
My dating tip would be, that even if you don't like the individual or want to ever go on a date with them again, at least have a fun time in the moment then. Just because they were not your type, doesn't me you can't have a fun one time evening with them.
ReplyDeleteterilhack at yahoo dot com
Yes always drive yourself, and carry your phone, or mace. Some people out there are really strange and it takes a few minutes to find that out. For a first time, go to a public place.
ReplyDeletekasuranna at yahoo dot com
Be yourself. You don't want im to fall for an imaginary you.
ReplyDeletesgiden at verizon.net
*Waving madly*
ReplyDeleteHey all! I love the dating tips, and 'be yourself' may seem cliche, but it certainly still holds true.
Thanks everyone and good luck!
I love the look of this book and also the cover!!
ReplyDeleteI would say don't be too aggressive at first. Many girls now a days are a little bit grabby and yessy!!
Be yourself - but better! More open, outgoing and fun!
My dating tip is to be yourself. If he doesn't like you for who you are, well just get rid of him (maybe kill your date??!!)
Take a credit card and some cash in case you #1 need to get out of Dodge #2 the bum expects you to pay at least half of the bill even though he invited you.
Be relaxed and don't try to be someone you're not. If you want it to work out, don't start off by lying.
Never go into the relationship thinking you can change him. This Thursday I will have been married for nine years and I can honestly tell you that it just is never going to happen. There are VERY few men that will change so you have to go into a relationship with the knowledge that what you see is what you get.
I tweeted about this giveaway on Twitter (@skyla11377).
This is on my TBR. Thanks for all the giveaways!
ReplyDeleteDating Tip: Be with someone who makes you laugh.
incase it's not working out have an exit strategy planned..this way you can bolt and you wont hurt the guy/girls feelings
I say be honest and but you don't need to tell your whole life history on the first date lol.
I tweeted
Ask yourself "can I stand his (something disgusting) ten years?" Because, you can't change him. What you see is what you get, and if you find something disgusting in your first date, with time it will be worse...
Don't try too hard . . . that will just push him away. Be yourself, be fun and he'll want to be with you!
ReplyDeleteDating tip: Always know what your goals are before you enter into the dating scene. Be it practice, getting to meet people, short term or long...just be honest about your reasons for dating.
Dating tip... hm... don't know... I mean she said leave the bondage until the 3rd date... now I'm at a loss! I thought you could do that at a coffee date! (j/k so you don't think I'm THAT bad, but I couldn't resist!)
ReplyDeletebooks (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Seriously, just have fun, but don't laugh at everything a guy says, and just be yourself.
Be yourself. You don't want to attract someone with a fake you, because they won't be what you really need or want.
hum a dating tip. That's a hard one since i've been married 25 yrs this year lol. But keep your cell phone charged so you can call for a ride if he's a turd lol.
ReplyDeleteMy tip: don't order anything messy at the restaurant.
ReplyDeletewhatbookisthat at gmail dot com
Tweet tweet!
whatbookisthat at gmail dot com
My dating tip would be similar to others here: make sure you are comfortable with being yourself because it will just get tiring to keep up pretenses anyway.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity to win! Would love to read this book.
Don't try too hard, just be yourself. If you feel like you have to impress him, he's not for you in the first place.
ReplyDeleteBarbed1951 at aol dot com
Dating tip - if you go out to eat with him, don't be afraid to actually eat most or all of your food. If he's paying for the meal, he'll hate it if you order something and then just take a couple of bites.
ReplyDeletejen at delux dot com
My tip? Try to establish some funny banter, but don't be too funny at the same time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
Be yourself. Wouldnt you hate to find down the road, that he wasnt being himself either. Than where will you be? You would both have to start all over again.
Just be your self and don't settle for just any guy. Its ok to be a little picky. Thanks for the giveaway! I have had this book on my tbr list since it came out so I would love to win a copy. m.ramey@ymail.com
ReplyDeletedating tip...be urself!!
I have to agree with most, just be yourself and don't try to impress. You can impress while being yourself but many impress by being someone they are not.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/PelicanJL/status/45655503812042752
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone who is saying to just be yourself.
ReplyDeletelkish77123 at gmail dot com
Me too - being yourself is crucial. It's too difficult to keep up a charade.
ReplyDeletejguldy at yahoo dot com
Is it bad that I really don't have a dating tip? I agree with a lot of the ones I see here.
Don't let him bite you on the first date.
Dating tip ... hmmm, remember that he's probably just as nervous as you are :D
Never be afraid to ask for what you want.
Awesome tips lol. As for my tip, I agree with the others who said to just be yourself.
ReplyDeletedrakeLa90 at aol dot com
I tweeted!
Dress nice but show a little clevage. Don't seem too interested but at the same time make sure they don't feel like you are out of their league. I tweeted and added Paranormal Spring Break to my side bar. Find me @bookluvrmindy on twitter and my blog is bookluvrmindy.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteWell my tip is to be yourself. Don't change yourself for him he should love you the way you are. And always be honest. He'll appreciate it.
aah-susann @ hotmail.com
Since I am at work and it is almost 3:30 on a Friday the 11th and this contest post went up on Tuesday the 8th and I am supposed to working on a Budget that is due...I haven't read any of the other tips. Additionally I haven't been single in 18+ years so my only advice at this point is to always be yourself!
ReplyDeleteThanks! mmafsmith@gmail.com
I also tweet'd Thanks mmafsmith@gmail.com
If you really would like to date somebody, hit him on head and put him on yor cellar. He'll love you imediatly:D
ReplyDeletemisadevilgirl at seznam dot cz
My Dating tip would probably be honesty! Just be honest about who you are :)
Just be yourself and don't change the way you are to please him!
Don't get nervous otherwise you won't have a good time.
ReplyDeleteGreat Guest post! Thanks for the chance, this books sounds very good.
ReplyDeleteOk. Let's see, dating tips...
Be yourself, honest, fun or boring (there are all sorts of people) do not talk too much about yourself, but neither should talk all the time about the weather, it is knowing each other, go to a place where both feel comfortable and no kisses haha, guys like to play a hunter yet.
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
ReplyDeleteOn the first date, dont kiss. It may seem right at first, but you may not like them later, because their true colors may begin to show. And it will be a whole lot easier to break up with them if you show that you are not very intersered.
Never kiss on the first date. It will be going too fast and it will be hard to let them down later if you need to.
Dating tip: be yourself.
ReplyDeletejennifer.kalman at gmail dot com
jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com
Don't ever try to change who you are for someone! You are awesome the way you are and if they can't accept that, they aren't worth your time.
ReplyDeleteTweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/pamgreen89/status/47751400742060032
Thanks for the giveaway!!
green.pamd (at) gmail (dot) com
My tip: Don't be afraid to eat when you do dinner! Why starve if he's paying? Although tip #2: don't get too drunk on the first date.
ReplyDeletemlleinformed (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweeted about contest!!
Dating tip? No idea, I'd need to have actually dated to be sure of one.
ReplyDeleteBut I'd say not to be too sticky-needy-whatever. These kinds of people totally annoy me, and my guess is I'm not the only one.
@jessygt on Twitter (:
My dating tip: be yourself (if you're a violent person, control a little; if you're a crybaby, don't cry for every little thing; if you're a very happy and optimistical person..., be yourself 100% and have a happy time! -maybe they want a violent-crybaby girl? then... if you're happy and optimistical: you've problems LOL-)
ReplyDeleteIt's been a while since I dated.. I've been with DAnny for t we still go on the 5 years.. we still go on the odd date and the only advice I can give is to be yourself and have fun. If they don't go for it, they aren't the one.; )
Dating tip! Breath mints.....you don't wanna be caught out without them, especially if you're going to dinner, haha.
I think the most important tip on dating, that I unfortunately have never managed to follow, is "get yourself a date" LOL
+1 entry
Hi :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the fun post Darynda & thanks to Tynga for having her here.
I also enjoyed reading all the dating tips in the comments.
(I'm still grinning)
Mine is: Be chivalrous.
All the best,
RKCharron (at gmail.com)
The best advice I can give to either girl or guy is to *wait for it*: LISTEN!!! Hear what the other is saying! You may not agree , but listen and talk with them, not TO them
Dating tip: NEVER talk about exes!!
ReplyDeleteGreat book!
Take a shower and brush your teeth. Seems so obvious but OMG! Some people just don't get it.
ReplyDeleteasiancocoa94 at aol dot com
My dating tip is BE HONEST! Do not go around inventing stories about yourself. It doesn't make the other person on the date say 'Wow'. It just makes them think you are desperate. Plus, if it really turns into something, it's going to be difficult to keep the lie going!
ReplyDeletefunnywool [at] live [dot] com
a dating tip? mmmm Be your self, and make every day fun an enjoyable.
tweeted -- http://twitter.com/#!/Ronyka7/status/50798158514630656
ReplyDeleteNever lie about anything, well unless you are in Witness Protection, and try not to just talk about yourself.
tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/YearofTiger86/status/51426887465050112
I don't date so I can only suggest going to a place that is positive and being yourself. I know a lot of friends who pick up dates at the bar. That just doesn't seem like the kind of place I'd want to pick up a guy.
ReplyDeletethecozyreader @ gmail.com
I Tweeted this giveaway.
ReplyDeletethecozyreader @ gmail.com
Date the people you like, not no matter what your friends think. Your friends may think your date is hot or fun or perfect for you, but you're the one who's got to actually spend time with them.
Dating tip: Brush your TEETH!
My dating tip is to find someone you can accept the way they are people rarely change and if you make them they might resent you.
thanks julie
+1 tweeted
thanks julie
I'm guessing the best tip would be to just be yourself!If a guy is into you as you really are,I'm guessing you have more odds to have a good time with him!
+1 tweeted
Tips Dating: just be yourself. No need to change for something that you are not.
ReplyDeletealeetha.ally at gmail dot com
PS: I have never seen this book but in this GP
I link the giveaway in my sidebar
aleetha.ally at gmail dot com
I'll have to say relax, enjoy yourself and have a good time.
Loved your post with Tips Darynda, ty so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAvoid messy foods like BBQ ribs and such on the first few dates ;).
pams00 @ aol.com
ReplyDeletepams00 @ aol.com
Always have a back-up plan, so that you can leave in a hurry if date sucks.
Dress up but not so up that you feel uncomfortable!
ReplyDeletejen7waters at gmail dot com
Hmm .. Dating tip ?
ReplyDeleteIn any kind of relationship , the most important would definitely be RESPECT . Respecting each other is important . If the other is not treating you correctly , don't be with him/her . There's no reason to put up with him/her . There will be someone out there for you :) It's probably hard to see it right now . But there is .
Yours truly , Fidah .
oh gosh I havent dated in 10 years. I guess be yourself from the start so there are no surprises
dating tip: be yourself!
Relax, be yourself, and tell a friend where you're going in case the date ends up going badly ;)
Have a small meal before the date so hunger is not a distraction while on the date.
ReplyDeletelinze_e at hotmail.com
Always be honest with each other