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Friday, August 13, 2010

My Shelves

An eternity ago, ok 8 months ago… I posted pictures of my book shelves and I was asked to post an update. My TBR shelf was already big back then, but right now it’s down right scary!

BTW You can click on images to make them bigger.

Let’s start with my “Read Shelf”

Here’s a close up:

As you can see I don’t really have a system, except that I try to keep series together, same size together and adult vs YA together.


Now the scary part… My TBR Shelves, yeah that’s right, plural!

And the close up of the first shelf,

Sorry the lighting isn’t that great for that shelf =/

And like this wasn’t enough here some more books that didn’t fit on the shelves


So that’s it! I have a monster amount of books to read, but you never know when the end of the world is gonna come and you won’t be able to buy anymore books. It’s like my survival kit lol


Feel free to leave a comment!

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

28 People left their mark' :

  1. Wow, your shelves are so pretty. I want mine to look like that:)

  2. So beautiful! If you ever want to see mine I have 3 *snort* yup, 3 posts about them! HAHA! I keep my YA separate from my adult books as well, and I keep paranormal/urban fantasy separate from my contemporary/fiction/romance... books! HAHA!

  3. Your shelves are wonderfull!!! in my library I must put book in two lines and so a lot are covered by others :(

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry sorry. Had to laugh! That's a whole hell of a lot of books you have to read :) I thought my 30 books in my to be read pile were a lot! Have fun reading them, you have some great titles in there!

  5. Great book! And all organized too! I love you keep everything separated.

  6. Tynga,

    Your shelves are neat and organized. :)

    I have 4 book cases of 'tbr' books. One book case for my thriller/mystery/sci-fi's. Two for my PNR, UF and Romantic Suspense and one more for my YA.

    They are as neat as can be with 200 or so books on them. :)

    Have a great weekend.


  7. Now that's a lot of books Michelle. YOu make me feel better about my BTR pile lol

  8. It looks awesome!
    I wish I had at least one little shelve! My books are screaming for one!

  9. Your shelves give me warm fuzzies...and they make me feel better about my own TBR pile :)

  10. I am overcome with jealousy. Haha, your collection is amazing, gosh! And good luck with your TBR pile (obvious understatement.)

    I like it!

  11. I have 340 books in my TBR pile...@.@

  12. Thank you for posting the pictures :) Having that many books can be kind of daunting but at least you should be able to find something to read. This year I've been cutting back on what I buy so my TBR-pile only has 4 books so I've found myself rereading books a lot.

  13. I don't feel so bad about my TBR pile now lol. I'm glad to know other people out there buy books as frequently as I do. My book shelf isn't as full as yours, but it's slowly getting there. It truly is an amazing collection.


  14. I counted and resorted and have almost 300 in the MMPB, Trade PB and HB books on my TBR shelves in the living room right behind my reading recliner. I have 12 e-books on my Nook app on my IMAC computer and 31 e-books on my Kindle App on my IMAC and not sure how many of the PDF free books in my document files on my IMAC so all total probably close to 4-500 books to read with all my freebies.....

    I have a serious ongoing problem that I love to add to!!

    Very nice assortment of some awesome reads Tynga and thanks for sharing the pretties with us!

    jackie ^_^

  15. you make me look illiterate :P

  16. While checking out your shelves--mentally pointing out the ones I have, want to have, and memorizing the ones I didn't--I was calculating how much I needed to give my little piles of books a bit of dignity by buying them a shelf and getting them out of the box in my closet =p

    It's so pretty I'd stared at it all day long. ^_^

  17. AWESOME. Wish i can go there and browse...

  18. Oh my! I am extremely jealous you have Nevermore!

  19. I have toddlers (grandchildren) that come around a lot - so we're always counting things (doesn't every body?)

    Of course, I wanted to COUNT all the books in your TBR shelveS. But I was too sleepy...so I just estimated...Girl, you have over 220 books to read!!!!!!

    have fun! :)

    p.s. I think I have about 150 alltogether...maybe 70 of them I'm interested in.....maybe only 50. :)

  20. Look like a bookstore!! How fun that must be when you're going to choose your next read. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Really organized whoa lucky you got behemoth i can't wait for zombies vs unicorns thanks for sharing

  22. I don't have a "real" system in place either. I do have one bookcase for my "read" pile and another for my TBR pile. Then I pretty much group the hardbacks together, series together and I try to separate my YA from adult books. Then I have a section of books I want to get to ASAP.

    How funny! I have Lover Mine and Dead in the Family in my TBR pile too. I got both books as soon as they released but haven't been able to read them yet. So sad!

    I spy Nicholas Sparks books!!! :D

    Why is City of Ashes on top on books instead of in that open spot with the rest of the series?!! <---Sorry, that was my OCD side speaking out.

  23. The Book Vixen - HAHA Good question, well if you noticed, I have all the TMI series in paperback next to CA and City of Ashes is the only book I have in Hardcover, and it didn't sit nicely next to the others HAHA. I think I will get the entier series in Hardcover because I like it so much, so eventually they will all be re-united lol

  24. Your shelves are gorgeous - and so neat! Love it!

  25. OMG! And I thought I had problems with my TBR pile, yours are HUGE XD

  26. Omigosh! You have so many books and they're so organised too! My books are overflowing and I kinda figured that my shelf is too small =P Roughly estimating I think I have about 800 books, not much compared to yours! I spy Crescendo! *dies*
