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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"When I'm not writing" with Cindy Thomas

Cindy Thomas

 Cindy Thomas is a YA and NA author, and also a publicist for Spencer Hill Press.  Her newest book is the paranormal NA Beckon Me, which I just read and LOVED.  (You'll be able to read my full review on Thursday.)  Cindy's a busy woman, what with work and writing and "mom-ing," so I'm very grateful she was able to stop by and tell us more about what she's up to when she's not writing!

When I'm Not Writing Marie

There are a ton of things I should be doing when I’m not writing. Namely, cleaning my house, cooking, folding and putting away laundry. Did I mention the cleaning?

But since I’m a mother of three young boys who also happens to work from home as the Manager of Marketing and a senior publicist for Spencer Hill Press, there are a ton of things that just don’t get done. Seriously, you should see the three laundry baskets sitting right beside me that need folding right now. It’s kind of ridiculous.

If I’m not writing and organizing publicity for other authors, I’m usually seen at the local Tae Kwon Do gym with my two oldest boys. They go at least 4 times a week and we can be there anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours at a time. It makes our evenings pretty hectic, but I love seeing the smiles on their faces when they’re there and I know it’s helping them to build confidence in themselves. Those are some of the best parent moments ever.

I’m also the homeroom mom for my oldest son, so I spend quite a bit of time at the elementary school too. Most parents will know exactly what this entails, but for those who don’t, it’s mostly planning classroom parties, organizing gifts for the teachers, putting together baskets for prizes at the spring fair and pretty much all kinds of volunteer work at the school. It’s another one of those bonuses of being a stay at home parent that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

Lastly, diapers. I am pretty much always knee deep in diapers. With a yet-to-be-trained toddler running around the house, there is never a shortage of them needing to be changed. It’s my third go-round, so I’m pretty good at it by now, but it’s still kind of crazy to me just how many of those suckers we go through in a single week.

If there are only two things you take away from this post, I’m going to guess that those will be: 1. Cindy’s life is pretty busy & 2. Cindy’s life isn’t all that exciting.  You’d be right on both counts, but I hope you always take away this: There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t remember just how blessed I am.

Thank you for reading!


Thanks so much for visiting us, Cindy! For more about Cindy and her books, check out the following links:

Website | Facebook | Twitter


Here's the scoop on Beckon Me:

Beckon Me Cindy Thomas

Everything nineteen-year-old Karina Mitchell knows about death changes the instant that she and her best friend, Rainey, are shot. For one, souls don’t die. They cross over. Only, Rainey’s soul hasn’t, and her ghost is hell bent on haunting Karina.

When Karina begins her sophomore year of college and moves into the apartment that she was supposed to share with Rainey, she learns a few shocking truths from her mysterious and gorgeous blue-eyed neighbor, Eli.

One: Karina has been chosen to become a Beckoner—an immortal conduit of the dead who helps safely guide souls to the other side.

Two: She’s the reason that Rainey’s soul can’t cross over—Rainey followed her back from death and missed her window to be at peace.

Three: Eli is hot. As in swoon-worthy, to-die-for, will-make-you-forget-yourself hot. And it turns out, Eli is a Beckoner, too.

Despite her attraction to Eli, the decision to become a Beckoner isn’t an easy one—it would mean giving up her own mortality … her own soul. But if she doesn’t, her best friend will be left to suffer an eternity at the hands of the evil Ceptors, dark creatures that feed on the souls left behind. After all, it’s her fault Rainey is haunting her.

Time is running out, and Karina needs to decide: Are love and loyalty worth sacrificing her soul?

Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository


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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

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