**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Stacking The Shelves [173]

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


 Happy Saturday everyone!  Here in my corner of NC, it's the last weekend before school starts!  (Some private and charter schools began this past week, too.)  I feel like most of "my" teens at the library are ready to be back in school, seeing their friends... even if they're not in the most studious frame of mind yet!

Myself:  I started grad school this week!  I'm pursuing a Masters of Library and Information Science, which will make me a legit Librarian.  (Right now I'm officially a Teen Library Services Specialist.  A mouthful.)  I'm also getting ready for all kinds of fun fall programs at the library, and trying to decide with the hubby whether or not to take a fall getaway to the mountains.  Who's ready for pumpkin spice everything?  ;)

eARC for Review

Pound for Pound Shannon Kopp

Pound for Pound: A Story of One Woman's Recovery and the Shelter Dogs Who Loved Her Back to Life by Shannon Kopp--now that I'm a dog owner myself, I love love love books about dogs helping people!  (My dog, btw, only ate half of one library book since my last Stacking the Shelves post.  An improvement.)


Overcoming Life's Challenges Bill Crowder Captive Sarah Fine Journal of George Washington 1754

Overcoming Life's Challenges: Lessons From the Life of Joseph by Bill Crowder

Captive by Sarah Fine (my first ebook purchase!  I've only downloaded freebies before this.)

George Washington's Journal for 1754  by George Washington  (love love love G.W. books!)


Respectable Sins Jerry Bridges March Geraldine Brooks Good and Cheap Leanne Brown Voice on the Radio Caroline B. Cooney Go Set a Watchman Harper Lee Penguins with People Problems Laura Mary Philpott Dodger Terry Pratchett Ana of California Andi Teran

Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate by Jerry Bridges (already read this & it was SO. GOOD.)

March by Geraldine Brooks (I had tried to download the audiobook, and started listening, and it failed about 1/3 of the way in.  So I had to request the hard copy from my library.)

Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day by Leanne Brown (who doesn't want to eat on $4/day?)

The Voice on the Radio by Caroline B. Cooney  (I read the first two books in this series as a teen and loved them, so for nostalgia's sake I downloaded the audiobook of the third one:  such a good life decision!  I'm loving it.  The whole story came right back to me!)

Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee (so much buzz!  Will it live up?)

Penguins With People Problems by Mary Laura Philpott  (adorable!  And humorous!  I already read & recommended to my sister, as we're both already fans of a similar book, Going for the Bronze.)

Dodger by Terry Pratchett  (this one is taking me longer than I'd like to read, considering it's YA.  But it's Terry Pratchett, so every page is enjoyable, and I've literally laughed out loud a few times.)

Ana of California by Andi Teran (I love love love love Anne of Green Gables, and this is a modern retelling.  CANNOT wait to try it!)

And you?  What books are you stacking this weeks?  Click on the link to join the fun!

[inlinkz_linkup id=556341]

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

48 People left their mark' :

  1. I can't see the usual linkup on this, is that me or is it actually missing?

    I don't know if I want to read Go Set A Watchman! I mean, it's bound to be interesting, but it's really an older draft of Mockingbird that was rejected... I'm not sure how good it's going to be!

  2. There is no link, Nikki's right. This is starting to become a common issue on these STS posts.

  3. I loved Little Women, I hope you enjoy March! Rest of your haul is pretty cool, hope the rest are as enjoyable too!

  4. Nice haul! I have yet to read any Terry Pratchett but i plan to start soon and have borrow a couple from the library to read. You can find mt STS post here: http://www.sapphireddragon.com/2015/08/stacking-shelves-32.html

    have a great week and happy reading :-)

  5. Ooh, good luck with grad school! That cheap eats book sounds good, I always do budget food but it's nice to find recipes that take that into account!

    Here's my StS post: The Book Bundle


  6. I will definitely read Go Set a Watchman.

  7. My first time participating :) Will check back later for the linky... Thanks!!

  8. Here's my link up http://jmadele.blogspot.com.au/2015/08/stacking-shelves-173.html

  9. http://eviloverlordthoughts.com/weekly-recap-822/

    Can't see the linky.

  10. OOh nice! These are mostly new to me reads! Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. My STS is here: http://collettaskitchensink.blogspot.com/2015/08/stacking-shelves-82215.html

  12. Congrats on starting grad school!!!

  13. http://www.shellsstories.com/2015/08/stacking-shelves-gena-showalter-edition.html?m=1

    My StS

  14. Good luck with Grad School. Great selection of books!

    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  15. Nothing there that really catches my eye, but enjoy your books.

  16. I hope you enjoy all your new lovelies and good luck with school! (I think a fall trip to the mountains is a spectacular idea!)

    My StS

  17. I got Ana of California this week also. I still need to read Go Set A Watchman. Honestly, I'm scared to start it. Happy reading!

  18. I really need to read Go Set A Watchman! I hope that you enjoy your books this week! Happy Reading.

  19. Anne of Green Gables is one of my all-time favorites. So I'm super intrigued by Ana of California!

  20. So very sorry, all! There was a tiny formatting problem, and the link didn't show up. It's there now!

  21. Nikki, it's not just you! There was a small formatting error, and that stopped it from showing up. Thank you for your patience!

  22. So very sorry! A small formatting error stopped it from showing up. It's up now! Thank you for your patience!

  23. Nikks, thanks for leaving your link! Great post. The official linksy is up now if you'd like to join that way too. Thank you for your patience!

  24. Alisa, thank you for leaving your link here! After fixing a small formatting error, the official linksy is up now, if you'd like to contribute there too.

  25. Danielle, the linksy is up now! My apologies; when I set the post last night there was a small formatting error that prevented it from showing up. Welcome to Stacking the Shelves!

  26. Jen Adele, thanks for leaving your link! The official linksy is up now too, if you'd like to join there. Thank you for your patience!

  27. Elizabeth, my apologies. I set up the post late last night and a small formatting error made a huge difference in the post- the linksy didn't show up right away! It's corrected now. Thank you for leaving your link, and for you patience.

  28. Colletta, thank you for leaving your link! The official linksy is up now, too, if you'd like to leave your link there as well.

  29. Rachelle, thank you for leaving your link! The official linksy is up now, if you'd like to join there as well. My apologies for the delay!

  30. Christina, thank you for leaving your link! The official linksy is up now; I do apologize--seems I tried to put up the post too late at night and a small formatting error meant that the linksy button didn't show up! But it's corrected now.

  31. Genesis, thank you for leaving your link! The official linksy is up now as well. My apologies- I made a small formatting error, and the button didn't show up! Must pay better attention to detail next time I host! Happy Saturday!

  32. I am excited for Ana of CA, hopefully, I'll have room for her soon in among all the ARCs and books I'm reading to finish up my challenges. Good luck with the start of your schoolyear.

  33. Awesome haul of books. A lot of them are books I hadn't heard of. Yes, to Pumpkin Spice everything. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  34. Thanks for letting me know! I understand all too well how that can happen. I've done it plenty of times myself, so no worries! <3

  35. Good Saturday morning, Marie. Hope you enjoy your stint in graduate school. I took some graduate library science classes several years ago and loved being back in school. It's going to be a high priority when I retire! Until then, I'm reading. Interesting combination of books you've picked up this week. I adored Dodger -- I picked it up for free in this summer's SYNC audiobook give-away of YA titles. Since you're so fond of YA literature, you might check out this program.

  36. Oh, library science sounds like a blast! Good luck with school! I buy so many ebooks that I'm shocked when I hear people have never purchase a single ebook. lol

    I hope you enjoy your haul!

  37. Congrats on starting school, and good luck :) This is my first week taking part in Stacking The Shelves!

    I'm ready for some pumpkin spice, although it's always a bit weird having pumpkin pie, smores...and Florida sunshine with all green trees O.o I'm originally from England, and still not really used to no seasons lol!

  38. Thanks :) I'm excited to be participating in STS!

  39. I'm so scared to read Go Set Watchmen because To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books. What if it doesn't live up to it? I'm sure I'll get around to reading it eventually. I'm just not in a hurry to start it yet, especially with the mixed reviews.

  40. Congrats on grad school! Enjoy...and have fun with your new books, too.

  41. Awesome Haul, Marie! If you liked Pound for Pound you may also enjoy Rescuing Sprite. I have to read such books in moderation. When I read them, it seems to stir up the dust around me which makes my eyes water. Honestly, it's the dust that does it ;)

  42. I haven't read Go set a watchman yet and I don't know if I'm going to read it but I hope you love it! Happy reading :)

  43. Good luck with your Master's! I'm sure it will totally be worth it. I was so gad when I got mine. Although I didn't already have a library job, and it took a while for me to get one, so you're ahead of where I was!

  44. I took the plunge and started my first Stacking the Shelves! I am so excited to join the ranks... Thanks for hosting.

  45. Very interesting and varied book haul. Hope Go Set A Watchman lives up to your expectations. Enjoy! :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  46. Those books are looking very interesting.
    I hope they are great reads.


    Here is my STS

  47. Marie,

    I just wanted to wish you luck in your pursuit of your Master's Degree. What school are you attending? I'm finishing up my last quarter at Drexel this fall, and I'm excited to start looking for a library job.

    I hope you have the best time in your classes. They are a lot of work, but rewarding in the end!
