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Monday, March 31, 2014

Marked by Alex Hughes

Alex Hughes' Mindspace Investigations is one of the most interesting series out there. (What is it about series set in Atlanta? They're always so good!) I've been hooked ever since she wrote the whole first book (CLEAN) without sharing her main character's name. In each subsequent story, things have gotten more complicated for Adam, which is something I love. He's such a layered character and he lives in a world that is far from black and white.

The third full-length novel in the series, MARKED takes us to a different part of this world: Adam is called back to the Guild, not as a respected member but in a desperate plea from his ex-fiancee Kara after her uncle died (under suspicious circumstances, natch).  This was great because we're finally immersed in the Guild's world, which has been fairly mysterious up to this point. It's very different from the human world that Adam lives in now -- much harsher in a lot of ways, and also more clinical. There are some similarities since telepaths are people too but a lot of things are heightened. There are definitely things that he misses, which is only natural, but there's a darkness in the Guild now as factions have emerged that weren't there when Adam was exiled. As an added bonus, we get to see people from Adam's previous life as he is forced to face up to the Guild's general disdain for him.

There's also some momentum in the relationship between Adam and Cherabino, both professionally and personally. The human police's cases are less central in terms of page time but we still get some nice scenes in which Cherabino and Adam fight crime, now with Michael (who you may remember from SHARP). These moments highlight how capable and smart Cherabino is and I love that Hughes writes her as a strong, intelligent, and feminine character. She has so much depth and adds a lot to the series. I don't think I'd like the Mindspace Investigations stories nearly as much if Cherabino wasn't such an amazing character.

I couldn't be more pleased with how things develop on the personal from between these two characters. Hughes doesn't run to a HEA; instead she's progressing their (potential) relationship in a realistic and grounded manner. Adam's a man with problems -- potential unemployment, addiction, etc. -- and Cherabino has baggage of her own. They're drawn to each other and actively discuss the idea of romance but they don't just fall right into it.

As always, Hughes has delivered an engaging story that builds upon the strong foundation of CLEAN and SHARP. MARKED has an unpredictable mystery and lots of worldbuilding and I devoured the novel in a single sitting. And the final pages of MARKED end in a way that has me salivating for the next stage in Adam's story! If you haven't tried this series, I'd urge you to opt in as soon as possible. Get yourself to the (e)bookstore!

Read an excerptJenn

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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2 People left their mark' :

  1. [* WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as "pending" because: Human SPAM filter found "my blog" in "comment_content". *]
    I really enjoy the mindspace series and the adventures of Adam Ward. The descriptions of mindspace are brilliant and interesting. The character is likeable, flawed and growing.

    Tynga Reviews is a very nice blog. I enjoy your opinions too. Feel free to check out my blog at



  2. I really enjoy the mindspace series and the adventures of Adam Ward. The descriptions of mindspace are brilliant and interesting. The character is likeable, flawed and growing.

    Tynga Reviews is a very nice blog. I enjoy your opinions too. Feel free to check out


