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Saturday, May 02, 2015

Stacking The Shelves [157]

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


Hey guys! it's been a month since my last STS and unfortunately I don't have much to show you!

I got Dark Skye by Kresley Cole, a book I per-ordered a long time ago, and that's it!

On a personal note, it was my eldest's birthday this week, she turned three and I did my first 'cake project' ever. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out!

IMG_0920-2 IMG_8857-2

What did you add to your shelves?

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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

52 People left their mark' :

  1. I love the Immortals After Dark series, Tynga, and I enjoyed Dark Skye!

    That cake is amazing! I'm sure you all loved making it, and I hope it tasted as good as it looked. Happy third birthday to your eldest :)

    Have a spectacular Saturday and happy reading.

  2. Happy birthday to the kid! And hey, I wish I had such manageable hauls...

  3. Enjoy your book this week. That cake looks yummy! Now I want one for my niece. Olaf is her BFF. Her words, not mine.

  4. That cake looks absolutely fantastic!

  5. Three is such a fun age! What an amazing cake! Great photo!


  6. oh my ....your little gal is so precious!! I just want to spirit her off into the hills lol. And so talented too!!!

  7. I am so impressed with your cake! My mom always decorated ou round or square cakes with sugar flowers, birds, animals, whatever that she made herself, and my sister did amazing 3-D cakes for her kids every year when they were little. Firetrucks, butterflies, Elmo, whatever they wanted. Now they always want homemade ice cream pies.

  8. Great job on that cake! It's perfect!

  9. Looks like your girls enjoyed making the cake. Kresley Cole's books are amazing. Enjoy your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  10. I love Krelsey Cole! I loved Dark Skye and I hope you do too :)

  11. I've only read Kresley Cole's YA work, which I didn't like. I'll have to try her Adult works!

  12. Cute cake! Kresley Cole is great. Hope you enjoy your book.

    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  13. I didnt like her YA neither, I didnt even finish the first book but i LOVE this series!

  14. Thank you! It did taste great ^^

  15. I dont have much time to read so I have no choice but to restrain myself hehe

  16. haha Olag is BFF with lots of kids I think^^ My daughter has an Olaf nightlight and wont sleep without it!

  17. I am looking forward to three after her 'terrible two' lol and thank you!

  18. Thank you :) I'm blessed with two beautiful little girls ^^

  19. Thank you Elizabeth! I'm usually more into cupcakes, but I decided to aim higher this time hehe

  20. Thank you! Not as perfect as I aimed, but i'm still very proud hehe

  21. Thank you! They didn't actually do the cake, but they sure enjoyed eating it haha

  22. Thank you! I'm not up to date in the series so it might be a little while hehe

  23. The cake looks great and it brings back memories of when my boys were young. I used to make birthday cakes that fit their interest. Enjoy doing it while they are young. Then you can look back and enjoy the memories when reminded.

  24. OOh nice! The TBR pile gets a break this week! LOL! And what a lovely cake!! My mom used to make shaped cakes like this when I was little. Never an actual cartoon character, but something cutesie! Very nice indeed!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  25. What a fantastic cake! It always seems a shame to cut them! I've still got to read Dark Skye but I love the IAD as well. :)

  26. I am not caught up either hehe Thank you :)

  27. Its hard to believe she is already 3... I hope she had a good birthday and the cake looks awesome..

  28. I've been slowing down on my acquisitions too. Fun cake!

  29. That cake is amazing! My son would love it! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and happy reading!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

  30. That is a cute cake. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  31. I just have to say that the Olaf cake is AWESOME! My daughter would love that. Although, she'd want an Elsa cake more, but Olaf is doable and Elsa... not so much. :)

  32. I am so impressed by your cake! My daughter would have loved it! Have a wonderful week!

  33. What great pictures! Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  34. I'd say any book with a Kresley Cole book in it is a good haul for the week!

    That cake looks amazing! I love it!!

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress

  35. Love that cake! I've got to read a Kresley Cole book some day I see them around a lot.

  36. It was great thank you! They grow up sooo fast

  37. Thank you Michelle! you too :)

  38. HAHA my point exactly! My daughter is more in the "Anna clan' but hey.. baby steps! Olaf is more doable as a first time

  39. haha you're right! Thank you!

  40. Oh god you must! It took me a while to get on the train because of that 'halfnaked man on the cover' thing, but I love them!

  41. That Kresley Cole book looks good but that Olaf cake looks even better! Happy Birthday to your daughter! ~ Bel

  42. Oh my goodness that Olaf cake! That looks like an amazing third birthday! You should be very proud! Happy birthday to your daughter!
