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Saturday, September 01, 2018

Stacking the Shelves [322]

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!

Wow! Summer flew by and we were so busy I didn't have much time to read with all of our life changes. It was a whirlwind! Is that how it felt for you all? Here are the books I've missed posting while I've been up to my ears in utter bedlam.

Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade by Diana Gabaldon
Completed in July.
Probably my favorite versus the first one, but I like The Scottish Prisoner best. There were many unanswered questions/loose threads and that Percy bit was shocking but also...not quite what I expected. I'm going to have to read books 6-8 again, I think, if another book comes out.

Lord John and the Hand of Devils by Diana Gabaldon
Completed in July.
I didn't like most of these as much as anything else, but story #3 was my favorite.

Seven Stones to Stand or Fall by Diana Gabaldon
Completed in July.
I read everything non-Lord John in this book after finishing the main set of novels, but enjoyed going back to finish them all. Now I only have to read the graphic novel, The Exile!

Broken by C. J. Lyons
Completed in July.
July's teen book club pick -- an earlier, more horrific and less mature version of Nicola Yoon's Everything, Everything. Enjoyed, especially talking about the psychology of it and her hyperspeed at making trustworthy friends at a new school.

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner
Completed in July.

This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner
Completed in July.

Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner
Completed in July.
I am still over here missing the Illuminae series, so I finally had some time to snatch all three of her first series. I enjoyed them, but they definitely feel more space opera than space epic. Still great even if the added level of Illuminae's genius was the vast variety of narrative formats and the art. This also has the romance, space, mystery, a bit of adventure, a big villain and strong characters.

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
Recently completed.
Our teen book club pick for August!
I was trying to debate whether I could review this because of the alchemy, but I think I landed on just not fantasy/scifi enough. Still, an entertaining, lighthearted romp that touches on sensitive topics but overall rings with genuine wit and devilish adventure. I cannot wait for the second book because I loved Felicity and want to read more about reformed rake Monty. (If you're a fan of historical romances, this is that but for teens with an LGBTQ spin.)

The War I Finally Won by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Recently completed.
I read the first in the series a while back because I got a signed copy at ALA for my friend and ended up reading the whole story on the plane ride. Love. Did not know there was a second (because I've got my hands full with teen lit, let alone paying attention to children's fiction!), and was ecstatic to find it on the shelf one day. I cried through the latter third of the book. So, so, so good WWII historical fiction for children and Ada's voice holds honesty and bluntness but such sharp perception of her world. Plus, she loves horses. I'm going to buy this series so my children will have it.

Tortall: A Spy's Guide by Tamora Pierce, Julie Holderman, and Timothy Liebe
Recently completed.
I've probably said it before, but Tamora Pierce is possibly my favorite older classic YA author, especially for fantasy and female heroines. This is not for every reader, but truly for big fans and those who might be aspiring writers or worldbuilders. Fascinating. Fantastic explanation of all the immortals, detailed timelines, and other interesting side conversations from the Tortall realm including all the details of how to be a spy for the Whisper Man.

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Currently reading.
One of my favorite teens at the library has been on me to read this book. I'm in the process, but it's taking a lot longer to listen to the audiobook (read by Lin Manuel Miranda!) due to my podcast news addiction. I already known I'm in love with the voices of Ari and Dante though (. . . could be Lin Manuel, but I think more the writing). 

Kara is a teen librarian living in the southeastern US with her husband (who listens to books), young daughter (who sleeps with books), and dog (who tastes the books). She loves all sorts of books, but mostly YA, and will never catch up to all of the wonderful things to read.

14 People left their mark' :

  1. I love the Lord John books almost as much as I love the Outlander books, Kara. And the Broken Stars series is awesome as well. I hope you’ll enjoy all your new books!
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading :)

  2. Nice haul! Some new-to-me titles and I love the cover of Broken! Enjoy! Loved the War I finally won and Gentleman's Guide. Will you read the next Gentleman's Guide?


    1. Hi Brenda,
      YES! I have it on hold at my library already!

  3. What characters are in the non Lord John stories in Seven Stones? I loved Aristotle and Dante. I have been waiting for the sequel for years!

    1. Hi Jolene,
      The other stores involve Roger and his parents, Jamie as a new adult, Hal and Minnie, and Master Raymond/Comte St. Germain.

  4. Hi, I love Lord John :) I have only read the Scottish Prisoner but season 3 of Outlander was so ridiculously good. I can't wait for season 4.
    Jackie's Forget Me Nots STS post

  5. Many great books! Enjoy and have a great week!

  6. Nice haul. I love Outlander but the first book is my absolute favorite. <3

  7. I have just joined in today. Here is my link:

  8. OOoh very nice haul! Quite a few new to me ones in there! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. I agree, summer flew by!

    I actually just finished listening to Everything Everything and now you have me intrigued to read Broken. I still have These Broken Stars waiting to be listened to, and now I want to read The War That Saved My Life.

    I really need to get back to the Outlander series. I finished only the first book, but they are so dang long!!

    Have a great week!


  10. This is a big and nice haul - just how I like them. I love the cover of The War I Finally Won. I am not big on series - I find it so hard to keep up with them, but sometimes I wish I was better at reading series.
