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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"When I'm not writing" with Sonya Clark

Trancehack by Sonya Clark (Magic Born #1)This week, we're hosting Sonya Clark for "When I'm not writing". I reviewed TRANCEHACK a little while ago and thoroughly enjoyed it so I'm thrilled to have her visiting the blog. Check out what Sonya does when she's not working on her next novel.


"When I'm not writing" logo

For several years now, I’ve put a great deal of energy into writing. Being a published author was something I’d wanted most of my life, so when I finally made the decision to really go for it, I put as much of myself as I could into writing. When I had my daughter, I refocused my energy into putting her first, along with my husband and our home and family life. Still, every spare moment beyond that was spent writing, editing, blogging, and other things that fall under the heading of Being An Author.

But then the burn-out hit, and I had to make some changes or go crazy. I needed something other than writing to do, at least some of the time. The first thing I thought of was something I’d been really interested in for a while, so I finally took the plunge. The heroine in Trancehack, Calla, designs jewelry because I thought that would be a cool thing to do. A couple of years ago I made a bracelet under the guidance of my sister-in-law, who had the tools and the know-how. I really enjoyed it, and when it came time to flesh out Calla’s life and story, it was the first thing that came to mind. But I never tried it for myself, even though I really wanted to.


So recently I just decided to go ahead and do it - I bought a few tools and beads and accessories and started making bracelets. I don’t know if I’ll be any good at this, but it’s enjoyable and I’m having fun. I like having something creative to do that’s different from writing. It’s also nice to have a project finished in an hour or so, as opposed to months. The bracelets I’ve made so far aren’t very fancy, but that’s okay. I’m learning.

At sixteen months, my daughter is too young for this kind of thing now. She currently favors the cute little plastic bangles in pastel shades that you can find for very young girls. I look forward to making bracelets and necklaces for her when she’s old enough to wear them.

Other than spending time with my family and this new foray into jewelry-making, the rest of my time away from the keyboard is spent reading, watching Supernatural and Sleepy Hollow, and thinking up the next story.

Thank you for inviting me to the blog!


Thanks so much for visiting us, Sonya! For more Sonya, visit her:

Website | Facebook | Twitter


Here's the scoop on TRANCEHACK:

Trancehack by Sonya Clark (Magic Born #1)It's 2065. Those born with magic abilities live in government-run zones, without rights or freedoms. Fear of magic created this segregated world and fear keeps it intact.

A high-profile murder brings Detective Nathan Perez to Magic Born Zone 13. He's had little experience with the Magic Born and isn't sure what to expect during his first encounter with a witch, but he never thought he'd be so drawn to her.

Trancehacker Calla Vesper uses magic to break into computers and aid the Magic Born underground. She has no interest in helping a cop, even if he is smoking-hot, but money's tight and Nate offers a tidy amount for help navigating the Zone. Calla's determined to keep it all business, but sparks start flying before the investigation even gets started.

When Calla's trancehacking and Nathan's investigation uncover a conspiracy, Calla becomes a target. Nate can protect her by keeping her role a secret--but then who will protect Nate?

Jenn's thoughts

Read an excerpt

Purchase: Amazon


Do you guys have suggestions for who you’d like to see featured on the blog? If so, you can make your suggestions on this page. No guarantees that your favourite authors will be able to participate but we’ll try!

Authors, would you like to visit  us? Please email me at jenn (at) tyngasreviews (dot) com and we’ll set it up!


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

2 People left their mark' :

  1. Thanks for visiting! I'm looking forward to your next book. :)
