**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Marked blog tour: My journey to publication by Alex Hughes + giveaway

 Today we have a guest post from Alex Hughes, author of MARKED. I'm a huge fan and so it's wonderful to have Alex visit the blog again. Today, she's telling us all about her journey to publication, which I think you'll all enjoy. And Alex is giving away a copy of RABBIT TRICK, an e-novella in the Mindspace Investigations world.Welcome, Alex! ---------------------As Marked comes out this week and Vacant (Book #4) goes to beta readers, I...

Marked by Alex Hughes

Alex Hughes' Mindspace Investigations is one of the most interesting series out there. (What is it about series set in Atlanta? They're always so good!) I've been hooked ever since she wrote the whole first book (CLEAN) without sharing her main character's name. In each subsequent story, things have gotten more complicated for Adam, which is something I love. He's such a layered character and he lives in a world that is far from black and white.The...

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

I've been waiting for a new Sarah Addison Allen book for what seems like forever. I'm a huge fan of her books and all her books are definitely worth reading, including this one. I love the way that she writes realistic stories but includes a little supernatural without over doing it. The magical realism genre is probably one of my favourites because you don't quite know what's real and what's magic. The combination is subtle which makes it mysterious...

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Stacking The Shelves [101]

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Didn't end up buying or borrowing any books this week, but I did get one unexpected...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong

Moria and Ashyn are twin sisters with a most crucial role. They are respectively the keeper and the seeker on the Forest of the Dead and their role is to keep the population safe from the angry spirits roaming its depth. Each year, on a specific night, the seeker walks into the forest with a small group to seek the bodies of the exiles (criminals and such) and give them a proper burial to bring them peace. This year, Ashyn will go into the forest...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Shadowland by Meg Cabot

This book was (very nicely) forced upon me by my friends Christina and Gillian after they heard that I'm not the biggest Meg Cabot fan. See, what observation was based off of me reading a single one of her more recent publications and disliking it greatly. So, I came home from college for Christmas break and found a box from Christina with this entire series waiting for me. And, boy, am I happy that she did this because I am absolutely adoring this...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Possess by Gretchen McNeil

Ever since I read Ten a while ago, I've been dying to start Possess and read more of Gretchen McNeil's other books. I was fairly disappointed by Possess and I truly expected more from this paranormal romance novel. I never really was all that interested in Bridget Liu and her adventures exorcising demons. I truly expected so much more from this debut novel and it truly didn't deliver the story I really wanted to read.Bridget Liu has a rare and powerful ability to exorcise demons and she is working with a priest to hone her skills. Liu needs to...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Storm Bound giveaway

We're taking part in a giveaway tour celebrating the release of Dani Harper's newest novel: STORM BOUND. It's the second book in her Grim series, which I haven't tried yet, but it's sitting on pretty high up my TBR list. This is your chance to win a slew of prizes but, before we get to that, you need to get the scoop on the series:From the best-selling author of Changeling Moon, this stirring novel of passion and magic launches an addictive new series...

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Ophelia Prophecy blog tour: Guest post by Sharon Lynn Fisher + giveaway

Today we have a guest post from Sharon Lynn Fisher, author of a delightful and thought-provoking new science fiction novel called THE OPHELIA PROPHECY. She classifies the book as biopunk -- and she's here to explain exactly what that means! Tor is also providing a couple copies of THE OPHELIA PROPHECY for a giveaway so make sure to stick around until the end of the post to enter. Welcome, Sharon!---------------------What is biopunk, and what...

The Ophelia Prophecy by Sharon Lynn Fisher

I was really in the mood for some sci fi the other day so I feel quite lucky to have found THE OPHELIA PROPHECY on Netgalley. This is one special book. It's that rare sci fi novel that's accessible to people who aren't die-hard fans of the genre, with a minimal amount of technobabble and a lot of juicy story.THE OPHELIA PROPHECY has two main characters: Asha and Pax. Asha is an archivist and Pax is the son of the amir of Granada, the leader of this...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Brownies and Broomsticks by Bailey Cates

A few days ago, I was in the mood for something completely different from my usual reads. I wanted to read a cozy mystery so when I came across this book, which is in fact a cozy mystery with the added flair of supernatural elements, I jumped at the chance to try something new. Set in the quaint town of Savannah, Georgia, we follow Katie Lightfoot as she prepares to open a new bakery, along with her Aunt Lucy and Uncle Ben. But things go awry when...

Friday, March 21, 2014

Stacking the Shelves [100]

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Jenn here, bringing you a very special edition of Stacking the Shelves. Why is...

Night Broken by Patricia Briggs

Mercy's life is never peaceful but nothing could prepare her for the hateful bitch that invaded her territory - Adam's ex-wife, Christie. Of course, she comes off as sweet as sugar, but she  is very good at manipulating people and making Mercy's life a living hell is on her menu. Her life is threatened by a stalker though, so Mercy has to endure her and for the pack's interest, she also has to pretend the situation doesn't bother her. Little...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Here and Now by Ann Brashares

Lately, I've been a sucker for anything time-travel related. I've seen it coming up more and more in new releases, and I haven't found too many that have disappointed me yet! Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed The Here and Now. In The Here and Now, Prenna is part of a small community of time travelers that have arrived in the past, desperate to find a way to change the devastating future that was their home. Plagues and poverty is all they've known for...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Treatment by Suzanne Young

The Treatment is the sequel to The Program and it is also the conclusion to The Program duology. Suzanne Young really does an excellent job of building the story that began with The Program and at the same time, tying up all of the plot lines. The Treatment is equally thrilling and poignant; this is one of the best series conclusions I've ever read by far. Young really wrote the perfect ending to this series and it was truly an emotional roller-coaster...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Coveted by Shawntelle Madison

I won this book when it first came out and have read it a few times since, but I've been pretty slack about writing it up. But Shawntelle Madison is a talented writer and COVETED is a fun book so I figured it was high time I get this review done.Natalya Stavinsky is no ordinary werewolf. Well, on some levels, she is, but she's also something of an oddball, no longer a member of the local pack because of her anxiety and OCD. Ostracized from her family...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Destiny's Present by Patricia C. Lee

I love discovering and supporting local authors, and when an author happens to write in one of my favorite genres, it's that much easier to enjoy the book. I read the first book of this series a while back, and while it wasn't a favorite of mine, I decided to try its sequel.Unlike the first book of her Daughters of the Crescent Moon series, this book has us travelling in the past. Personally, I enjoyed this second book a little more because we got...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Soapboxing: Which books would you take when you move?

I haven't written a Soapboxing post in a while because my life has been a bit hectic since December, in the best possible ways. I went to Australia for Christmas to see my brother, got back to Canada mid-January to defend my PhD dissertation, and then promptly moved to England for a job in my field of study. I've been in the UK since February 10 and I finally feel like I'm settling into a routine, which means I finally have time to write posts again!...

Stacking The Shelves [99]

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————I actually didn't get any physical books this week, but I did get some awesome...

Friday, March 14, 2014

How about an update?

You might haven't notice (or maybe you did?) I've been away for about 3 weeks now and I thought I would update you on the matter ^^First, I am happy to announce that baby Gabrielle arrived in our lives on February 23rd! Born at 7pounds 7oz she was a healthy baby, bigger then we anticipated! lolLily-Ann simply adores her and she is very nice to her so I am really happy!Unfortunately, Lily-Ann had pneumonia when Gabrielle was born, and even though...