Just stopping by quickly to put a bit of beauty into your day! I don’t know who the artists are for those pictures, but I will link to my source =) (Source) (Source) (Source) (Source) Have a great day!...
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I am very lucky to have an amazing person and fantastic author by my side today! Tracey O’Hara is the author of the Dark Brethren series (you can read my review of the first book, Night’s Cold Kiss, here), and her latest release, Death’s Sweet Embrace, hit the store on January 25th, 2011! If you haven’t read her series, I really suggest you do, but for now let’s learn more about Tracey. Please welcome her warmly =) ...
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Jeaniene just announced the titles for Cat & Bones number 6! It’s actually a tentative titles, and it’s One Grave at the Time which sounds great! Release date is still vague, but it should be Fall 2011. I love the idea, hopefully it will be the final title ^^ Also, if you want to listen to the whole interview, please visit FrostFan.com...
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This section was previously joined to My Policies, but with my recently joining Amazon, I decided to give it its own page =) Please note that I am a Book Depository Affiliate, which means if you purchase a book from them using a link from my blog, I will receive a 5% commission from your purchase. It will not change anything for you as a buyer, but this small fee will help me afford the insane shipping price from Canada for my giveaways...
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My real name is Cindy but have been browsing the internet as Tynga for almost 10 years now. I am a 27 years old French Canadian from Montreal and I work as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease, surgery and transplant. I am a new mother of the most amazing (although insomniac) baby girl in the world. We live with daddy and our two cats. I have multiple passions, obviously books are very high on the list. I am also a huge...
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Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =) Here’s my mailbox for the last 2 weeks: For review: Archangel’s Consort by Nalini Singh (Thank you Penguin Canada!) (Book Depository // Amazon) Red Glove by Holly Black (Thank you S&S Canada!) (Book Depository // Amazon) Bought: Deadly Desire by Keri Arthur (Book Depository // Amazon)...
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First of all, here’s a news that will interest all ebooks lovers out there! I found it on Tales of Whimsy, and here’s what she found out: Have you heard or tried eBook Fling? According to PCMag.com, the site just launched today and they are calling themselves "the Netflix for books". It reminds me of Paperback Swap for eBooks. If you lend an eBook, you earn credits so you can borrow an eBook. Don't have any credits yet? They cost only $1.99....
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An immortal war has been brewing in the darkness . . . And now one woman has stumbled into the shadows. Chicago private investigator Kira Graceling should have just kept on walking. But her sense of duty refused to let her ignore the moans of pain coming from inside a warehouse just before dawn. Suddenly she finds herself in a world she's only imagined in her worst nightmares. At the center is Mencheres, a breathtaking Master vampire...
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The big R-day (aka Release day) is here! Are you guys excited? Do you have plan to raid the bookstore? Have you pre-ordered or are you one of the lucky ducks to already have a copy? If you answers is none of the above, you are at the right place as I have one copy of The Iron Queen & an official T-shirt to giveaway thanks to Harlequin Teen! Haven’t started this series yet? You can read my reviews here: The Iron King ...
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I’m really happy to have debut indie author Vicki Keire by my side today! Her novel, Gifts of the Blood is now available in kindle format on amazon and she very nicely accepted to share some of her passions with us! Read along to learn more, and for your chance to win a copy of her book =) …. I’m surrounded by equal amounts of books and vinyl records, and I’m always plotting devious ways to escape domestic duties of any...
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Penguin offered a copy of A Discovery of Witches to one lucky US/CAN reader and the lucky duck is….. Melissa Savoie who’s email starts with melissa.savoie@…. Congratulations Melissa! I am about the email you, you will have 72 hours to reply to my email with your mailing addy =)...
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This review was written by… (Click banner to visit her blog) Kit and Fancy Cordelle are sisters of the best kind: best friends, best confidantes, and best accomplices. The daughters of the infamous Bonesaw Killer, Kit and Fancy are used to feeling like outsiders, and that’s just the way they like it. But in Portero, where the weird and wild run rampant, the Cordelle sisters are hardly the oddest or most dangerous creatures around. It’s...
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