**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Claimed by Evangeline Anderson

To find that yourself in a position to aid in the understanding between your own culture and another can have its own reward. If it comes with a price equal to or less than your own gain, the rewards should be even greater. Then why does Olivia balk at being a part of a bridge between two cultures when she has so much to gain? Well, it might be the price of only rarely seeing her family, to include her fraternal twin sister. It may also be the other culture, who is from another world. An even greater disincentive might be she is expected to be not so much an ambassador, but a bride to a rather large warrior.

This is familiar, though not overly abused, story of two complete different people reluctantly bound by fate. We get to discover an alien race and culture alongside a woman who was thrust into it without warning. This story has many of the common pitfalls in store for Olivia though, many are approached uniquely enough to make them feel newer. We also get to see and feel the personal struggles of some of our characters as events unfold and easier and safer routes seem to appear but, those opportunities often run counter the characters beliefs, convictions or goals.

The main characters of Olivia, her sister Sophia and Baird and his brother inhabit most of the scenes and so, are the most developed in the book. As time goes on, through flashback we are given glimpses into their lives. These flashbacks start to answer many question they (and we) have of the others. Some of the exposition felt a little uneven to me. Much of what was given up in the first few chapters could have been teased out throughout the book to add to the drama.

This book has a significance I had not expected. I am accustomed to books with some steamy love scenes that include frank descriptions of sex. What I did not expect from this book was how frank and how often the subject was brought up. The phrases run from the somewhat clinical to euphemistic to plain vulgar. Now, I’m no prude and I offer this story, Kryptische, as proof. It was written by the author as a companion piece to my last year’s Camp NaNoWriMo novel. When I read it, I thought it wasn’t too bad even though my novel is much tamer. Point being, I can not only endure but enjoy a well-crafted sex scene. These came off tepid to me because of the constant vulgarity. It’s likely a matter of taste or maybe I’m just that jaded.

Claimed is an entertaining book with a very intriguing premise. The idea of two very divergent races with needs the other can fulfill if they can work past their differences is a timely tale no matter when it is told. This is not one for anybody younger than 18 and get a definite X rating for language and sexual content.


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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3 People left their mark' :

  1. Hummm interesting! I'll check it out :) thx for the geat review Robert :)

  2. Thanks, Daniela. I hope you let me know what you think.

  3. Good thoughts on this one. I actually really enjoyed this one.
