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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"When I'm not writing" with Rod Duncan

Today's guest is Angry Robot author Rod Duncan, who wrote one of the best books I've read this summer, THE BULLET-CATCHER'S DAUGHTER. I'm delighted he was able to accept my invitation to visit the blog and tell us a little bit about what he does when he's not writing.

Welcome, Rod!

"When I'm not writing" logo


Box sets. There is so much good drama being produced for television these days that I can’t keep up with it all. We seem to be entering a golden age. Right now I’m just about to start season 2 of Breaking Bad. I loved Carnivalé and The Hour and Peaky Blinders and Top of The Lake.  And... and...

Walking in the countryside. I live on the edge of Leicester in the English midlands. There is a beautiful area of mixed woodland and heath just a couple of miles away. To go for a walk there with my family is a joy. It is different every season but always beautiful. We’re now starting to find paths between the different parks and woods. I would like to do a walk that connects them all up. But someone will need to be there with a car when I get to the other end because I’ll be exhausted.

Cooking. I can’t eat anything with gluten and my wife can’t eat anything with chilli. So that restricts what I can serve up for the family. But challenges are good. It is a special feeling to see everyone tucking in and enjoying what you have just cooked.

AgricolaBoard games. I really enjoy playing new board games are figuring them out. Unfortunately I don’t get to do this nearly enough. The times when we are all available are limited. Agricola is sitting next to me as I write, just waiting to be played.

Computer games. Gamers I know despair of me for still playing the old turn-based simulation game, Civilization III. I’m also a fan of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask and others in the series. Perhaps that makes me a retro gamer. But compared to playing Spacewar on a PDP computer in the early 70s – which is where I started – I feel bang up to date.

Time with friends and family. I put this last but it could be first or in the middle because it infuses and enriches every other activity.


Thanks so much for visiting us, Rod! For more about Rod and his books, check out the following links:

Website |  Twitter


Here's the scoop on THE BULLET-CATCHER's DAUGHTER:

The Bullet-Catcher's Daughter by Rod Duncan (Fall of the Gaslit Empire #1)

Elizabeth Barnabus lives a double life – as herself and as her brother, the private detective. She is trying to solve the mystery of a disappearing aristocrat and a hoard of arcane machines. In her way stand the rogues, freaks and self-proclaimed alchemists of a travelling circus. But when she comes up against an agent of the all-powerful Patent Office, her life and the course of history will begin to change. And not necessarily for the better…

Jenn's thoughts

Pre-order: Amazon | Book Depository


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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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