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Friday, November 22, 2013

Novella November: Home For the Holidays by Jeaniene Frost

This novella was originally released as part of the 'A Bite Before Christmas' anthology (and this is how I read it) but has recently been released as an ebook, so you can now pick up this story only if you wish!

Home For the Holidays features the whole gang! Cat & Bones receive their friends & family (namely Ian, Spades, Denise, Annette, Mencheres & Kara) for the weekend, to celebrate Bones birthday & Thanksgiving. Turkey is on the menu, even though most of them don't eat, but Annette as a very special gift for Bones: A long lost family member he had no idea existed.

I really enjoyed this story because the whole gang falls victim to Bones' brother and it falls on the shoulders of Cat, Denise & Ian to save the day, because they somehow resisted to Wraith's treachery. I've always liked Ian despite he depraved ways and it was nice to see him somewhat get along with Cat. He finally got to shine and prove he was a vampire of worth even though his morals are questionable at best.

I also enjoyed that Cat & Bones weren't all lovey-dovey in this story (due to circumstances) because it was something that started to displease me in the latest novels of the series.

Even though it's a short story, the plot line was interesting, engrossing and developed enough to give the reader a sense of suspense. True to herself, Jeaniene ended this story with a bang (quite literally) and the conclusion satisfied me.

The seventh, and last, book in the series is scheduled for January 2014 so I can't tell you if reading the novella is necessary to the series. I'm guessing it's not mandatory, but since the events might have a big impact on what's to come, Frost will most likely refer to them. Why not pick it up though if you're a fan of the series? It will give you something to sink your teeth into while waiting for the grand finally!


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

2 People left their mark' :

  1. Jessica @ a GREAT read22 November 2013 at 09:48

    Ooh nice review!! I am almost finished with this one myself! I thought Jeaniene said it would be helpful if readers read this one before the last book, I think that was the reason to prompt me to buying this novella only since at the time I didn't want to buy a whole anthology. I am definitely enjoying it so far! Only a few chapters left...not sure how many kindle pages that equals.

    Loving Ian too! I've definitely had a soft spot for him since we met him. He's funny and can be quite rude and crude, but I love him still!

    Nice review! Mine will likely be up tomorrow sometime if you wanted to check it out. ;)

  2. Thanks Jessica! I'm glad you're enjoying it too!

    I really hope Ian gets his own novel someday :)
