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Friday, November 08, 2013

Novella November: The Assassin and the Empire by Sarah J Maas

The Assassin and the Empire is the last of a series of four novellas taking place before the first book in the series, Throne of glass.

Sam & Celaena are in love and want to leave town, but if they don't want to live their lives as fugitives, they have to strike a deal with the Assassin's Guild and the price will be a steep one. Even steeper than the astounding number the leader is asking for, but our heroes will find out the hard way...

I've already read the first three novellas as well as the first two books in the series, which gave me a very interesting perspective. I truly enjoyed discovering about the lovers, especially knowing what came next. Even though I knew the final outcome of the installment, I enjoyed discovering the particulars, and I was simply hooked to the pages. That's just how enticing Maas' writing is.

Another element I particularly liked is that reading those novellas provides the readers with the exact events that brought Celaena to become the person she is in Throne of Glass. See, the girl from the novellas, and the girl from the series is completely different. The Novellas are a tale of hope, love, betrayal and grief, which explains our hero's behaviors later in the series.

The plot proved to be exciting and engrossing. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and felt the weight of grief right by Celaena's side. The emotions were honest and raw and I truly enjoyed it.

I strongly urge you to read the four novellas in the series because even though they aren't absolutely necessary to your enjoyment of the series, it will definitely enhance your experience. Miss Maas often refers to events happening in the stories, and having read them will enlighten those moments.


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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