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Friday, June 26, 2015

Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews

Wow, this book was simply purrrfect, I wouldn't change a thing! Seriously, when all is said and done, this book left me completely satisfied, and I don't think the story could've been any different. And it's a game changer too! I think from now on I'll have to think of this series as before and after Magic Bleeds, I swear!

The book starts with Kate in lingerie, cooking dinner for Curran because of her lost bet. And the dude stands. her. up. WTF??? Yes , yes, Kate should've destroyed everything on her way to smack Curran but she's grown a lot in the past books and decided to do the mature thing... give him the silent treatment. It all sets the table for the action, and romantic drama to come.

I really liked the different story arcs for this novel. Kate is investigating a deity spreading different plagues in town and she has to bank on all her resources to solve the mystery. Of course, she needed her go-to-guy Saiman, who can't be nice to the sake of being nice. And that's how Kate finds herself at yet another date with him that will put her in trouble. I'm not quite sure how I feel about Saiman, he is kind of pathetic if I am being honest, but he has a quirky side I kind of like. And could the guy be anymore oblivious? When the Beast Lord stares you down, it's time to bow and back out quietly! But I am loosing track.. the deity!... So I really liked the chase for clues, and who the bad guy turned out to be in the end. It is really promising for the big smack down against Roland!

Kate's allegiances will also be challenged in this novel. Who can she turn too when her boss backstabs her,  Saiman only wants her in his bed, Vampires, who would trust them anyway?? and your furry friends turn berzek when facing your foe. She could only count on herself, and her attack poodle, and she had to take some very difficult decisions and I command her for making the best of a terrible situation.

My favorite aspect is of course the romance between Kate and Curran. They FINALLY get physical in this book, and let's just say it's not your typical 'let's get laid'. Nothing's typical about these two anyway, so no surprise there. Despite their shortcomings they supported each other in this novel like never before and i LOVED it. The almost-end really broke my heart and I wanted to cuddle Kate and tell her everything would be ok, even though she'd never let me. She stayed strong in adversity and I was so damn proud of her!

Things have changed, C & K can't never go back and I can't wait to see how their relationship will evolve from here. If you haven't read this series yet, I seriously urge you to do so. One of the best urban fantasy series out there, I promise you!

My favorite quote, It's kind of a spoiler, so beware:

“I surveyed the rest of the Council and looked directly at Mahon. “Some of you know me. Some of you have seen me fight and some of you are my friends. Have your vote. But know this: if you come to remove me, come in force, because if you try to separate me from him, I will kill every single one of you. My hand won't shake. My aim won't falter. My face will be the last thing you‟ll see before you die.”

I jammed the knife into the table and walked out.”

Read an excerpt


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

8 People left their mark' :

  1. This book was SO awesome! I was so pissed at Curran through the first of the book! This series just gets better and better. I think there will continue to be relationship issues, but we've pretty much got a solid couple now.

  2. Ooh, I can't wait to get to this one!

  3. hehe It would be impossible for 2 people with such strong characters to get along perfectly

  4. you won't be disappointed!

  5. I agree, Tynga, this series is so good, and Magic Bleeds definitely changed a lot of things! Kate is growing in each book, but she's still really Kate, if that makes sense at all :)
    Your quote is awesome, it shows how badass she is!

  6. Indeed! I'm putting off reading the next book because I have many review books, but ohh do I want to read it lol

  7. I am glad you are reading this series, as I do love it, a lot!

  8. This series is great and just keeps improving. Love last years book and can't wait for this years release.
