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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Stacking The Shelves [229]

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


 How crazy is this?  In the past six weeks, I've read approximately five pages for pleasure.  Five pages.  I've read tons of pages for work and for school; it's just the for-no-reason-but-fun reading that's fallen by the wayside.  To save my sanity, there's audiobooks.  My library has a subscription to Hoopla, which lets me stream audiobooks to my phone on-the-go.  I love every second I spend with my infant, so I don't blame him for the loss of pleasure reading time... but my professors?  They don't get off the hook so easily!  I wouldn't complain if they assigned a little less reading.  ;)

Have you ever gone through a phase where you had little or no time for pleasure reading?  How did you cope?  I have a break in December between semesters; anything (short) that I should definitely read then?  To join in the fun, click on the Linky below my Stack.

Audiobooks (all from the library, via Hoopla):

Envy Rumors Splendor Anna Godbersen By Hook or By Crook Dead Men Don't Crochet Betty Hechtman Fall of Five Revenge of Seven Pittacus Lore

EnvyRumors, and Splendor by Anna Godbersen- very much like Downton Abbey, in book form, for teens.  By Hook or By Crook and Dead Men Don't Crochet by Betty Hechtman- a cozy mystery series that features crochet patterns in each book.  The Fall of Five and The Revenge of Seven by Pittacus Lore- aliens!

New Books:

Stalking Jack the Ripper Kerri Maniscalco 13 Things Rich People Won't Tell You Jennifer Merritt Things of the Earth Joe Rigney

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco- this one was sent to me for review by the publisher and it was SO GOOD.  Delightfully creepy, if you're looking for a Halloween read!  13 Things Rich People Won't Tell You: 325+ Tried and True Secrets to Building Your Fortune No Matter What Your Salary by Jennifer Merritt and Roe D'Angelo and The Things of Earth by Joe Rigney- both bought by the hubby, and I know that I'll read eventually.  He's only started The Things of Earth so far, and says it's ok.

Library Books (because I can't resist):

Sparky Beverly Gherman Frankencrayon Michael Hall Painter's Chair Hugh Howard Penny Arcade 1 Attack of the Bacon Robots Jerry Holkins Mike Krahulik

I have no self-control when it comes to bringing books home from work at the library!!!  I brought home Sparky by Beverly Gherman for the hubby, and I've ended up wanting to read it- he says it's great.  In October, my county library system encourages everyone to read the same book and discuss it, and this year it's Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.  Frankencrayon by Michael Hall is the picture book companion book.  I don't have time to re-read Frankenstein, but I can certainly read Frankencrayon (a FANTASTIC book if you haven't heard of it) to my little one!  One day I helped to shelve books in another branch's adult non-fiction section and found The Painter's Chair by Hugh Howard and Penny Arcade 1: Attack of the Bacon Robots by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik... and had to bring them home.  I love George Washington and I love bacon.

So that's my haul; how about you?

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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

11 People left their mark' :

  1. Yeah, professors definitely need to understand that we need time for pleasure reading, too! I guess it depends on what you enjoy the most to read, but lately, I've been reading some MC romances that were hot, sweet and well done, very quick reads, too. True Brothers MC by Gillian Archer :)
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.

  2. Ah I'm sorry you haven't had much time for reading - that sucks! Thank goodness for audiobooks, though!

    Enjoy your new books! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My Book Haul!

  3. I remember when my daughter was an infant and I was in college. I read for school and I read a lot of books to my daughter but I gave up reading for pleasure for a little while. My youngest was about 4 years old before I really got back to reading very much for myself. I am always amazed by everyone who can fit so much into their schedules. Enjoy your new books!

  4. I've heard so many great things about Stalking Jack the Ripper. I can't wait to pick that one up! Happy reading!

  5. Ha, I keep thinking about picking up those crochet-related mysteries. Just the titles make me laugh!

  6. I hate when you can't find the time to read for pleasure... It should be allowed to take time off just to read. xDD

    And it seems it's the time where everybody receive a lot of books. xD

    My pile: https://mikkuchan.wordpress.com/2016/10/15/stacking-the-shelves-6/


  7. Enjoy those books! Thanks for hosting...

  8. Have you ever gone through a phase where you had little or no time for pleasure reading? How did you cope? - Yes. When I'm doing creative stuff, my reading will surely take a back seat and I feel bad sometimes. What I do to cope is, I binge read Crime, Mystery and Thriller books to awake my psyche. Then when, I'm finally back in my rhythm, I start reading all sort of materials. How I wish I could do audiobook like you. I tried several times and failed miserably. I fall asleep each time. :(

  9. I would be coming home with stacks of books all the time! Happy reading.

  10. It's not my usual kind of book, but I keep hearing great things about Stalking Jack the Ripper--and I absolutely love the cover. May have to check it out. Here's hoping you have more time for pleasure reading soon!

  11. Audiobooks is also getting more of my time vs. printed books. Hope this week of reading goes better for you.
