**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Stacking The Shelves [162]

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


 Can you believe it's JUNE already?!?  Where I live, the public schools ended their year yesterday, and everyone knows that means summer has begun.  And where I work, summer is definitely our busiest season.  Lots of great programs and activities.  I work until I'm good and tired, and I have so much fun, but this also means that I'm looking for a bit lighter reading in the summer.  I just don't have the brain capacity for anything heavier!  And are there any other back porch-sitters out there?  Can I get a "heck yeah!"?  :)  It's just that perfect time of year for sitting on the back porch in the evenings with the hubby and the pup and a cold beverage.  However, as you'll see below, I just have too much trouble saying no to library books.  I only host Stacking the Shelves every few weeks, so I think this is about a month's worth of books.

What about you?  Are you a "seasonal reader" who wants something lighter in the summer?  Do you have any weaknesses (like me and the library)?  What books did you bring home this week?

ARC for Review:

Library at Mount Char Scott Hawkins

The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins:  it's got "library" in the title, so yes please!  Also, isn't that an amazing cover?


Dead Wake Last Crossing of the Lusitania Erik Larson

Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson:  I've heard great things about this author, so I'm eager to try this.


Bastard Out of Carolina Dorothy Allison America's Library James Conaway Elephant Company Vicki Constantine Croke Precious One Marisa de los Santos Fox Bunny Funny Andy Hartzell World on a Plate Mina Holland Hope Diamond Richard Kurin No Turning Back Joanne Wilson Meusburger

Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison:  I'm doing the PopSugar Reading Challenge on my other blog, and this one satisfies the "book set in your hometown" checklist item.

America's Library by James Conaway:  Already read this and loved it!  All about the history of the Library of Congress.  *book nerd*

Elephant Company by Vicki Constantine Croke:  Haven't read this yet, but I believe it's about the use of elephants by an Allied military group during WWII.

The Precious One by Marisa de los Santos:  Recommendation from a family member.

Fox Bunny Funny by Andy Hartzell:  Recommendation from a colleague.  This will be my first wordless book!

The World on a Plate by Mina Holland:  Part travelogue, part cookbook.  Sounds like perfect summer reading.

Hope Diamond by Richard Kurin:  Hubby & I went to the Smithsonian and saw the Hope Diamond and I want to know more.  And I kinda want that diamond.  But I need to find out if it's "cursed" first.  ;)

No Turning Back by Joanne Wilson Meusburger:  Recommendation from a family member.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer:  Can you believe I never read this back when it was a thing?  So I'm listening to the audiobook in my car right now.   I'm having mixed feelings, surprisingly.

Virals Seizure Code Exposure Terminal Brendan Kathy Reichs

Virals series by Brendan and Kathy Reichs:  Brendan Reichs is coming to my library this month, so I thought maybe I should try to read at least one of his books beforehand.  I love watching Bones, but just haven't gotten around to picking up any related books yet!

Last Bookaneer Matthew Pearl Dream Thieves Maggie Stiefvater Sinner Golem's Eye Jonathan Stroud

The Last Bookaneer by Matthew Pearl:  Like with The Library at Mount Char, there are certain trigger words that guarantee I'll pick up a book....

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater:  I'm so bad about loving a series starter, then getting distracted and waiting a year or two before I get around to the sequel.  Finally getting around to The Dream Thieves.

Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater:  Stiefvater herself was reluctant to write this one, so of course my curiosity is piqued!

The Golem's Eye by Jonathan Stroud:  Very recently read The Amulet of Samarkand and loved it.  I think this series might be almost a Harry Potter readalike series.

And finally.... New but Not by Choice

My puppy did this:

Puppified Book

to two library books.  So now I own:

Wedding Gift Marlen Suyapa Bodden Bud Not Buddy Christopher Paul Curtis

The Wedding Gift by Marlen Suyapa Bodden

Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis

At least he's cute.  :)

Cute Tucker

Share your list by clicking the link below, and have a great start to summer!


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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

25 People left their mark' :

  1. That's a huge haul, Marie! I'm sorry your puppy ate your library books (that sounds like a bad joke...) but you are right, he really is cute.
    Have a great weekend and happy reading.

  2. I keep thinking about trying Erik Larson's work. Good haul!

  3. I haven't read the Viral series written with Brandon, but I do love Kathy Reich series. I've read most of her books. Love them.

    So awesome that he will be at your library. I met Kathy at a signing in Toronto once. :) c

  4. I am a library addict also. Haven't bought a book since September, and then it was a book I couldn't get at the library. I don't go in and browse that often though, I mostly go online and put things on hold. They've got 5 for me to pick up Monday. Was going to go today but just found out they went to summer hours this week.
    Because we had such awful snow in the Boston area this year school doesn't get out until the end of June! That's fine with me, less people running around when I'm out during the week.
    Enjoy your week!

  5. When it first came out I was hesistant to read Twilight as well, and even though I liked it, I also had issues...but I will admit I love Edwards family...especially Emmett...he is a hoot.

  6. Great haul of books. Some of these titles are new to me. I think your dog was trying to get your attention. He is very cute puppy.

    Grace@ Books of Love

  7. I love twilight and Maggie Stiefvater. I hope you enjoy all of your new books but those three I love! :)

  8. The puppy is cute and he does not look the least bit guilty about chewing up the books.

  9. Too bad about the dog...mine ate two different packages of books before he grew out of it. *sigh*

    I have twilight, but I never got around to reading it either. Nice stack of books!

  10. Great haul! I really love the cover of Library at Mount Char. I've always wanted to start the Virals series. I own the first one. Oh, no doggie! I couldn't be mat at that cute face though! Enjoy your new books!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

  11. I love the image of that back porch...I long for one of those...there was one at my grandmother's house...screened in, and so awesome.

    Thanks for sharing your haul....I saw a Lifetime movie based on Bastard out of Carolina...I loved it!

  12. Awesome haul this week. Happy reading!

  13. Awesome haul, Marie! I've read all of the Temperance Brennon series to date but quit the Virals series after the second book. The plot was too close to the plot of the movie Goonies.
    The beginning of June in this household means school is finishing up and Comic-Con is less than a month away!
    Oh, and also, I have been married to my lovely bride for 16 years as of yesterday!!!<3 ;)
    Happy reading!!!

  14. Guess the puppy loves books too ;-)
    Dead Wake is one I hope to read soon. I've liked his other books so far. Happy reading.

  15. Some great looking books. I can highly recommend Dead Wake and I do have a soft spot for Twilight, though I don't think it's the best written book. Hope you enjoy them and your summer. Emma

  16. Oh No! Bad puppy, but you are right he is really cute. That kind of cute comes at a cost, I guess. I have been there with my dog eating stuff. I hope the faze doesn't last too long for you. Nice haul!I got The Library at Mount Char as well. I am really glad I got an actual copy because the cover is really cool.

  17. After looking at your new books, I'm not feeling half as bad as I did when I wrote my post. I really feel guilty taking so many books from the library at one time.

    So sorry about the shredded books. I've not had any destroyed that way, but have lost two library books in my travels. The library was really good about taking care of paying for them, but I've just had to set a personal policy not to take library books out of town.

  18. That's dreadful about the books! So sorry! Nice new reads though! The majority are new to me! Hope you enjoy them all!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  19. I think I have found several books to add to my TBR from your list. Hope the books he chewed up are good reads! He is awful cute. :)

  20. I'm sorry about the shredded books, but he is cute.

    I love watching Bones, too, and haven't read any of the books yet.

    Have a great week!

  21. I"m really curious to know how it is to read Twilight in today's society! With all the hype gone! Looking forward to your thoughts on it! I can't believe your puppy completely annihilated that book! Hope it's not too pricey to repay the library for those books! Happy Reading ;)

  22. That's why puppies are cute, so we don't kill them! :-) That's why my little boy puppy is still around even though he hikes his leg and pees on everything. That first book you got is one I've been intrigued by for awhile. Great haul! Check out mine in the link below!

  23. Some fantastic books...I love Kathy Reichs and it looks like a great series. Must try. :-) Enjoy the day.

  24. Oh - we loved the Raven Boys! I've only read the first one but my fellow BiblioJunkies have read the second. I still have to make time for it. Enjoy you books! By the way, sorry about your dog destroying your library books. While we don't have a dog, we have owed money to our library because of one of my kids having lost two books! That's no fun at all. One was later found the other is still missing. Oh well... ~ Bel

  25. I used to have a dog that chewed everything. I don't remember if he ever actually chewed a book, though. Wait, I have a dictionary that had the entire cover chewed off. I also had a pet rabbit I used to let loose in the house and he took a fancy to my shelf of antique classics. I don't think he liked Aesop's Fable very much.
