I was offered to review the last book in the series, Wulfe Untamed, which released on January 28th, but since I hadn't read the series yet, the publisher sent me the whole series! Totally awesome right? I'm especially glad they did because I hadn't heard of this series before and I truly enjoyed the first book!If I had to describe the book in a few words it would be, 'Imagine the Black Dagger Brotherhood... but with shifters!' Honestly, I felt a...
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Juliet Immortal holds no punches and right from the start, Stacey Jay shows the reader that she means business. This isn't the Romeo & Juliet you read in High School, no sirree. Stacey Jay has taken "the greatest love story ever told" and has made some bold changes. Personally, I never believed Romeo & Juliet was a love story and it was an absolute delight to read a much darker, more brutal version of the Shakespearean tale. Despite the fact that Jay has taken liberties with her retelling, I loved the way that Juliet Immortal maintained...
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Delacorte, Juliet Immortal, Library, Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Random House, Retelling, Review, Romance, Stacey Jay, young adult

J.A. Souders, author of The Elysium Chronicles, has made a little room in her busy schedule to join us today and discuss her non-writing life. When I’m not writing, I’m a: taxi driver, nurse, housekeeper, cook, alarm clock, calendar, psychologist, and personal shopper otherwise known as a mom. J I’m sure I don’t have to tell people how difficult of a job being a mom is.On top of all that, I’m a big giant nerd so I spend a lot of time watching...
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In DIRTY MAGIC, Jaye Wells introduces us to a dangerous new world inhabited by alchemists and potion junkies. It's a fast-paced story that grabs your attention from the first page and will leave you begging for more when you hit the back cover. Kate Prospero, alchemist turned beat cop, does her best to maintain order in the Cauldron but it's a losing battle. Dirty magic potions are everywhere and addicts line the streets. Kate used to cook potions...
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What can I say. I was charmed by CHARMED VENGEANCE. From the first few chapters, I was hooked and could not let go. It's definitely not a book to read as a stand-alone. It should be read as a series, and while book one might not have been a favorite of mine, it's worth pushing through since this sequel is definitely better on so many different levels. It's more steampunk, more adventure and more torturous romance.So many things are going on...
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Aether Chronicles, fae, Fairies, Flux, Llewellyn, Magic, Paranormal, Purchased, Review, steampunk, Suzanne Lazear, young adult

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————I can't believe it's been over two months since I've done a Stacking the Shelves...
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School Spirits is the fourth book in the Hex Hall series, and takes place after the events of Spell Bound, yet it features a new Heroine, Izzy Brannick. Normally I would classify this book as the first of a spin-off series, but it's labeled as 'an Hex Hall novel'. We met Izzy, Sophie's cousin, in previous books and it's a great opportunity to know her as something else than 'the youngest Brannick'.Brannicks have been hunting paranormals for generations...
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I haven't read the first book in this series but that didn't stop me from jumping into FIGHTING KAT, PJ Schnyder's latest release. I've really enjoyed her London Undead novellas (BITE ME and SING FOR THE DEAD) so I couldn't resist seeing what she could do with sci fi. And I don't think I missed much by skipping HUNTING KAT because Schnyder does a wonderful job of giving you the necessary context to jump into FIGHTING KAT without any major issues.Kat...
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Today we have a guest post from PJ Schnyder. I recently reviewed SING FOR THE DEAD as part of Novella November and now we have PJ here to talk about the inspiration for one of the characters in FIGHTING KAT as part of her tour for the novel, which happens to the second book in her Triton series. This is a full-length novel unlike the first instalment, which was a novella, and it's a real treat, as you can tell from my review.---------------------Character...
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Perfect Lies is the sequel to Mind Games; Mind Games was a novel that I didn't enjoy much, despite the fact that I was extremely excited to read it. Personally I thought that Mind Games was bogged down by poor writing, so-so character development, and an uninteresting plot. Frankly before starting Perfect Lies I had zero expectations of enjoying the novel and I thought this novel would just be a lame excuse of a sequel. Perfect Lies defied all expectations...
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Harper Collins, HarperTeen, Kiersten White, Mind Games, Publisher, Review, Romance, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, series conclusion, Thriller, young adult

Today we are participating in Sandy Williams' Swag-for-Brag giveaway tour! This giveaway celebrates the release of THE SHARPEST BLADE, the final book in Williams' trilogy about McKenzie Lewis, a human who has a rare ability: she is a shadow reader. Don't know what that means? Then it's definitely time to enter this giveaway!I've loved each book in the trilogy and so I'm really excited to host a stop of this giveaway tour, in the hopes that...
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THE SHARPEST BLADE is the final book in Sandy Williams' Shadow Reader trilogy. You can find my review of Book 1 here and Book 2 over on I Read Good.McKenzie Lewis has had quite the ride since the opening chapter of THE SHADOW READER and Williams doesn't give the girl a single break in THE SHARPEST BLADE. Readers who have been following this series will definitely be satisfying by THE SHARPEST BLADE because it is such a strong end to the series. There...
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I'm usually a fan of whatever Melissa Marr writes, but this one really wasn't my favourite. I really tried to enjoy it and despite the few positive aspects to the book, it just didn't quite cut it for me. The world building was really interesting and well done but the actual storyline and the flow of the novel seemed to lack details.Personally, I didn't think it felt like a full novel and when I looked into it on the author's website, I was confused...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Hello guys! I finally have a vlog for you *yay*Bought:Macrieve by Kresley ColeSpy's...
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Determined to deliver a great story, journalist Eve decides to infiltrate a scientific project studying paranormals called Genesis. The last thing she expected though, was to become a subject herself, despite all the publicity about the subjects being volunteers. Her world will be turned upside down when she meets Subject Thirteen, after months of hard work.I have a confession, this is the first book of Cynthia Eden I've read and I was happily surprised....
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I was extremely excited to read Nil by Lynne Matson because it's been a while since I've read straight-up sci-fi; I've mostly been reading dystopians/post-apocalyptics recently. I expected Nil to be more of a sci-fi novel, but truthfully it's more of a romance than anything else. Nil works as a romance novel, but it is largely ineffective as a sci-fi thriller. Marketing Nil as a sci-fi thriller feels misleading because the sci-fi elements and suspense...
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I'm super happy to welcome author Abigal Gibbs, to celebrate the upcoming release of Autumn Rose, second book in the series! Please welcome her warmly :)When I’m not writing I tend to be working towards my degree in English Literature. Or, that’s what I tell my agent and editors, whilst happily reassuring my tutors and lecturers that the whole ‘fiction book thing’ is most definitely on the side, and that my heart is truly stolen by Chaucer. Halfway...
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I'm a fairly prolific reader but BORN IN BLOOD is my first Alexandra Ivy novel. Her Guardians of Eternity series never appealed to me but I had to try BORN IN BLOOD after reading the cover copy. I love a good murder mystery, especially when it's coupled with fraught tensions between groups, in this case regular humans ("norms") and high-bloods, people with magical mutations who live apart from the norms in Valhalla, a domed and secretive city near...
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In my opinion, there's no one who can do better paranormal comedy than Molly Harper. Her characters are always quirky, the hilarious situations are really fun to read, and the sarcasm is on par with some of the best rom-com out there. However, I think what makes this book work is, despite all the good bits, the paranormal story is still there to hold the book together. Nola Leary is new to Half-Moon Hollow, the setting of many Molly Harper novels....
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Half Moon Hollow, Library, Magic, Molly Harper, Paranormal Romance, Pocket, Review, Romance, shapeshifters, Simon amp; Schuster, vampires, witches

Now that we are settled down on wordpress, and with with the new year, I thought it would be a good moment for the blog to be as accessible as possible for our followers.So I would like to know, how do you follow Tynga's Reviews? What I mean is not not only if you clicked follow on blogloving or facebook, but how do you actively follow us?Also, is there another way you wish Tynga's Reviews was available for you to follow?Your input is really important...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Hello everyone! I'm actually on vacation at the moment but I'm taking a little...
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Evelyn has stood out her whole life. She has an obsession with the outdoors, refuses to eat cooked food (raw greens for her!) and sleep on a pallet made of grass and plants. To her mother's dismay, none of her quirks are worthy of a lady and now that she's about to turn eighteen, she must be presented to court. Evie dreaded this reunion, but she had no idea it would be a life changing experience.I was enchanted by the cover when I first saw it on...
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Today is an awesome day because I get to share my interview with Lisa Shearin! She's one of my favourite authors; I think she's just a brilliant writer. You may know her from her comedic fantasy series about Raine Benares but Lisa has just launched a new urban fantasy series called The SPI Files with THE GRENDEL AFFAIR. ---------------------Hi, Lisa, and welcome back to Tynga's Reviews! We're delighted to have you back on the blog. Last...
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