**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

In My Mailbox

Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =) Thanks you S&S Canada & Round Table Companies...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead

Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead Book Stats: Genre: Urban Fantasy Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Bantam Release date: March 1st, 2011 ISBN-13: 978-0553826104 Series: Dark Swan #3 Reviewed by: Tynga Purchase: Amazon US / CAN || Book Depository US / UK Source: Personal Shelf Shaman-for-hire Eugenie Markham is the best at banishing entities trespassing in the mortal realm. But as the Thorn Land’s queen, she’s fast running...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cover Love!

Well there hasn’t been any cover love around here in a while, so I say we are due ^^ TRANCE by Kelly Meding (October 25th 2011 by Pocket Books), the 1st in a the new MetaWars series. Description: Kelly Meding’s war-ravaged Los Angeles is ground zero for the ultimate Meta human showdown in this sexy, action-packed new series. Fifteen years ago, Teresa “Trance” West was a skilled telepath and a proud member of the Ranger Corps. But ever...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Book Depository did it again!

You can once again get 10% discount on your order at Book Depository! You can use the code as many time as you want but only once per order (it would apply the 10% discount on every books, it’s just that you can’t stack the code to have 20-30% off). All you have to do is use this link to get to the discount page (you MUST use the link, or you won’t get the option to apply the coupon when checking out) 10% off until May 16th! Then you click...

Guest & Giveaway with Isaac Marion

To celebrate the release of Warm Bodies (April 26th, 2011) Isaac Marion accepted to stop by for a guest post and a giveaway! But because we get to the juicy part, here’s a bit more about the book =) "R" is an existentially tormented zombie shuffling through an America destroyed by war, social collapse, or the plague of the Dead—he isn't sure which. He remembers nothing from before, and although he has a deep inner life full of wonder and longing,...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Hop Winner!

It's now time to announce the winner of the Easter hop! There were 364 entries and the lucky winner is… -petit said... I would like to get Hounded :D Congrats girl! A copy of Hounded will be shipped to you from Book Depository! Please email me [TyngaUF(a)gmail.com] your mailing address. ...

Vlog it–An Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead Excerpt

After working up my courage I decided to participate in Parajunkee’s latest feature: Vlog it. I’ll be reading an excerpt from Richelle Mead’s Iron Crowed and fear not, it’s the first pages of the book so no spoilers. Shaman-for-hire Eugenie Markham is the best at banishing entities trespassing in the mortal realm. But as the Thorn Land’s queen, she’s fast running out of ways to end the brutal war devastating her kingdom. Her only hope: the...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Defiance by Lili St-Crow

Defiance by Lili St-Crow Book Stats: Reading level: Young Adult Genre: Paranormal Publisher: Razorbill Published: April 19, 2011 ISBN-13: 978-1595143921 Series: Strange Angels #4 Reviewed by: Tynga Purchase: [Amazon | Book Depository] Source: Review copy sent by Penguin Canada The heart-stopping fourth novel in New York Times bestselling author Lili St. Crow's Strange Angels series. Now that sixteen-year-old...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

In My Mailbox

Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =) Here’s my vlog for this week, it’s a bit on the long side but I really wanted to show you the French edition books I bought for my mom ^^ For Review: Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer (TY Andrea!) [Amazon | Book Depository] Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon (TY St-Martins) [Amazon | Book Depository] Bought: The Gathering by Kelley...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Great Deals

Here’s a whole bunch of books, each for 4$ or less, on amazon =) Happy Reading!...

The Darkest Secret Winners

The Darkest Secret giveaway, courtesy of Harlequin ended last night so it's now time to draw two lucky winners =D And the lucky ducks are… Cathy M said... I read a lot of paranormal romances and have many favorites that I auto-buy. Just discovered a new series by Eileen Wilks, with Rule and Lilly Yu that I am loving.  Chantel said... The Demonica series by Larissa Ione is my favourite. Congratulation...

Follow Friday: My Current Playing

Parajunkee is inviting us to share our current playlist this week, and instead of just listing titles, I’m gonna post the videos of my top three songs right now =D I LOVE all three videos, and my favorite part in the shockwaves in the glasses of water in the first video. It’s downright cool! So what’s on your list?...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Black Heart Cover

I don’t know if it’s the official cover yet, but Jennifer at Little Shelf posted a picture and excerpt of Black Heart by Holly Black she received at her signing. Take a look! I really hope it’s the final cover, I LOVE it! To be released in 2012 ^^...

Books Deals + Frostbound trailer

First stop a couple of 0,99$ kindle books: And now a free kobo pre-order: (click the image to get the free B&N edition) The Strange Case of Finley Jayne ($2.39 Kindle) by Kady Cross, is a prequel for her Steampunk Chronicles series, the first of which, The Girl in the Steel Corset, will release Jun 1st. And last but not least, the brand new trailer for Sharon Ashwood’s upcoming book, Frostbound (June 7th, 2011). Fourth...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Hunger Games character was cast!

This time it’s Prim, Katniss younger sister! Willow Shields Somehow I imagined Prim with bright blond hair and an angel’s face. So Willow doesn’t really fit, but maybe with makeup and everything she’ll be fine. What do you think?...

Easter Blog Hop!

Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop April 20th to 25th Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer & Once Upon a Twilight I don’t usually participate in blog hops but I decided to join the party this time around! This giveaways is open everywhere Book Depository Ships and one (1) winner can choose one of the following books: Most of these books are pre-orders and will be mailed to you by Book Depository upon release....