Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————This week I only got 2 books, but they were both books that I was looking so...
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I'm super excited about today's post because we are doing the exclusive cover reveal for Yolanda Sfetsos' next Sierra Fox novel, TORN FROM THE SHADOWS. I've loved this series since I discovered it and I was thrilled when Yolanda offered us the opportunity to do this reveal because I'm such a fan of her work.Without further ado, here is the absolutely gorgeous cover for TORN FROM THE SHADOWS, Sierra's fourth outing! The cover art is by...
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Hello Guys!Daring You To Read has been running since October 2011 and even though it's been a pleasure to present you our favorite series, we are quite honestly running out of dare ideas. For this reason, Daring You to Read is going into hiatus status for the moment and will most likely make a come back a in while :) This'll give us some time to discover new favorites to share with you!In the mean time, we are thinking of new possible features to...
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I've heard so many amazing things about Parallel, and going into reading it, I was worried that maybe I would be disappointed. But thankfully, I was 100% right to be super excited to read this book. Parallel somehow managed to grab me and never let go until the very end.The characters were absolutely wonderful. Abby is unique, because she can remember the 'real' world - the world based on the choices only she has made. Everyone else seems to only...
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This week's guest is Patricia Vanasse, whose young adult novel, RESILIENT, will be out on September 2. This is her debut novel and I'm pleased to welcome her to the blog so that we can all get to know her.On a more administrative note, this is the last "When I'm not writing" post for a couple weeks. I need to be offline a bit more for the next little while and so we're going to retire the feature for a little bit. But it's a Jay-Z type retirement...
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The fourth Secret McQueen novel takes us out of New York City and into Louisiana, the seat of Secret's family's domain. (Her uncle Callum presides over the territory neighbouring Lucas' domain.) It's the first time we get to see where Secret could have grown up, if her mom wasn't such a crazy lady. It makes for a really interesting experience for Secret since she seems what life as a werewolf princess might have been like -- the good and the bad....
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THE RIVER OF NO RETURN is exactly the time of book I love to read as a summer read. It's not too heavy on the paranormal so that most of the story is about the character, but it still has enough mystical elements to be considered paranormal. The only thing I regret is not having read it sooner. The novel starts off a little slow, and it really doesn't pick up until about one quarter in. However, it's well worth the wait because it's an amazing story...
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[index-sortable covers="yes" width="50px" showreviewer="yes" showratings="n...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————I've been blessed with a nice (virtual) stack of books over the past month. As...
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I've been hanging onto that little bit of news for weeks now and it's time to finally share with you all :) Baby #2 is now underway and due March 3rd, 2013!I had an ultrasound yesterday (that's when those shots where taken) and everything seems perfectly fine!The technician wrote the gender on a piece of paper for me, but I haven't peeked yet. I can't make up my mind! lol They were wrong with their prediction for Lily-Ann (told me she was a boy)...
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Warning: Spoilers ahead if you have not read the first two books in this series. The Dark and Hollow Places lived up to every single expectation that I could have placed upon it. This series has officially gone down in my own personal hall of fame. Aside from having the most fascinating and haunting titles of any books I've read in a very long time, every single book in this series has been completely unique, and yet set within a familiar world that...
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When one of my friends found out that I obtained a copy of FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS, she insisted that I read the prequel novella before jumping into the book. When I saw that the eBook was free on iBooks, I jumped at the chance. Her claim was that Kai is infuriatingly mysterious in book one, and many aspects of his past are cleared up in the prequel. And while I can't relate to her thoughts just yet, I feel like I somehow managed to glean some...
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This week's guest is Jason M. Hough. I'm so excited to have him here since I thought his debut, THE DARWIN ELEVATOR, was fantastic. I'm quite looking forward to the second book in the Dire Earth Cycle, THE EXODUS TOWERS, which comes out next week.Jason's here today to share a bit of his non-writing life. Get ready for some adorableness! Up until a few months ago, writing had just been a hobby for me. Granted, I had a book deal and things...
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As always, I'm thrilled to have Suzanne Johnson visit Team Tynga's Reviews. I love her work as both Suzanne Johnson and Susannah Sandlin but today she's here wearing her "Johnson" hat since the third book in her Sentinel of New Orleans series, ELYSIAN FIELDS, in on the horizon. And boy, is it good!Suzanne's on tour to celebreate the release of ELYSIAN FIELDS and she's stopped by with some flash fiction set in the world of the series. There's also...
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If you've been following the blog for a while, you know that I am positively gaga for Suzanne Johnson's Sentinel of New Orleans novels. I'm head over heels in love with the world, the characters, and Johnson's clever writing. Plus, things just keep getting more and more complicated for DJ, which means the reading just gets better and better!In DJ's third outing, things are at their most tense, thanks to an undead serial killer, strained relationships,...
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Today we're participating in Gina Damico's tour for her upcoming release, ROGUE, the third book in her Croak series. It's a really fun image tour that I think you'll enjoy. Plus, Gina's graciously offering a giveaway to celebrate!Without further ado, here's Gina!---------------Hey hey Croak fans! Welcome to my blog tour / photo hunt / Roguestravaganza!From now until ROGUE's release on September 10th, each stop on the tour will reveal an...
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Whenever I try to review a Neil Gaiman book, I'm always looking for the perfect words to do it justice but it so very hard to sum up genius in just a few paragraphs. His typical books usually land in the magical realism genre and THE OCEAN AT THE END OF THE LANE is definitely a part of that genre. In this book, there's a chilling quality to his writing that makes you shiver throughout, and it leaves you wondering how close to the truth his magical...
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Hello Everyone!The move to WP is now complete and we are hard at work to edit all our past posts and reviews. If you notice any major problems, feel free to let us know!I noticed there hasn't been a single comment on the blog this past week (and we usually have multiple a day) and I am wondering if there's anything wrong with the comments I'm not aware of? I would greatly appreciate your input. If you have any issues, you can also tweet me @tyngaThank y...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Hey everyone! A short vlog for this week's Stacking the Shelves. Not too many...
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