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Friday, August 22, 2014

The Perilous Sea by Sherry Thomas

During the summer Titus and Iolanthe were forced by out of control circumstances to be apart and now that school starts again, they will finally, they hope, be together once more.

The Perilous Sea was quite different from The Burning Sky, because of the stakes, the emotions and all, but particularly because of its format. The narration alternated between the present and the past, starting with a weird present event that filled me with a raw need to know how the hell did this happen. This is the kind of book you simply can't put down because you need to know what is currently happening and how it came to be. Each chapter also ends on a little cliff-hanger, forcing you to read faster so you can come back to this timeline. The plot of this novel simply flew by and it was over before I realized it.

Speaking of the plot, poor Titus lives a heart-wrenching situation, shaking  his entire belief system and forcing him to review every decisions he has made thus far in his life. His troubles really broke my heart and at times I wanted to shake some sense into him because he just wouldn't see what was right in front of him... Iolanthe. She was amazing once again, facing every event -past and present - with focus and pure determination. I hope her good heart will be rewarded in the end, god knows she, and Titus, deserve an happy ending.

An aspect of this novel I particularly liked is that fewer secondary characters are involved, thus allowing focus on some of them. We get to know Wintervale and Kashkari much better and I liked that they played bigger roles this time around. I really liked the latest and I want to know more!

The Perilous Sea does not suffer from the second book curse, thank goodness. It is full of adventure and angst and even though we still have a bunch of questions by the end, many we had after reading the first book were answered. I'm sure the majority of you will find this installment quite satisfying and will crave the last in the trilogy just as much as I do.

The fantasy series has an interesting magic system with an harry-potter like hidden-from-human-world magical status. I'm sure adult and young adults alike will enjoy it intricacy and spectacular adventures.


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

8 People left their mark' :

  1. Wow... I wish someone would give me a free copy for review purposes :D But, somehow the plot of this series did not encourage me to read it :( I think I'l pass on this one :P

  2. It does sound nice Tynga, adding it to my wishlist.

  3. I hope youll enjoy it! Make sure you get the first book first :)

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