**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Monday, February 28, 2011

HCC March Madness

The HCC March Madness is back for a fourth year in a row and the voting just started today! What’s the HCC you gonna ask me? 64 books (or teams in basketball if we’re referring to college sports) are divided into 4 brackets. In each bracket books face off one-on-one with voters picking a winner out of the two to move on to the next round. Eventually four books will each ‘win’ their respective brackets and face off in the finals. There are tons...

Paranormal Spring Break Launch & Master List

**Scroll down for a list of all events** Hello My Darlings! I am really excited to finally launch the Paranormal Spring Break! In this amazing month, you will be caught in a tsunami of incredible events and giveaways, I suggest you buckle-up! Starting tomorrow and until March 31st Rachel from Parajunkee’s View and myself will present you the most fabulous authors releasing paranormal books this spring! So stay tuned for a bunch of treats! ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some of the best advices you can find =)

(click on cc for English subtitles) Enough Said....

Saturday, February 26, 2011

In My Mailbox

Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =) I decided to not do a vlog this week because I’m to damn sick to show my face on the internet lol, I’m sorry! Here’s are the books I got: (Cat not included) For Review: River Marked by Patricia Briggs [ Amazon | Kindle | Book Depository ] Thank you Penguin Canada! For Giveaway: Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene...

Bloody Valentine Winner

The Bloody Valentine giveaway ended last night at night so it’s now time to announce a lucky winner. Using random.org, the winner is… Jenny N. said... I like the original US cover the most. The flower really draws my attention to it. Congrats Jenny! I’m about to email you and you will have 72 hours to get back to me with your mailing address =) If you didn’t win, you can always purchase the book here:    ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Showing my P!nk LOVE

Well I show you some songs/videos I love from time to time and tonight I felt like sharing my P!nk LOVE with you guys. I like her so much because she’s different, she rocks and the message she delivers is always a strong one. I particularly like her latest songs where she promotes individuality, strong woman and gives a big pat on the back to all of us who sometimes feel down. do that I say… ROCK ON GIRL! ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kindle Deals–round two!

I found another bunch of cheap reads I wanted to share with you! All under 3$, big majority are 0,99 or 1,99 $ Thought you might be interested =) for 0,99$: This is your chance to get addicted to Bones, for only 1,99$ also, if you’re not a kindle user, you can get it for the same price from B&N. The last three are a series that’s having a huge success: Happy Reading Y’all!...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When I’m not Writing… with Jess Haines

    Hi my lovelies! I’m super excited to have Jess Haines, author of H&W Investigations series, with me today for a When I’m not Writing.. post. Jess is an amazing author, and an even better person. She’s so much fun! Follow her on twitter and you’ll see what I’m talking about *winks*       Oh, man.  Tynga has opened up Pandora’s box by asking me to tell you about what I do when I’m not writing. Let’s...

Oh God, look what I found!

Here’s another fan-made trailer for the Hunger Games, by the same team who did the Katniss/Rue scene. The Hunger Games - Scène entre Peeta et Katniss dans la grotte par MainstayPro Vidéo cinetvbuzz sélectionnée dans Cinéma Let me know what you think!...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

City of Fallen Angels News!

Alright guys, you must know by now what a huge fan of Cassandra Clare I am, so I’m really excited with her upcoming release, City of Fallen Angels! The first chapter, in it’s integrity, is now available on the official website, and I won’t lie I haven’t read it, ok ok I read the first paragraphs to pick an excerpt for you *g* but I won’t read more! You say what? Well it’s just more teasing than I can handle, so I’ll wait nicely until I can read...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

In My Mailbox

Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =) Here are the books I got in the last two weeks! I also put in my word regarding the latest IMM drama. For Review: Hounded by Kevin Hearne [ Amazon | Kindle | Book Depository ] Thank you Del Rey! The Sweet Scent of Blood by Suzanne McLeod [ Amazon |  Book Depository ] Thank you Penguin! The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kindle Deals!

I was shopping books for my kindle this morning, and I found some awesome deals I had to share with you! First stop, some free books!                         Dead Witch Walking is the first book in The Hollows series, so here’s a chance to see if you like it! Cat Calls is a short story from Cynthia Leitich Smith that’s part of her Tantalize, Eternal, and Blessed series. Darcula .. well do you really need an explanation? *winks*...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cover Reveal: Supernaturally by Kiersten White

Kiersten just revealed the cover of Supernaturally, the second book in her debut series. I really liked the first book, Paranormalcy and you can read my review here if you wish =) Now I won’t make you wait any longer, here are both covers side by side! I love that they used the same model, and that the cover still have the same feel to it. Still flowers in the front and the same details around the title. Love it! And the color scheme is even...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Mage in Black by Jaye Wells

Sabina Kane doesn't have the best track record when it comes to family. After all, her own grandmother, leader of the vampire race, wants her dead. So when she arrives in New York to meet her mage relatives, the reunion puts the fun in dysfunctional. Not only is mage culture completely bizarre, but everyone seems to think she's some kind of 'Chosen' who'll unite the dark races. Sabina doesn't care who chose her, she's not into destiny. But the...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Movie Review: I Am Number Four

Thanks to Harper Collins Canada I had the chance to see I Am Number Four tonight, at the media premiere, and I wasn’t disappointed! The opening scene is breath-taking and the whole story goes by at the speed of light. I went with a couple of friends, and one of them mentioned she thought the beginning was a bit slow because John (Alex Pettyfer) moves in a new town, is the new guy at school etc. But I think it was necessary means to introduce the...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Free ebook!

I just discovered on twitter that Diane Duvall’s book Darkness Dawns is free on kindle right now! Make sure you get your copy! Diane will be part of the Paranormal Spring Break, so why not get your hands on a copy while it’s free! *winks*...

Sweet Venom Cover Reveal!

Tera Lynn Childs called to all bloggers a while ago to help reveal the cover of the first book, in her new Medusa Girls series: Sweet Venom. So I jumped on the occasion! Good Reads’ description is: New series, in which triplet descendants of Medusa learn they are destined to guard the door between the world of monsters and the world of men – pitched as a mythological Charmed. The official blurb isn’t available yet, but the promotional book...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Guest Blog + Giveaway with Melissa de la Cruz

Creating Oliver, A Girl's Best Friend by Melissa de la Cruz When I first imagined the character of Oliver Hazard-Perry, I knew certain things about him from the beginning: that he was Schuyler's best friend, that he was a quiet, sarcastic, artsy guy, who preferred shopping to lacrosse, and was cool and rich enough to hang with the in-crowd, and yet preferred to throw spitballs at the in-crowd from the sidelines. I picked his last names...