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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Giveaway: The Strange Maid by Tessa Gratton

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We won't be having our usual WINW post today. Instead, thanks to the folks at Random House Children's Books, we've got one copy of THE STRANGE MAID, the second book in Tessa Gratton's United States of Asgard series.  Here's a description of the series from the publicist:

Set in the original, stunning world of the United States of Asgard, where the Norse gods are celebrities in an alternate modern America, the first four books follow different protagonists around the same critical moment—the disappearance of Baldur and the plans of Freya, who controls fate. The fifth and final book brings the protagonists together for a culminating adventure.

 Sounds good, right? Here's the scoop on THE STRANGE MAID:

The Strange Maid by Tessa Gratton (United States of Asgard #2)In the United States of Asgard, cell phones, rock bands, and evangelical preachers coexist with dragon slaying, rune casting, and sword training in schools. The president runs the country alongside a council of Valkyrie, gods walk the red carpet with Hollywood starlets, and the U.S. military has a special battalion dedicated to eradicating Rocky Mountain trolls.

Every day, Signy Valborn gets up and puts on a Valkyrie costume to entertain the tourists who travel north to the icy island of Vinland. She also helps Ned Unferth, a handsome young troll hunter, terrify the tourists by putting his tame mountain troll through its paces. Then Baldur’s Night arrives, when the United States’ most popular god, Baldur the Beautiful, rises from the ashes, escaping Hel to live among them for the spring and summer months. But this year, Baldur doesn’t rise.

Amid the confusion, a band of mountain trolls attacks and destroys Signy’s town. Ned and his troll are not among the dead, but they’re nowhere to be found. As Signy sets out to search for them, she leaves behind everything she’s ever known to discover what fate the gods have in store for her.

Wildly entertaining and filled with intrigue and adventure, THE STRANGE MAID is a fast-paced, compelling story. Fans of Neil Gaiman, Holly Black, and Maggie Stiefvater, as well as new readers, will embrace the richly drawn, Norse-influenced alternate world of the United States of Asgard.

Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tessa GrattonTESSA GRATTON has wanted to be a paleontologist or a wizard since she was seven. She was too impatient to hunt dinosaurs, but is still searching for someone to teach her magic. After traveling the world with her military family, she acquired a BA (and the important parts of an MA) in gender studies, and then settled down in Kansas with her partner, her cats, and her mutant dog.

Website | Twitter



Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

7 People left their mark' :

  1. Congrats to Sarah on the new release!!! I think this sounds awesome :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds fascinating and intriguing. thanks.Interesting that she lived in Can. especially Nfld. which is unique.

  3. I love Tessa Gratton's books. I was able to get an e-galley of this, but had trouble reading it on my Nook for some reason. I really, really want to read it, so would love to win the copy!

  4. sounds like an interesting series!!
    I have to get the 1st book!!!

    thank you for the giveaway!!

  5. Thanks so much for the giveaway!! Can't wait to read the book sounds great!<3

  6. The book sounds awesome and I'm looking forward to reading this author.
    Thanks :)

  7. I have never read any books by this author but this book sure sounds interesting.
