**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Stacking the Shelves [423]

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!
First things first. Here's this week's cat picture, of George and Hecate portraying the yin and yang of felinity. 

Second, and the true reason for this post, is of course this week's stack of books, and the teasers thereto. The full stack, as always, is over at Reading Reality, along with yet another cute kitty picture. The books, also as always, are here to whet your reading appetite for more great reads to get you through the continuing mess.

Please link your STS post in the linky below:

Marlene is the perpetrator of the book blog Reading Reality, as well as a librarian and freelance writer currently living in Atlanta (after stops in Chicago, Seattle, Florida and Anchorage, not necessarily in that order. Her house full of books also contains her husband, also in the library biz, and two cats who really run the place.

9 People left their mark' :

  1. Ooh, I want to read Return to Virgin River.

    Enjoy your week!

  2. The Bookstore on the Beach looks so good! Have a great week!

  3. Ooooo, I didn't know there was a new Brenda Novak book.

  4. i see some familiar names and a new one too. hope you enjoy the reads

  5. Kitties are as cute as ever! Nice new reads too! These are all new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Love the cat picture! My two puppies were sick over night, or should I say early morning, so we're just resting around the house today. Enjoy your new books!

  7. Aww love the kitties! Hope you have a great week!

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