**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Facebook Page

It seems everyone has been having a hard time finding my fecabook page,Would you let me know if this widget works? (It's also on the left sidebar) Tynga's ReviewsPromote Your Page ...

Guest Review: Entwined by Heather Dixon

This review was written by… (Click banner to visit her blog) Entwined by Heather Dixon Publisher: Greenwillow Books Format: Paperback Pages: 480 Release Date: March 21, 2011 Overall: 5/5 Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository US/UK Source: ARC sent to Tynga by Harper Collins Canada, lent to Moonlight Gleam Azalea is trapped. Just when she should feel that everything is before her . . . beautiful gowns, dashing suitors,...

Random Act of Kindness–May Summary

It’s now time to show you the books that were kindly given to me this month, from the Random Act of Kindness program ^^ I received three amazing books, and all were donated by my good friend Lucy <3 Dante Valentine: The Complete Series  Destiny Kills (Myth and Magic, Book 1)  Mercy Burns (Myth and Magic, Book 2) Thank you so much darling! You Rock!   I also offered books to fellow book lovers, First I offered...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Cover Reveal: Taken at Dusk by C.C. Hunter

The cover of Taken at Dusk, third book in the Shadow Falls series, was revealed and it’s gorgeous! I think it fits perfectly with the previous two books and I really like the color scheme. The book is schedules for 2012, I couldn’t find a product description and it’s not available for pre-order just yet (as far as I know), so we’ll have to wait a little while to get our hands on this pretty! What do you guys think of it? If you haven’t read...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Wedding Day =)

You’ve been asking for pictures and here they are. Those are just the shots from my camera and my moms as I won’t have the photographs pictures for a couple of weeks at least, but hopefully this will sate your appetite for now *g* First here’s a video of my day: There isn’t any videos of the ceremony or the party afterwards because my husband (Gah! I love calling him that!) wanted to keep those private, but there are some pictures ^^ First some...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The W Day!

Today is the big day!!! As you are reading this I am about to/just married the love of my life <3 We’ve been together for 7,5 years exactly today and I want to spend the rest of my life by his side! I love you Dennis! I wanna try and capture of video with updates of the entire day, as much for your pleasure than for memories, we’ll see how that goes lol Have a great day =)...

Friday, May 27, 2011

In My Mailbox

Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =) Sorry no time to link all the books this week, I’m sure you’ll understand =)...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tynga’s Reviews on Facebook!

After chatting with my good friend Lucy from Moonlight Gleam’s Bookshelf I decided to create a fan page on Facebook for Tynga’s Reviews! It will be another easier to follower everything that’s going on here on the blog, but also to strike some discussions with me, and talk about our favorite books ^^ Feel free to Like the page! ...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cover Reveal–Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

I am super sad I can’t be at BEA, I was really hoping I’d go for the first time this year, but let’s be honest, I prefer getting married *smirk* S&S revealed this morning, at BEA, the cover of Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare!! The ladies at Mundie Moms got the honor to do the online reveal, hence I can now share this shiny cover with you! Isn’t Jem stunning? I mean WOW! And he looks exactly the way I pictured him too ^^ Do you remember...

Shift Giveaway

Thanks to Simon & Schuster I have an awesome prize pack, of an awesome book to offer you guys! Shift is the second book in the series and you can see both covers and Shift’s description below: Aura’s life is anything but easy. Her boyfriend, Logan, died, and his slides between ghost and shade have left her reeling. Aura knows he needs her now more than ever. She loves Logan, but she can’t deny her connection with the totally supportive,...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cover Reveal!

Today Kresley Cole revealed the cover of her next release, Lothaire. I’m still not up to date in this series (dragging the pleasure) but I’m super excited anyway! Release date: January 10th 2012 Immortals After Dark #12 From the humblest of beginnings a millennia ago, Lothaire the Enemy of Old rose to power, becoming the most feared and evil vampire in the immortal world. Driven by his past, he will not rest until he captures the vampire...

The Dark City Giveaway

Catherine Fisher is the author of the New York Times bestselling duology Incarceron and Sapphique is coming back to us with a new series, Relic Master! It’s first book released on May 17th and I have two copies to share with you! But before I give you the details, here’s a bit more about the series: Welcome to Anara, a world mysteriously crumbling to devastation, where nothing is what it seems: Ancient relics emit technologically advanced...

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Strange Case of Finley Jayne by Kady Cross

The Strange Case of Finley Jayne by Kady Cross Book Stats: Genre: Steampunk Young Adult Format: Kindle Edition File Size: 251 KB Publisher: Harlequin Teen Release Date: May 1, 2011 Series: The Steampunk Chronicles prequel Reviewed by: Tynga Source: Free Kindle Book (click to get your copy) Finley Jayne knows she's not 'normal'. Normal girls don't lose time, or have something inside them that makes them capable of...

Music Deal

This is a deal I’m freaking jealous I can’t buy, because it’s open to US only. Today only, the entire album, Born This Way by Lady Gaga is available for download for only 0,99$! You also get free upgrade to the 20 GB tier for your amazon cloud player. I mean c’mon? I want it!!! ...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Quick FIY

Hello Guys! I just wanted to let you know that I turned off comment moderation and turned on word verification for the next two weeks. I know word verification is annoying but I’ll be too busy to moderate comments but I still want to keep spammers at bay. Everything will resume to normal around June 3-4th. Thanks for your understanding =)...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

In My Mailbox

Before getting to serious business, I would like to thank The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week =) Won: Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione [Amazon | Book Depository US/UK] For Review: Once Every Never by Lesley Livingston [Amazon] The Graveminder by Melissa Marr [Amazon | Book Depository US/UK]...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Guest Review: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

This review was written by… (Click banner to visit her blog)   A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness Stats: Publisher: Viking Adult Format: Hardback Pages: 579  Release Date: February 8, 2011 Overall: 4/5 - An Enjoyable Read, Well Written. Series: All Souls Trilogy #1 Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository US/UK Source: Borrowed from Tynga (sent by Penguin Canada) A richly inventive novel about a centuries-old...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

M.I.A & Bridesmaid Party

Hello everyone! I’d like to start by apologizing for my being missing in action, I’m insanely busy right now. My wedding is in just 10 days *squeeeeeeeee*, and got a promotion at work *squeeeeeeeeee again* and I got my “bridesmaid party” (I’m using quotations because neither of my bridesmaids could make it to the party…) on Saturday and my glasses didn’t survive the encounter so I had to hurry to the optometrist today to get new glasses lol Now...