**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Stacking the Shelves [302]

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!
This was just one of those weeks where the stack over at Reading Reality turned out to be ginormous. Some weeks are like that. And if you're wondering how on Earth I'm going to get around to them all, so am I. But needs must. Eventually.

As always, there are a couple of books that I really want to highlight here. I can never resist another book by Beatriz Williams after her marvelous A Certain Age. I really enjoy my visits to Butternut Lake with Mary McNear. And I just couldn't resist the description of Space Unicorn Blues.

The Glass Ocean by Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig and Karen White

The Secrets We Carried by Mary McNear

Space Unicorn Blues by T. J. Berry

Please link your STS post in the linky below:

Marlene is the perpetrator of the book blog Reading Reality, as well as a librarian and freelance writer currently living in Atlanta (after stops in Chicago, Seattle, Florida and Anchorage, not necessarily in that order. Her house full of books also contains her husband, also in the library biz, and two cats who really run the place.

12 People left their mark' :

  1. The Glass Ocean looks like a good one. I like the contributing authors.

  2. The Secrets we Carried looks interesting!!

  3. Enjoy your books! I am curious about The Secrets We Carried.

  4. These books all look good. Enjoy them. Have a great week!

  5. The Secrets We Carry looks like an interesting read. Enjoy your books!

  6. Space Unicorn Blues looks interesting :)

  7. Ooh nice! Those are totally new to me ones! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Space Unicorn Blues has me curious.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  9. Space Unicorn Blues looks like it would be an interesting story. I hope you enjoy your new reads

  10. Haha, I also wonder how I’m going to read all the books I haul. It doesn’t seem possible. I hope you have a good week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. The Secrets We Carried has a marvelous cover! And Space Unicorn Blues looks like a lot of fun!
