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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

"When I'm not writing" with Tracy Clark

Tracy Clark

Today I'm excited to be hosting Tracy Clark, author of Scintillate and Deviate.  In fact, today's the release date of Deviate!  I'll be reviewing it in more detail on Thursday, so keep posted.  And here's what Tracy is up to when she's not writing....


When I'm Not Writing Marie

Normal people have hobbies and varied interests. Spoiler: I’m not normal.

Since you know I’m a writer, you are probably saying, “Duh.” Writers are known for being abnormal. In fact, it’s a badge we earn and wear with pride along with our yoga pants and hoodies. Since my first book, SCINTILLATE, released in 2014, I’ve done less and less “normal” things with my non-writing time but there is a bit of it, so I’ll disclose.

Truth: When I’m not writing, I’m often thinking about writing, traveling for book-related business, or buying cocoa and cookies to fuel me when I am writing.

More truth: I am a mom to two teens, 13 and 15. They are my peach and my fuzz and remind me to remove my butt from chair and interact like a human. Like many teens, they have sports and activities and so when I’m not writing, I’m a part time chauffer and referee to their epic bickering bouts.

I am a private pilot who has not flown since my trilogy sold. That’s a bummer because it once gave me an insane sense of pride and freedom. Writing this is making me want to get in the air again. (Scribbles on to-do list.)

I recently got a puppy. This was partly for my kids and partly for me, the introverted writer, who is home alone typity-typing away and feeling lonesome. I wanted company and something to get me out of my chair more often.

Notice there’s a lot of chair time in this profession? Because of that butt-numbing work, I spend off time exercising in the early mornings. If I don’t do it then, I’ll blow it off. Lately, I’ve been into yoga and found that it’s really good for loosening up my author-aches.

Naturally, I love to read. I try to read a little bit every day, usually at night when I have no business using my eyeballs to look at words anymore, but I do it anyway because BOOKS! I read pretty widely but YA is my true love.

Sometimes, when I’m not writing I’m writing about it. :)


Thanks so much for visiting us, Tracy! For more about Tracy and her books, check out the following links:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Tour Schedule


Here's the scoop on Deviate:

Deviate Light Key Tracy Clark

Tormented after a daring escape, Cora Sandoval must find a way to stop the Arrazi from murdering innocent people and from violating, using, and killing the Scintilla for their powers. She must also accept one bitter betrayal: Finn Doyle—the Irish boy who has both a piece of Cora's heart and soul—is Arrazi...

On the verge of extinction and sought by those who would either consume or destroy them, Cora and the remaining Scintilla survivors must solve the mystery of The Light Key. If they fail, the truth will stay buried forever and mankind will pay the ultimate price.

No longer will she hide.

No longer will her loved ones be hunted.

And she will have her vengeance...even if she shatters her heart in the process.

Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository

And here's where it all began:

Scintillate Light Key Trilogy Tracy ClarkCora Sandoval’s mother disappeared when she was five and they were living in Ireland. Since then, her dad has been more than overprotective, and Cora is beginning to chafe under his confines. But even more troubling is the colorful light she suddenly sees around people. Everyone, that is, except herself—instead, she glows a brilliant, sparkling silver.

As she realizes the danger associated with these strange auras, Cora is inexplicably drawn to Finn, a gorgeous Irish exchange student who makes her feel safe. Their attraction is instant, magnetic, and primal—but her father disapproves, and Finn’s mother orders him home to Ireland upon hearing he’s fallen in love. After a fight with her father, Cora flees to Ireland, both to follow Finn and to look for her missing mother.

There she meets another silver-haloed person and discovers the meaning of her newfound powers and their role in a conspiracy spanning centuries—one that could change mankind forever…and end her life.


Do you guys have suggestions for who you’d like to see featured on the blog? If so, you can make your suggestions on this page. No guarantees that your favourite authors will be able to participate but we’ll try!

Authors, would you like to visit  us? Please email me at marieharris725 (at) gmail (dot) com and we’ll set it up!


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter


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