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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Secret Unleashed by Sierra Dean

SECRET UNLEASHED is another great roller coaster from Sierra Dean! She's written a harrowing chapter in Secret McQueen's life, probably the most haunting of all of the books in the series so far.

In SECRET UNLEASHED, Secret is sent to Los Angeles to assist the local vampire Tribunal, partially because it's a job she's well suited to and partially because she doesn't know who to trust in New York with Peyton on the loose. Her only backup? Holden, plus Sig's daytime servant Ingrid. As you can probably imagine, it's a great setup for awkward relationship moments (given the current state of Secret's love life) and also some nice fish-out-of-water moments for Team Secret. Secret is tasked with tracking down a missing vampire but things get incredibly dangerous once she starts. They also get extremely emotional because the missing vampire is none other than Secret's father.

It's hard to properly discuss SECRET UNLEASHED because the most interesting scenes in this novel take place in the second half of the book and I'm loathe to spoil anything for you. I can say that Secret and Holden find themselves in a situation unlike any other they've faced and that it will have lasting repercussions, particularly for Secret. (I don't think it's spoiler-y to mention this since there are eight books in the series and this is only the sixth.)

I'll also say that the usual strong romantic element is missing from SECRET UNLEASHED, largely because the focus of the book is on the aforementioned harrowing experiences. Romance wouldn't fit into this in any sensible way and so Dean back burners Secret's love life to a large extent. There are still scenes revolving around Secret's love for both Holden and Desmond, and they were all very well written. Dean is one of the few authors who write convincing love triangles. It's so easy to picture Secret with either of these two men and I'm eager to see how the situation gets resolved.

I'll wrap this post up by saying that SECRET UNLEASHED is a really exciting story and one that fans of the series shouldn't miss out on.

Read an excerpt


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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