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Friday, September 21, 2012

The Goddess Legacy by Aimée Carter


The Goddess Legacy by Aimée Carter

Books Stats:
Reading level: New Adult
Genre: Paranormal/Greek Mythology
Trade paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Release date: July 31, 2012

Series: Goddess Test #2.5

Source: Netgalley

Reviewed by: Stéphanie

Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository

For millennia we’ve caught only glimpses, of the lives and loves of the gods and goddesses on Olympus. Now Aimée Carter pulls back the curtain on how they became the powerful, petty, loving and dangerous immortals that Kate Winters knows.

Calliope/Hera represented constancy and yet had a husband who never matched her faithfulness….

Ava/Aphrodite was the goddess of love and yet commitment was a totally different deal….

Persephone was urged to marry one man, yet longed for another….

James/Hermes loved to make trouble for others-but never knew true loss before….

Henry/Hades’ solitary existence had grown too wearisome to continue. But meeting Kate Winters gave him a new hope….

Five original novellas of love, loss and longing and the will to survive throughout the ages.

I rarely read anthologies. I tend to stay away from them because most of the time, I only know one of the authors that have written the stories and I’m not interested in reading short stories or novellas from series I’ve never read before. However, reading an anthology like THE GODDESS LEGACY really appeals to me because it’s only written by one author, and all the novellas in the book are from the same series (of which I’ve read all the books).

THE GODDESS LEGACY was a good addition to THE GODDESS TEST and GODDESS INTURRUPTED. If it’s even possible, I think I enjoyed some of these novellas more than the previous books. The novellas add so much more background information about many of the characters. First, we meet Hera and we more or less begin to understand why she did those things in the previous books. Then we see Hephaestus and Ares fight for Aphrodite’s love. Persephone makes an appearance in her own novella and we truly learn why she left Hades. Hermes also has his own story in which he learns more about the mortals and explains to the other gods why they should take on new, modern names. And of course, the anthology wouldn’t be complete without Hades’ story where we learn how hard it was for him to find his new queen.

Personally, I don’t find the novellas are meant to be read individually. Combined, the five novellas tell one big story, with five different point of views. The flow from story to story is perfect and allows the reader to enter a new story without any problems.

One theme that is dominant in each story is love. Whether it’s a tragic love story or a heart warming love story, the main character of each novella face difficult issues as they deal with love and unfaithfulness. Not only was Aimée Carter able to give us more information about the individual gods and goddesses, she also found similarities in each of them by drawing out the human emotion out of each character. Fans of The Goddess Test series will enjoy this anthology because it answers so many questions about the mystery surrounding Persephone’s past and all the other gods that are so important in Aimée’s series. Also, it’s a good teaser as we wait for book 3 to be published!



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