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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Stacking The Shelves [159]

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


So, recently I decided to go for a few new things and a little bit of nostalgia:

Roberts Books

 I've already said my impressions of Carniepunk, Dead Until Dark and Night of the Living Deed.  They are all worthy additions to anybody's library

Kitty and the Midnight Hour is an interesting book with a more unique beginning for a character.  I had my concerns at first but, as the story progressed, I warmed up to it.

The Codex Alera Series didn't make the vote but, I'm reading that one strictly for myself.  I look forward to reading something from Jim Butcher that isn't from the Dresden Files, though, another story from that corner would be appreciated.

My bit of nostalgia comes in the form of Jurassic Park.  As I go through this story, I realize just how much the movie changed my memory of the book.  That will make for a great rediscovery of a great book.

And while not a book, I thought I'd share this acquisition...

Writing Great Fiction

The Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques lecture series gives wonderful insight in to the art of writing fiction.  I will definitely be going through this again before I start this years Camp NaNoWriMo in July.

So, what blasts from the past or inspirations for the future have you gotten yourself?

Roberts Signature

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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

32 People left their mark' :

  1. I really want to read Dead Until Dark. I'm a huge True Blood fan. All of these look awesome. Happy reading!

  2. Jurassic Park was a great book and I love the films because of my dinosaur addiction! Can't wait for the new film this summer! Also a big fan of Kitty, and Sookie Stackhouse.

  3. I have read most of the Sookie Stackhouse series. Looks like you have some nice books!

  4. OOh nice! I liked Carniepunk! And the Kitty Norville series is awesome! Also enjoyed those first couple of books in the Southern Vampire Mystery series--as it used to be called! LOL! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Oh my goodness, Robert. I was so excited to see so many books that I have enjoyed in your post today. I've read the complete Sookie Stackhouse series and most of the Kitty Norville books and enjoyed them very much. And I positively adored the Codex Alera, which makes me ask what you meant by "The Codex Alera Series didn’t make the vote".

    At any rate, you've got some pretty good books in your new acquisitions. I hope you really enjoy them.

  6. So many great books you got! I only managed to read Teardrop by Lauren Kate and Pucked by Helena Hunting! :)

  7. I see a few old books in your haul that bring back some memories. Great haul of books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  8. I haven't read any books by Charlaine Harris, but I am intrigued. Enjoy your week!

  9. Been curious about Carniepunk for awhile now. Seems to be a good one for the summer with the carnival season starting up. Happy reading.

  10. I really want to get round to reading the Kitty Norville books -- I read Vaughn's After the Golden Age and enjoyed it a while back. (I picked a new copy of that up recently so I could reread it, actually!)

  11. Carnie Circus is on my TBR. I also have several of Michael Crighton's books (including Jurassic Park) but have never read them yet). Glad to hear you enjoyed most of these.

  12. Thanks, Grace. I think of this group as a bit of nostalgia with a mix of buried treasure.

  13. As usual, Lekeisha, the book is better than what you saw on screen. So far what I've seen is, just like A Game of Thrones, they stay pretty close to the story line but, deviation occurs. Just like I learned in land navigation in the 'Corps, a small deviation in the beginning will get you way off course at the finish. I believe the stories and finish will be way different which gives me more to enjoy :)

  14. Me too, Chuckles. I loved dinosaurs as a kid and my son was practically addicted when he was little.

  15. Thanks, Elsi. What the 'vote' refers to is the poll I put on my last STS. I asked readers to decide which established series should I read and review. I hope he readers will participate in a book club like fashion. We can use the comments to make remarks about the previous book or books.

  16. Thanks, Laurel-Rain. So far, I'm enjoying the Sookie books. Give the first one a try and check in on my next post about the second book.

  17. I grew up in the South and it probably would have been more fitting to read around September there (in between the State Fair and Halloween). I live on the West Coast now so, it could work almost any time of the year! It's a very good collection of stories, I highly recommend it!

  18. I hope you check in on my post for the next Sookie (or SVM) book. Maybe it or the comments will inspire you to read more of the series ;)

  19. So far, with the Kitty books, I'm very intrigued. I will likely pick up reading the rest of the series soon (as time allows).

  20. I have Butchers book on my wish list. I liked Kitty but never got past the first book. I have the next two but they just never get to the top of my TBR list.

  21. Carnie Circus definitely needs to make its way onto my bookshelves. Thanks for the reminder. Jurassic Park makes for a great read and definitely was tight plotting. Great choice for a nostalgic read. It's a favorite from my college years.

    As always, thanks for hosting. :)

  22. Robert, I'll check The Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques lecture Thanks for sharing! NaNoWriMo... One year I WILL do it!!!

  23. Jurassic Park always reminds me of the years I spent in the barracks and had no TV. I ploughed through a few Crichton books and quite a few Stephen King books back then.

  24. Thanks, Daniela. Just remember, NaNoWriMo is really a 1 month preparation for LOTS of editing. I enjoyed last years Camp NaNoWriMo and almost made my goal of finishing during Comic-Con, San Diego. Maybe this year I'll share my results with the readers here.

  25. Crichton is one of my favorites especially when it comes to techno-thrillers. Maybe there are things in his books that are not possible but, he makes you believe they could be.

  26. I've already read and loved the Sookie Stackhouse series. I, also, love True Blood. I miss both. Have a great week!

  27. Hi Robert, yes, please share! Would love a post(s) about NaNoWriMo

  28. It has been a while since I actually read Jurassic Park. I'm still very excited for the new movie! Have a great week!

  29. I'm going to check into a post or two here. Maybe I'll just post a link to the manuscript on my first STS after in August. I'll explore the possibilities but, I'll definitely share ;)

  30. I'm trying Stacking the Shelves for the first time. Not sure people here are interested in my kinds of books, mostly non-fiction Canadian stories and memoirs of people living off the grid. But I'll give it a try and see. Living away from TV, reading is something I do every day, and especially after dark in the winter. - Margy

  31. Welcome, Margy! I read so much more back in the Dark Ages (AKA Before the Internet). Especially when I didn't have a TV and saved most of my money for weekly mating rituals at establishments that offered refreshment and musical entertainment (AKA went to clubs and bars on the weekend). The only thing I miss from that time is the moments of solitude when I read.
    Hope you make yourself a regular to STS!
