**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

900 followers giveaway winner!

That’s right, it’s time to reveal the lucky winner of an ARC of Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare and a finished copy of Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost. I sorted through no less than 380 entries (I mean OMG!) and with the help of random.org the winner is… A & C Book Junkies Congrats Ashley! I’ll be mailing out your books later today =)...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Giveaway Reminder

Hello everyone! Just a little reminder so two giveaways ending very soon! First stop is my 900 followers giveaway, Ending Tonight. Because it’s a followers giveaway, You MUST be a follower (either Google or subscriber, old or new)   You must FILL THE FORM You can earn 1 extra entry for spreading the word, not mandatory. Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALY Click here to visit the original post Next is The Iron King by...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More Covers!

I don’t know if they are official yet, but I found those three covers while browsing =) First one is Entice by Carrie Jones, the third book in the Need series. Zara and Nick are soul mates, meant to be together forever. But that's not quite how things have worked out. For starters, well, Nick is dead. Supposedly, he's been taken to a mythic place for warriors known as Valhalla, so Zara and her friends might be able to get him back. But...

CSN Preferred Blogger Opportunity‏

Hey everyone! I was lucky enough to be give another opportunity to review CSNs product and I’ve browsing their inventory for a few hours (no kidding!) and I’m still not sure what I’m gonna get lol. I thought of getting a coffee maker since I don’t have one at home, then I thought maybe getting another bookshelf because I’m already running out of space but I’ve also ran out of wall to put them against haha. So I think I’m gonna surprise my bf with...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Great Deals latest additions

Hello everyone! While I keep the Great Deals master sheet updated, I will post the latest additions once in a while to make sure you don’t miss any deals =) Here’s in Alphabetical order the most recent discoveries added to the list! Title Author Format Price (US$) As of… Desires of the Dead Kimberly Derting Paperback 5,24$ 07-25-2010 Double Cross Carolyn Crane Paperback 5,99$ 07-18-2010 Mockingjay ...

Guest Post with Jocelynn Drake

  (source: Jocelynn Website) Today is the release of the much anticipated novel Wait for Dusk by Jocelynn Drake! There is no sanctuary in the night… Feared even by her own kind for her mastery of fire, the Nightwalker Mira is summoned by the Coven to take her rightful place as Elder. But with this honor comes grave responsibility—a commitment to the annihilation of the unleashed naturi. For now the foul creatures walk the earth—and...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Beautiful Monday

I am a big fan of Photography and in this feature, I will present you some pictures that I absolutely love! Please note that I do not own any copyrights on these images, and I will link to the artist to give them all the credit they deserve!   This time I chose a sunshine theme =) I hope you enjoy!   xx 135s by scarabuss     xcc 12 by scarabuss     Colorful Song by fikreesprojects ...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

In My Mailbox - Vlog

Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every weeks =)   I had a great response last week with my very first vlog so I decided to do another one this week ^^ Also because many of you asked, my kittens are in the video, you can’t see ‘em all that well at the beginning but I added a better shot of them at the end =)   Books I talked about: Mark of the Demon by Diana...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Taken by the Other by Jess Haines snippet

I tried to convince you yesterday to not let the Taken by the Other cover stop from reading the book, and Jess just provided me with a great argument. Here’s the snippet from inside the front cover… (source: Jess Haine’s blog) THE MOST DANGEROUS OF OTHERS I tried to find the words to speak, to tell Royce to stop, but all I could manage was a feeble cry when he took hold of my wrists, pulling my hands off his chest and pressing them to the wall. He said nothing, simply studied me while that gibbering terror romping through my mind didn’t...

Winter’s Passage by Julie Kagawa

Winter’s Passage is a short story from the Iron Fey series and takes place between The Iron King and The Iron Daughter. As the title hints, this novella tells Meghan’s passage from the human world to the Winter court to hold her part of her bargain with Prince Ash. On their journey, they will meet with another highly know fey even Ash is scared of. I don’t think there is much to critique about the novella because it’s only 60ish pages long, and...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fan Art: Taken by the Others

I don’t know if you’ve seen the cover reveal for Taken by the Others by Jess Haines yet, but there is a bit of, I’ll say controversy for lack of better word, around it. The general feeling is that it doesn’t meet reader’s expectations, so I decided to created my own cover, while keeping the general feel of the original one, here’s what it looks like! (left one is original, right one is mine) I would like to have your thoughts! Also while the...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hairy Friends news!

I have some news from my favorite shifters! First stop is the cover reveal of River Marked by Patricia Briggs, the sixth book in the Mercy Thompson series. I don’t think it’s the final version yet, but it’s already super kool! What do you think?   Also, Rachel Vincent with the help of her husband, release a map of the American territory, werecat style! Here’s a preview, please click on it to access to real map with all the mouse over...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Buy a book, Win a prize!

Lauren from Shooting Stars Mag has a super event going on, here are the details (from her post) Buy a Book, Get a Prize You may have seen them around, but this is probably the last one that I will host. At least for awhile. So let's make it a great one. This time around though...if you pre-order Trance by Linda Gerber YOU WIN! At least until the contest ends or the prizes are all gone...so don't delay. You don't want to miss the prizes you most want! Thanks to everyone for helping out with donating and spread the word about this even if...

Book Covers + Shout-out

There have been some amazing covers popping in the last week and I thought I would share them with you! (by release date) The Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead Release date: 12/07/2010   I couldn’t find a product description for that one, but this is the final cover. Richelle revealed it this morning. I am so excited about this title and while I want to read it now and know what happens to Rose & Dimitri, I’m really sad that...

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

MEGHAN CHASE HAS A SECRET DESTINY— ONE SHE COULD NEVER HAVE IMAGINED… Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan’s life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school…or at home. When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she’s known is about to change. But she could...

The Iron King & 25$ visa card Giveaway

You probably heard about The Iron King by Julie Kagawa ( you can read my review here) before, but with the upcoming release of The Iron Daughter (August 1st, 2010), now is a good time to get started on this series if you haven’t yet! Here’s a bit more about Julie: Julie Kagawa was born in Sacramento, California. But nothing exciting really happened to her there. So, at the age of nine, she and her family moved to Hawaii, which she soon discovered...