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Monday, April 06, 2015

The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire by Molly Harper

Honestly, Molly Harper can do no wrong when it comes to writing paranormal romance fiction. She literally has me laughing out loud while reading her paranormal romance books. Combining snarky, remarkable and witty female characters with supernatural hot men is always entertaining, but somehow, Molly Harper is a genius when it comes to humor in paranormal romance. The funny banter and the hilarious situations is what keeps me coming back to this series or her books in general.

Realistically, the plot of The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire isn't all that extravagant, nor is it very detailed, but it does serve the purpose of advancing the story between Gigi and Nik. Gigi has landed the greatest summer job for a computer science undergrad and she's actually looking forward to working for the Vampire Council. However, she never expected to meet up with her mysterious vampire who kissed her and enthralled her during her last Christmas break. She was hurt when her mystery man left her after giving her the earth shattering kiss, without even saying a word. Now, what hurts even more is when Gigi and the mysterious man cross paths again, and he doesn't remember a thing about their heated kiss. Nik feels bad about his selective amnesia, but over time he starts to realize every thought in his mind about Gigi is muddled. Despite the mutual attraction, Nik can't stop trying to kill Gigi (involuntarily), and then forgetting about the attacks, almost as if he's being controlled by magic or something supernatural.

Amnesiacs are always fun to read because you never know how things will turn out. Reading about Gigi and Nik definitely was fun even though their relationship wasn't very believable. It felt too much like love at first sight. Gigi's older sister and brother-in-law forbid Gigi from seeing the centuries old vampire, but obviously forbidden love trumps over murderous fugue states from your vampire boyfriend. More scenes and more development between Gigi and Nik would have been fun and desirable.

The nerd in me is thrilled that Molly included so many pop culture references. Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory, The Walking Dead, and Dr. Who references (and many more) were mentioned. Oddly enough, the references were not just thrown into the text for the heck of it. No, they were actually in context and they added an interesting layer to Gigi's character.

A light and fun supernatural read, this book is a definite read for any Molly Harper fans. It may not be the best book in the series, but it's a definite must if you want to read more about the comings and goings of the beloved vampires of the little town called Half-Moon Hollow. I'm glad the original Half-Moon Hollow vampire couple Jane and Gabriel were present, despite their brief appearances, because I really missed reading about their craziness. Gigi and Nik are a great addition to the gang, but I felt their story was a little bit too short, a little rushed for my tastes. I really hope Molly Harper has more vampire or werewolves stories to write because this girl needs her paranormal/pop culture fixes.

stephsig moon

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

2 People left their mark' :

  1. I haven't gotten to this series yet. The Jane ones were so much fun I just know I'm going to love these!

  2. If you liked the Jane ones, then yes, you'll like these too. A different couple for each book though but definitely fun none the less!
