Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Only one book for me this week. Truthfully, that's alright because I have so...
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Lena ran away after Ryan, her Prince, broke her heart. He has nothing of a prince in this life, but once upon a time, in another time and place, he was her Prince. Now she's pregnant, and when he learns 8 months later that he is the father he wants to help her raise their child, but can she really trust him?Daughter of the Spellcaster, book two in The Portal series, was a fine read, but it wasn't extraordinary. The main flaw is its predictability....
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Tricia Skinner is back with us today as part of her blog tour for ANGEL KIN, her latest Angel Assassins novel. She's written a great guest post for us, about the character types she'd like to see retired. There's also a tour-wide giveaway at the end of the post so I hope you'll stick around.Welcome, Tricia! ---------------------Tricia Skinner's Four Least Favorite Character Types in StoriesI'm not sure when I became annoyed with certain...
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To celebrate the release of Divided by Elsie Chapman, sequel to Dualed, I am happy to have one copy of the book to offer to one lucky winner! The copy is graciously offered by Random House!Here's a bit more about the book:The hunter becomes the hunted. . . .West Grayer is done killing. She defeated her Alternate, a twin raised by another family, and proved she’s worthy of a future. She’s ready to move on with her life.The Board has other plans. They...
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Our guest this week is Paula Altenburg, author of the Demon Outlaws series from Entangled. Today's the release date for DEMON CREED, the end of the trilogy, so it seemed like a great time to invite Paula to visit Team Tynga's Reviews.Paula is also graciously running a giveaway so be sure to stick around until the end of the post!Welcome, Paula! Five Things I’ll Someday Add Back to my Life When I’m not WritingMy fifth release under my own...
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I was really intrigued by the idea of a werewolf who's also an archaeologist. I was hoping for a supernatural Lara Croft but SEVEN KINDS OF HELL's protagonist is more of an everyday girl who just happens to be an archaeologist. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it was a bit different from my expectations.Zoe Miller has been in hiding her whole life. She's a werewolf but she hides her Beast because her mother has taught her to stay low...
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I'm really happy I stumbled across this book. Since I don't read as much science fiction as I would like to, when I do, I feel like it's a major disappointment if the story isn't amazing. RED PLANET BLUES is one of those science-fiction books that reach out to more than just the science geeks or or the science fiction aficionados. It's in fact a mystery/suspense novel that just happens to be set on Mars. The idea of combining the two genre...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Hello Guys!It's been a while since I last did a STS and the reason is I only...
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Andi has always been invisible in court and it was perfectly fine that way. Everything changed though after she met a strange man in the Wilds. Her father accuses her of treason and shows a side of him she had never seen before. Her invisibility is now a thing of the past because Rayfe (the strange man) will stop at nothing, not even war, to have her, and bring her back to be Queen of his magical land.The Mark of the Tala was the first book I read...
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Fables, Fantasy, Fantasy amp; Magic, High Fantasy, Jeffe Kennedy, Kensington, Legends, Magic, Myths, Publisher, Review, shapeshifters, The Twelve Kingdoms
Hexed is one of the most disappointing books of the year and I really expected to enjoy this one so much more. This book has an extremely irritating heroine, an illogical and unhealthy romance (that could possibly lead to a future love triangle), dialogue that tries too hard to be funny and a lack of plausibility. Paranormal books are usually my guilty pleasure, but Hexed was way too shallow and is a poor opening to The Witch Hunter series.Hexed is the tale of Indigo Blackwood, a teenage cheerleader who lives a very normal life until a guy...
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Surprise, my lovelies! We're reviving "When I'm not writing" and our very first guest is Isabo Kelly, the author of the Fire and Tears series from Samhain. The second book in this series, THE DARKNESS OF GLENGOWYN, came out last month and I'm so pleased that Isabo was able to visit us as part of her blog tour. She's written a lovely post about her life outside of writing and there's a tour-wide giveaway for you to enter at the end of the post.Welcome,...
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One of the best books of the year, hands down! Jenn Bennett has knocked it out of the park with BANISHING THE DARK, creating a strong, emotional finale for Cady's journey.I had high expectations for BANISHING THE DARK because Bennett has given us such an amazing journey so far. I couldn't wait to see how Cady would react to the news of her pregnancy, especially on the heels of the foundation-shattering revelations about her Moonchild abilities....
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I have a feeling many people are going to disagree with me and this review. This isn't a negative review, just a "neutral" one. It's not because I didn't like THE ONE. In fact, I finished it in less than two days so there must have been something that kept me hooked. It was interesting enough to read (almost) straight through, but personally, despite all the anticipation leading up to its release, the book lacked that WOW factor I was hoping to get....
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Wow! I didn't realize I had so many new books stacking my shelves this week....
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In a not so far future, the water levels has increased dramatically, flooding entire cities and contaminating water sources. Ren lives in what used to be Manhattan and she fights to survive. Fresh water is a valuable resources not available to the likes of her and her friend is terribly ill. She is an undercover scouting agent for the government, a job she dreads but it's a necessary evil if she wants to purchase medicine for Aven. Her world turns...
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[UPDATE: Hi guys! The post that originally went up on the 15th wasn't complete. Here's the final version. Sorry about that! ~Jenn]As some of you may know, I moved to the UK in February for a job, having *finally* finished my degree. (I'm going back to Canada next week for my convocation to celebrate this milestone, which has me over the moon.) I thought I'd have more time to devote to my blogging pursuits, both here and over on I Read Good, but I'm...
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Ship Breaker is a book that sat on my to-read list forever and I decided that I had to give this book a shot when I saw it at my library. Ship Breaker is a slow-paced, realistic dystopian novel that focuses more on character development and world-building than action, which is both simultaneously refreshing and problematic. Bacigulpi's novel was an interesting change of pace and it is unlike any other dystopian book on the market--a feat that few authors have accomplished.Ship Breaker takes place in a world that was ravaged by natural disasters...
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dystopia, Dystopian, Hachette, Library, Little Brown, Paolo Bacigalupi, Review, Romance, Science-Fiction, Ship Breaker, young adult

In DARKNESS RISES, Dianne Duvall introduces to a couple of really interesting new characters: Krysta and her brother Sean. Krysta is a gifted one who knows nothing about the Immortal Guardians. She's been hunting vampires on her own for six years, after her husband was murdered and she was left for dead by a vampire. Krysta's ability to see auras makes her better able to fight vampires, something her brother can't do. But Sean has the ability to...
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Let me start off by saying that this series is fast becoming a favorite of mine. This sequel has surpassed my expectations with all its twists and turn. When I thought things couldn’t get any crazier, they did. Personally, I think if a book has the ability to surprise me like this one did, the author must be doing something right. Add to the fact that it’s well written, I would definitely recommend the book to any fans of the genre.Violet, or V to her friends, is the main character and narrator of the story. As the protagonist in a young adult...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!—————— Two books to share with you lovelies this week from me! Most excitingly,...
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Justin & Mae's take on religion has been drastically changed in Gameboard of the Gods and the stakes are even higher in The Immortal Crown. The Gods are having an even stronger impact on the actions of both our heroes and it will lead them to Arcadia, a country at war with the RUNA. Justin & Mae will find themselves knee deep in political and religious drama and they will commit to their respective gods in ways we (and they) never imagined.I...
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This is my favorite book so far in the series. It took Suze's ability to mediate and brought it to an entirely new level because this was all angry ghosts. And they're not your typical angry ghosts, they're the angry ghosts from Jesse's past. Yup, you heard me, the main focus of this book is Jesse and his death and his past and I am one very happy reader despite the fact that this book was, at one point, emotionally traumatizing to me. I could not...
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The Last Policeman is a clever blend of mystery and science fiction elements and this is one of the strangest novels I've read in a while. Though The Last Policeman is a hybrid of many genres, it works so well and this is an absolute must-read. I can definitely see why this book has received so much acclaim and it deserves so much more hype!The world is going to end because of an asteroid that is scheduled to hit Earth in 6 months and the chances of survival are non-existent. Hank Palace decides to spend his last 6 months on Earth investigating...
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Paige Tyler has created a very sexy adventure in HER PERFECT MATE. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did -- Tyler has a fantastic sense of pacing and the book kept getting more intense and more interesting.The two main characters, Landon and Ivy, have a really strong romantic connection and, after some initial unease (mostly on Ivy's part), they build a very supportive and trusting professional relationship as well. I loved that Landon...
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