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Monday, May 05, 2014

Her Perfect Mate by Paige Tyler

Paige Tyler has created a very sexy adventure in HER PERFECT MATE. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did -- Tyler has a fantastic sense of pacing and the book kept getting more intense and more interesting.

The two main characters, Landon and Ivy, have a really strong romantic connection and, after some initial unease (mostly on Ivy's part), they build a very supportive and trusting professional relationship as well. I loved that Landon has major respect for Ivy's abilities and is willing to work with her even though her abilities -- her very existence -- are a complete surprise. Landon's forced to face a whole new reality but it does it with aplomb and an open mind, two things that Ivy wasn't expecting. It was a refreshing change from the "little lady" attitude that we see in some paranormal romances featuring strong male leads; this was just one of the pleasant surprises in HER PERFECT MATE.

The worldbuilding in  HER PERFECT MATE is also well done. The X-Ops series is a closed world with a supersoldier vibe to it since shifters hide from the general populace but have been recruited as part of a crimefighting task force. The shifters aren't trusted by all of their human co-workers, including their partners sometimes, which makes for a tense working environment, particularly for Ivy, who had a would-be rapist and a chauvinist as partners before Landon was assigned to the unit.

As you would expect, there are some large action sequences in HER PERFECT MATE. There are well-written and engaging. Tyler has a nice balance between action and romance in this novel, though there are aspects of the plot that were a bit predictable. This may just be me and my obsession with these types of stories, however, so perhaps you'll be surprised by some of the big moments in the story. ;) I want to stress, though, that I truly enjoyed HER PERFECT MATE, even though some of the moments are not unique to this world.

If you're looking for an extremely steamy romance with a good helping of adventure, you should try HER PERFECT MATE. I think you'll enjoy Tyler's voice and the world and characters she has developed. I, for one, am glad I gave this series a shot and look forward to the next offering in the X-Ops world.Jenn

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

9 People left their mark' :

  1. Thank you so much for the fantastic review! I'm so glad you loved HER PERFECT MATE!


  2. Brenda Wheeler5 May 2014 at 12:44

    Great review! Congrats PaigeTyler! :)

  3. It's on my wish list, I'm waiting for the store to receive some copies...I've been checking every day!
    Thank you for the blurb and the review, always helpful.

  4. Great review! You just convinced me to get the book!

  5. I hope you enjoy it. :)

  6. Oh, this sounds interesting. I'll have to add it to my tbr list.

  7. Awesome review, adding this to my wishlist at once.
