Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =)
Thanks you S&S Canada & Round Table Companies
Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =)
Thanks you S&S Canada & Round Table Companies
Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead
Book Stats:
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Bantam
Release date: March 1st, 2011
ISBN-13: 978-0553826104
Series: Dark Swan #3
Reviewed by: Tynga
Purchase: Amazon US / CAN || Book Depository US / UK
Source: Personal Shelf
Shaman-for-hire Eugenie Markham is the best at banishing entities trespassing in the mortal realm. But as the Thorn Land’s queen, she’s fast running out of ways to end the brutal war devastating her kingdom. Her only hope: the Iron Crown, a legendary object even the most powerful gentry fear…
Who Eugenie can trust is the hardest part. Fairy king Dorian has his own agenda for aiding her search. And Kiyo, her shape-shifter ex-boyfriend, has every reason to betray her along the way. To control the Crown’s ever-consuming powers, Eugenie will have to confront an unimaginable temptation--one that will put her soul and the fate of two worlds in mortal peril…
Eugenie and Dorian’s army are fighting against Katrice’s army in a war over her son’s death. He got what he deserved if you ask the Thorn Queen, but the Rowen Queen begs to differ. Eugenie would like to stop this war and avoid losing so many lives on the battlefields but can’t find a way… until a seer brings up a mystical object. The Iron Crown. According to Dorian, it’s possession could inspire enough fear to end the hostilities. So Eugenie sets out on a quest – with unexpected back-up – to retrieve the crown. But this trip will have a lot more consequences than she expected.
Oh.My.God. Iron Crowned, my friends, is the best installment in the Dark Swan series.
Eugenie went through a rollercoaster of emotions and I have no choice but to respect how she handled things (except maybe one scene in the Honeysuckle Land, if you’ve read the book, you’ll know what I’m talking about). I think she gained a lot of maturity during this ordeal and I’m excited for the sequel. Her relationship with Jasmine took an interesting turn that I really like and saying things got complicated with Dorian and Kiyo would be an understatement. Both man, or should I say gentry?, have their flaws, and I’ve been ambivalent between the two the whole series. But once it’s all said and done, I have to side with Dorian, even though I don’t thrust him completely.
The plot was amazing. The twist and turns were completely unexpected and every element worked perfectly to create a fabulous set-up for the next book. I don’t want to go into details ‘cause it would spoil the fun, but Eugenie took a decision that will change everything.
Even though there are some battles, the action isn’t what engrossed me. The betrayals, the strong emotions and Eugenie’s turmoil is what stood out for me. Each emotion was rendered amazingly by Mead, picturing as-real-as-it-gets drama.
The Dark Swan series will forever change you perception of faeries, will you dare that that step?
My favorite quote, it’s spoilery so read at your own risks (highlight to read):
“Queen Eugenie,” he said formally. “Don’t trouble yourself over my “feelings.” Replacing you in my bed isn’t that difficult. You have too high an opinion of yourself in that regard.”
Watch me read an excerpt
Richelle talks about the book
Well there hasn’t been any cover love around here in a while, so I say we are due ^^
TRANCE by Kelly Meding (October 25th 2011 by Pocket Books), the 1st in a the new MetaWars series.
Description: Kelly Meding’s war-ravaged Los Angeles is ground zero for the ultimate Meta human showdown in this sexy, action-packed new series.
Fifteen years ago, Teresa “Trance” West was a skilled telepath and a proud member of the Ranger Corps. But ever since the Rangers were inexplicably rendered powerless at the climax of the devastating Meta War, she’s bounced from one dead-end job to another. Now her powers have reappeared just as mysteriously as they vanished— only they’re completely transformed and more potent than ever. And they’re threatening to destroy her.
Trance heads to Los Angeles to track down the surviving Rangers and discover who restored her powers—and why—but a phantom enemy is determined to kill them before they can reassemble. As they dodge his deadly attacks and come to terms with their new role as heroes, Trance and the rest of the team set out to annihilate the sinister madman . . . only to discover their own powers are his greatest weapons.Pre-order: Amazon US / CAN || Book Depository US / UK (Only 5,83$ right now!)
I think this cover is freaking awesome! I love the color scheme, the woman and her purple streaked hair. Sign me up for a copy PLEASE?
If I Die by Rachel Vincent (September 20th 2011 by Harlequin Teen), last in the Soul Screamers series.
No one wants to be this teacher’s pet . . .
Everyone else is talking about Eastlake High’s gorgeous new math teacher, Mr. Beck, but Kaylee Cavanaugh has bigger things on her mind. Kaylee’s a banshee—her scream is a portent of death.
But the next scream might hit too close to home. Kaylee’s borrowed lifeline has almost run out.
Yeah—it’s a shock to her, too. So to distract herself from her own problems, Kaylee is determined to defend her school against the latest supernatural threat. That hot new teacher is really an incubus, who feeds from the desire of unsuspecting students. The only girls immune to his lure are Kaylee and Sabine, her boyfriend’s delinquent ex-girlfriend. Now the unlikely allies have to get rid of Mr. Beck…before he discovers they aren’t quite human either.But Kaylee’s running out of time, and those who love her will do anything to save her life.
Soul Screamers: The last thing you hear before you die.
Not my favorite cover in this series, but still good enough.
Summers Crossing by Julie Kagawa
( June 1st 2011 by Harlequin Teen) eNovella you’ll be able to download online for free, for a limited time, starting June 1st.Description:
A Midsummer's Nightmare? Robin Goodfellow. Puck. Summer Court prankster, King Oberon's right hand, bane of many a faery queen's existence—and secret friend to Prince Ash of the Winter Court. Until one girl's death came between them, and another girl stole both their hearts.
Now Ash has granted one favor too many and someone's come to collect, forcing the prince to a place he cannot go without Puck's help—into the heart of the Summer Court. And Puck faces the ultimate choice—betray Ash and possibly win the girl they both love, or help his former friend turned bitter enemy pull off a deception that no true faery prankster could possibly resist. An ebook exclusive novella from Julie Kagawa's Iron Fey series.
I think it’s very pretty! Matching with the series, like the color scheme. It’s on my amazon wish list ^^
Silver-Tongued Devil by Jaye Wells (January 1st, 2012 by Orbit) Fourth installment in the Sabina Kane series.
Life is looking up for Sabina Kane. Now that her scheming grandmother is dead, the threat of war has passed and the rulers of the dark races are about to sign a treaty to ensure ongoing peace. Her relationship with sexy mage Adam Lazarus is strong and all her friends are around her. Even her magic training is progressing further than she ever expected. The only two dark spots in her otherwise settled life are her guilt over her sister Maisie's fragile mental state and Sabina's own sinking sense that she's got unfinished business with Cain, the mysterious cult leader she let get away months earlier.
When a string of murders rock the New York dark races community and threatens to stall the peace negotiations, Sabina finds herself helping to find the killer. Her investigation leads her down troubling paths that have her questioning everything – and everyone – she knows. And the closer she gets to the murderer, the more Sabina realises this is one foe she may not able to kill.
I like it, but I preferred the previous ones. I think her face is too angular and her hair is kinda weird.
Soul Thief by Jana Oliver (August 30th 2011 by St. Martin's Griffin) Second book in the Demon Trappers series
Description: Riley Blackthorne’s adventures continue in the second spellbinding Demon Trappers novel, as she battles demons… and a love that could destroy her
At the start of the second thrilling installment of the Demon Trappers series, 17-year-old Riley Blackthorne has about had it up to here. After the devastating battle at the Tabernacle, trappers are dead and injured, her sweet boyfriend Simon is gravely injured, and now her beloved late father’s been illegally poached from his grave by a very powerful necromancer. Add to the mix: Ori, one sizzling hot freelance demon hunter who’s made himself Riley’s unofficial body guard, and Beck, a super over-protective “friend” who acts more like a grouchy granddad, and Riley’s almost ready to leave Atlanta altogether.
But as the demon count in Atlanta increases, the already crippled Trappers Guild has its hands full, and, when the Vatican finally sends its own Demon Hunters to take care of the city’s “little” problem, pandemonium breaks loose. Only Riley knows that she might be the center of Hell’s attention: an extremely powerful Grade 5 demon is stalking her, and her luck can't last forever. As Riley’s life becomes a dangerous balancing act, will she be strong enough not to tip? And who will be there to catch her if she falls?
I think this cover is fa-bu-lous! I LOVE it, love the color, the girl, the whole theme is fantastic!
Which is your favorite? Which one are you most excited about?
You can once again get 10% discount on your order at Book Depository!
You can use the code as many time as you want but only once per order (it would apply the 10% discount on every books, it’s just that you can’t stack the code to have 20-30% off).
All you have to do is use this link to get to the discount page
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Then you click Get Shopping
and when you check out, use the code PPN3WS in the coupon area (at the top of your order, remember this area only appears if you used the link above)
Here’s a couple of pre-order suggestions!
Hounded- The Iron Druid Chronicles for only 5,39$ |
Hexed- The Iron Druid Chronicles for 5,39$ |
Hammered- The Iron Druid Chronicles for 5,39$ |
Hunt the Moon- A Cassie Palmer Novel for only 5,39$ |
Archangel's Blade for 5,39$ |
Trial by Fire- A 'Raised by Wolves' Novel for only 7,73$ | Original Sin for only 8,84$ | Soul Thief for only 6,75$ |
![]() Eye of the Tempest for 5,39$ | ![]() Enthralled- Paranormal Diversions for only 6,75$ | ![]() Blood Bound for 5,39$ |
![]() The Darkest Surrender for 5,39$ | ![]() Darkness Unbound- A Dark Angels Novel for 5,39$ | ![]() The Infernal Devices 02. Clockwork Prince for 8,96$ |
![]() Bloodlines for 7,65$ | ![]() Vampire Academy- The Ultimate Guide for 6,75$ | ![]() Magic Slays for 5,39$ |
I know I’ll be buying some of these!
To celebrate the release of Warm Bodies (April 26th, 2011) Isaac Marion accepted to stop by for a guest post and a giveaway! But because we get to the juicy part, here’s a bit more about the book =)
"R" is an existentially tormented zombie shuffling through an America destroyed by war, social collapse, or the plague of the Dead—he isn't sure which. He remembers nothing from before, and although he has a deep inner life full of wonder and longing, his ability to connect with the outside world is limited to a few grunted syllables. After experiencing a young man’s memories while consuming his brain, R makes an unexpected choice to rescue the boy’s
girlfriend, beginning a tense, awkward, and strangely sweet relationship that will transform R, his fellow Dead, and
perhaps their whole lifeless world.
Most zombie books, unlike yours, are not written from the point of view of a zombie – and what makes WARM BODIES even more surprising is that we find ourselves rooting for R, even though he does some bad things – like eat the brains of our heroine’s boyfriend. Can you tell us why you have a zombie as your narrator?
I'm not the first person to tell a story from a zombie's perspective, but it's definitely a less popular approach, and usually played for comedy. I think there's plenty of humor to be found in the daily life of a walking corpse, and my book does have laughs, but for me, when I imagine what it would be like to be undead, to have no memories, no sense of a past or a future or any driving reason to exist other than to kill and eat your fellow man, (or woman, or child) my first instinct isn't to tell jokes about it. Or to yell "Boo!" What I feel when I imagine being a zombie is overwhelming confusion, apathy, and loneliness. Arguably the defining emotions of modern society. The deeper I got into writing this monstrous character the more relatable he became to me, which was a surprise, and also something of a scare.
Since their pop culture debut with Night of the Living Dead (or William Seabrook's 1929 novel, The Magic Island, if you're into obscure references.) zombies have mostly been used for cheap thrills. Horror or comedy or horror-comedy. The idea of placing zombies anywhere near a story of emotional depth sounds absurd to most people. Despite their undertone of social commentary, Romero's movies are primarily about people running from, killing, and being killed by monsters. There hasn't been much attempt to explore what zombies are, much less how they think, and I think that's a wasted opportunity. I can't count how many stories have been written about the social and psychological subtext of vampires, from every imaginable perspective, and that's understandable. It's easy to write a sympathetic monster when he can be charming and mysterious and sexy despite (or because of) his questionable morals. It's much harder to build a hero out of a creature whose mind is a blank slate, whose body is repulsive, and whose thoughts on morality don't go much beyond, "I wonder why I have to eat this person?" It was an intriguing challenge.
Purists will (and have, and continue to) spew rabid froth in my direction for suggesting that zombies have thoughts at all, and I've had some astonishing conversations with people insisting that the very nature of a zombie makes it scientifically impossible for them to think, due to lack of electrical impulses in their brains...neural decay and...I give up. When the phrase "scientifically impossible" enters a conversation about magically reanimated corpses, I bow out. But a more reasonable objection might be: "Since zombies as a fictional creature are defined by their mindlessness, aren't you altering the creature beyond recognition by giving it thoughts? Aren't you writing about something else entirely?" It's a fair question, but the answer is no, because on the surface, my zombie looks no different from Romero's. He's ugly and bloodstained. He groans and shambles. He eats brains. The difference is that we see what's going on in his head while he does these things, and it turns out he's not this way because he's actually mindless. He's just so confused and apathetic, you wouldn't know the difference. He doesn't care whether or not you know he has a deep inner monologue. He just wants to eat you.
A common misconception about Warm Bodies is that it's "Twilight with zombies" and it's going to "ruin" zombies by defanging them, making them gentle lovers instead of horrific monsters. The truth is, when the story begins, all the zombies, including our narrator, are just as horrific as the ones in any horror film. It doesn't end there, and we gradually begin to sympathize with the zombies' tortured state of being, but it's not about "good zombies" and how they make great boyfriends. It's about the Dead trying to cure themselves from a deep-rooted curse and learn how to be alive again. Who's more qualified to ponder the meaning of life than a dead man? You don't know what you've got till it's gone.
Thank you very much Isaac for taking the time to stop by!
I have one (1) copy to offer to one of you!
Open to U.S. and Canada. All you have to do is leave a comment letting me know about your favorite zombies. Make sure you provide a way to contact you You can earn one (+1) extra entry for spreading the word, make sure you leave a second comment. Ends May 11th, 2011Tweet: Win a copy of Warm Bodies by @isaacinspace & read about his zombies! @Tynga #giveaway plz RT
Happy Reading!
It's now time to announce the winner of the Easter hop! There were 364 entries and the lucky winner is…
-petit said...
- I would like to get Hounded :D
Congrats girl! A copy of Hounded will be shipped to you from Book Depository!
Please email me [TyngaUF(a)] your mailing address.
After working up my courage I decided to participate in Parajunkee’s latest feature: Vlog it.
I’ll be reading an excerpt from Richelle Mead’s Iron Crowed and fear not, it’s the first pages of the book so no spoilers.
Shaman-for-hire Eugenie Markham is the best at banishing entities trespassing in the mortal realm. But as the Thorn Land’s queen, she’s fast running out of ways to end the brutal war devastating her kingdom. Her only hope: the Iron Crown, a legendary object even the most powerful gentry fear…
Who Eugenie can trust is the hardest part. Fairy king Dorian has his own agenda for aiding her search. And Kiyo, her shape-shifter ex-boyfriend, has every reason to betray her along the way. To control the Crown’s ever-consuming powers, Eugenie will have to confront an unimaginable temptation--one that will put her soul and the fate of two worlds in mortal peril…
Purchase: Amazon | Amazon CAN | Book Depository
I’d love it if you left a comment afterwards and let me know what you though of “my performance” lol
So what do you think? Should I do it again? Did I inspire you to pick the series?
Defiance by Lili St-Crow
Book Stats:
Reading level: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal
Publisher: Razorbill
Published: April 19, 2011
ISBN-13: 978-1595143921
Series: Strange Angels #4
Reviewed by: Tynga
Purchase: [Amazon | Book Depository]
Source: Review copy sent by Penguin Canada
The heart-stopping fourth novel in New York Times bestselling author Lili St. Crow's Strange Angels series.
Now that sixteen-year-old Dru's worst fears have come true and Sergej has kidnapped her best friend Graves, she'll have to go on a suicidal rescue mission to bring him back in one piece.
That is, if she can put all of Christophe's training to good use, defeat her mother's traitor, Anna, once and for all, and manage to survive another day . . .
After another svetocha tried to kill Dru, and her best friend disappears, life at the Prima schola is painful. She does her best to keep despair at bay and keep her body in motion but it’s hard. On top of it, weird events starts to happen and more attempts on her life are made. With the many betrayals she suffered, who can Dru really trust now? The only person she really trusted can’t be found…
I find it outstanding how each book in this series gets better and better every time. Defiance, the fourth installment in the Strange Angels series, raises the bar even higher.
Dru evolved so much this time around, it’s fabulous! She gets better and stronger, starts taking her own decisions and won’t take shit from anyone. She is more cautious than ever and even though people she trusted try to take advantage of her, she still has the upper hand because she gained confidence in her own abilities. Christophe will be between a rock and a hard place this time, and what happens might break it all. Dru finally gets a girl friend and I really like her, I hope we’ll see her again! Graves and Ash are amazing and stole the show from the other secondary characters. I’m anxious to see where their path will lead them.
Lilith’s writing is raw and vivid, as usual, and I really appreciate it. It’s as badass as her characters and she always keep us on our toes with her fast and furious plotting. One of the strongest aspect of this series are the fight scenes. Lilith has the amazing ability to make you feel like you’re watching an action movie. Every move is described with perfection, which allows you to have a very vivid image in your head and gets your heart pounding in your chest, leaving you breathless.
The final battle was truly epic, and so much happened so fast I was stunned. Not only the characters fight for their lives, but they take decisions that will change everything.
The Strange Angels series pictures our favorite paranormal creatures in such believable traits that you’ll find yourself wondering… And what if it’s Real?
Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =)
Here’s my vlog for this week, it’s a bit on the long side but I really wanted to show you the French edition books I bought for my mom ^^
For Review:
Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer (TY Andrea!) [Amazon | Book Depository]
Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon (TY St-Martins) [Amazon | Book Depository]
The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong [Amazon | Book Depository]
Bought for my mom:
La Fille de l’orage (Storm Born) by Richelle Mead
Lune de Sang (Nightshade) by Andrea Cremer
Morsure Secrète (A Hunger Like no Other) by Kresley Cole
La Valkyrie sans coeur (No Rest for the Wicked) by Kresley Cole
Charmes (Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night) by Kresley Cole
L’Amant Ténébreux (Dark Lover) by JR Ward
L’Amant Éternel (Lover Eternal) by JR Ward
L’Amant Furieux (Lover Awakened) by JR Ward
L’Amant Révélé (Lover Revealed) by JR Ward
L’Amant Délivré (Lover Unbound) by JR Ward
*Store name in bold means it’s the cheapest option
Here’s a whole bunch of books, each for 4$ or less, on amazon =)
Happy Reading!
The Darkest Secret giveaway, courtesy of Harlequin ended last night so it's now time to draw two lucky winners =D
And the lucky ducks are…
Cathy M said... I read a lot of paranormal romances and have many favorites that I auto-buy. Just discovered a new series by Eileen Wilks, with Rule and Lilly Yu that I am loving.
Chantel said... The Demonica series by Larissa Ione is my favourite.
Congratulation ladies! You have 72 hours to email me ( TyngaUF (AT) ) your mailing addresses =)
If you didn’t win you can always purchase it here:
Parajunkee is inviting us to share our current playlist this week, and instead of just listing titles, I’m gonna post the videos of my top three songs right now =D
I LOVE all three videos, and my favorite part in the shockwaves in the glasses of water in the first video. It’s downright cool!
So what’s on your list?
I don’t know if it’s the official cover yet, but Jennifer at Little Shelf posted a picture and excerpt of Black Heart by Holly Black she received at her signing. Take a look!
I really hope it’s the final cover, I LOVE it!
To be released in 2012 ^^
First stop a couple of 0,99$ kindle books:
And now a free kobo pre-order:
(click the image to get the free B&N edition)
The Strange Case of Finley Jayne ($2.39 Kindle) by Kady Cross, is a prequel for her Steampunk Chronicles series, the first of which, The Girl in the Steel Corset, will release Jun 1st.
And last but not least, the brand new trailer for Sharon Ashwood’s upcoming book,
Frostbound (June 7th, 2011).
Fourth book in the Dark Forgotten series
- Genre: Urban Fantasy
Paperback: 384 pages- Publisher: Signet
Published: June 7, 2011- ISBN-13: 978-0451231956
As a snowstorm locks down the city, someone beheads the wrong girl. Vampire-on-the-lam Talia Rostova thinks it was meant to be her. And now she's the prime suspect in her own botched murder and the prisoner of her smoking-hot-neighbor: a hellhound. And the hot-blooded Lore was bred to serve and protect, so he's not freeing Talia until he's sure she's the prey and not the hunter...
Amazon | Amazon CAN | Book Depository
Only 5,99$ right now on BD =)
This time it’s Prim, Katniss younger sister!
Willow Shields
Somehow I imagined Prim with bright blond hair and an angel’s face. So Willow doesn’t really fit, but maybe with makeup and everything she’ll be fine.
What do you think?
Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop
April 20th to 25th
Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
& Once Upon a Twilight
I don’t usually participate in blog hops but I decided to join the party this time around!
This giveaways is open everywhere Book Depository Ships
and one (1) winner can choose one of the following books:
Most of these books are pre-orders and will be mailed to you by Book Depository upon release.
To enter :
Leave a comment with a way to contact you, letting me know which book you’d like to win.
Additional entries:
+1 for being a GFC follower (not mandatory)
+1 for spreading the word (please provide link)
Tweet: Win your choice of 1 out of 8 Paranormal titles Open Internationally #giveaway #hop @tynga
Please leave a separate comment for each additional entry or they won’t count.
Ends April 25th EST.
Winner will be chosen using
Don’t forget to take a look at the other participating blogs for more prizes to win!