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Monday, July 18, 2016

Aberrant by Ruth Silver

I have mixed feelings about this book. I usually like all dystopian books I read, but lately I've been disappointed. Aberrant is similar to The Hunger Games, A Brave New World and Divergent, but at least it's different enough to make it original. Early in the book, we learn that the main character Olivia is different from everyone else, being the first and only baby to be conceived naturally in generations. In a world where fertility is non-existent, all babies are created in labs, and the government controls who and when you can get pregnant.

Usually, I really enjoy fast paced books but in this case, I think it was the book's downfall. It lacked detail and description, which made everything feel rushed. As a reader, you're left in a haze of confusion, wondering what is real and what is a lie. With every new place Olivia and Joshua visit, you would think we could learn more about this dystopian world, but on the contrary, we're left with more questions. Everywhere they go, there seems to be someone in charge but ultimately, we still have no clue who runs the "government" and what their endgame is.

Except for the possibility of fertility, Olivia isn't very special. She isn't especially strong or intelligent, and she doesn't inspire much confidence. She is loyal to Joshua, and their friendship could possibly lead to something more, however both are slow to make a move. As for Joshua, there's nothing memorable about his character. Even his loyalty to Olivia is questioned at some point when he pushes her away to spend time with strangers. Also, when he learns that his mother has lived a double life for most of his life, he doesn't really react to the news. He acknowledges it without question or emotion.

What I enjoyed the most about the book is the premise of infertility caused by medical science. I'm definitely pro-vaccination and I alway will be, but I'm also a strong believer in the scientific method. To use an untested vaccine globally is bound to cause some problems and while I have no clue whether infertility is a probable repercussion for vaccines, it's still a very interesting premise. While we did get this small bit of information, the story lacks so much more information about the history of society, the structure of the isolated cities and the government.

The ending was also very confusing. The author threw in some paranormal elements near the end but it wasn't great timing. Overall, I do think the idea behind the book is great but the book itself lacked detail and good editing, which doesn't inspire much confidence in the rest of the series.

stephsig moon

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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