**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Hero of Ages: Book Three of Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

This is the third book of the Mistborn book series.  If you have not read but, are interested in reading any of the previous books in the series, stop now for there are spoilers ahead and I would not want to ruin anybody’s journey.

In the previous books, we met Vin, lowest ranking thief in a gang of thieves and con artists.  After meeting Kelsier, a very talented mistborn, Vin finds she, too is mistborn.  After months of preparation, the two of them pull off the impossible, they kill the Lord Ruler, an immortal, sadistic tyrant.  In the middle of taking down the tyrant, Vin lost her mentor and was left to restore the known world with the help of her high born boyfriend.  Can they bring the world together and deal with the entities Vin encountered at the Well of Ascention?

This is the epic resolution to an equally epic story.  This is a world in upheaval.  Politically much of the aristocracy is fighting for power.  Socially the population trying to find its own way and rewrite its own rules.  Both climate and geological changes are adding to the disruption.  In this story, Brandon Sanderson has managed to not only mirror the character problems with those of the settings but, also to have them compliment and each push the others narrative further along.

Throughout these books, we’ve gotten to see the characters not just grow but evolve.  This is carried all the way to the very end of this book as well.  Vin and Elend are not the only two we get to watch mature but, they are the best examples of that growth.  We get to see characters that are young and self-absorbed become quite different as this story closes.  I received a comment recently about the choice of protagonist in the story.  The only problem is, I think the assumption of the identity of the true hero of this story was incorrect.  Of course I won’t mention it here but, I challenge everybody to find the answer for themselves.

This is truly and epic story as only Brandon Sanderson can create.  It is as detailed as it is entertaining and I am glad to see that the world lives on after the initial trilogy.  This gets a definite PG13 rating due to the violence.

Roberts Signature

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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