**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Faerie Prince by Rachel Morgan

Let me start off by saying that this series is fast becoming a favorite of mine. This sequel has surpassed my expectations with all its twists and turn. When I thought things couldn’t get any crazier, they did. Personally, I think if a book has the ability to surprise me like this one did, the author must be doing something right. Add to the fact that it’s well written, I would definitely recommend the book to any fans of the genre.

Violet, or V to her friends, is the main character and narrator of the story. As the protagonist in a young adult book, she’s definitely up there will all the great strong female characters we’ve seen over the years. She might be a little naive about some aspects of the world, and she does have her little moments of insecurity, but when it comes to kicking butt, she can totally keep up. There aren’t as many fight/action scenes in this book because it concentrates a little more on story building compared to book 1, but it really was thrilling. The slow build up in the relationship between V and Ryn couldn’t have been done any better and I’m really curious to see where it will go. It seemed inevitable that the two characters would end up liking each other, but I love the way the author kept the suspense by not pushing things too fast.

There are so many surprises in THE FAERIE PRINCE that I can’t really list them all. Plus, if I were to list them all, it would be major spoilers and that’s not my intention. One thing I really didn’t expect is the story behind Violet’s father’s death. I almost didn’t believe it at first and I still question it, after learning the truth. I think knowing the truth will change V’s perspective on life and will definitely impact the development of the series.

I think I mentioned it in my review of book 1, but it’s hard to believe that this series is self-published. Personally, I find it’s so well written that it could have been published by any of the major publishers. I’ve been looking at the covers because they reminded me of a series, but I just couldn’t think of which one. It finally hit me that visually they look like Melissa Marr’s Wicked Lovely series. They are very similar, and I think fans of one series, will definitely enjoy the other. The esthetics of the Creepy Hollow covers are very pleasing and initially, it’s one of the first things that grabbed my attention.

If it weren’t enough that the story and the characters are original, the scenery and the faerie world illustrated in the book will sweep you off your feet. I mean, not only does the book have pegasi(!), it’s the little things that amaze me like, the ambers that replace the smart phones of our world and the way the characters travel by faerie paths. And Filigree! Violet’s “pet” is a shape-changing being that I would love to have as my own. One moment he’ll be a pig, literally pigging out, then he’ll curl up on Violets lap as a cat. It would be wonderful to have a pet that changes shape according to its mood and its owner’s mood.

This book was flipping amazing and I can’t wait to get to book 3! If you haven’t already checked out this series, I highly recommend that you do. Inexpensive as eBooks, they are definitely worth the read.

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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7 People left their mark' :

  1. Would you recommend this series for a 13 yr old?

  2. This does sound awesome! Adding it to my wishlist.

  3. Oh, this series sounds really good--I'm glad I saw this review! I love faerie books and like to support self-pubs, so I'll definitely put this on my tbr list.

  4. In my opinion, it would be ok for a 13 year old. My thirteen year old self would have read it no problem! There some mild violence and kissing but nothing too crazy.

  5. Thanks so much for the fantastic review!
