It's always difficult to write a review for a book that you've been stalking for as long as I've been stalking Origin. It's hard to step away from your own sense of hype and excitement and really examine the book for what it was, which is what I'll try to do with this review. Opal and I got off to a rough start, but with that ending - whoa - I've been waiting on Origin for what feels like forever! So when I finally got my hands on it, I couldn't have been more excited. I had the same sort of experience with the first 1/3rd or so of Origin as I did with Opal - and that was just a general feeling of "let's get on with it, already". Not because anything happening was boring, just because I felt like I kept tripping over myself to try to get to the 'big reveal' that these last few books seem to thrive on.
For the most part, I did enjoy the dual POVs that switched between Katy and Daemon. Especially as the story progressed, I thought that it added a cool new layer to the story. Was I expecting a bit more from it? Sure. Normally when an author switches to a dual POV, it's to demonstrate the differences in how the characters are perceiving the same situation. Or to up the angst when the reader knows that one character is hiding something from the others, etc. (Imagine if we'd had Blake's POV in Opal - how incredibly tense would that have been?)
Instead, it was used as another device for us to see that all that Katy and Daemon think about are each other. And I love them as much as the next fan-girl, I really do, but at the end of the day, I get it - you're in love. You'll burn the world to save her and punch anyone that gets in your way, and all that jazz. I can't deny, there were some super sweet moments, but overall, I didn't feel that the dual POV really added much to the story. It was strange actually, because at first, I was completely riveted by Katy's experiences in jail - but towards the end, I really felt like her narrative faded and got a bit bland compared to Daemon's.
All of that said, much like Opal, by the time I got to the end of Origin, I was about frothing at the mouth for the next book. The Lux series has no lack of drama and high stakes, and I absolutely love that about it. Do I think Opal and Origin probably could have been combined to be one big, incredibly mind-blowing book? Yeah, probably. But I'm also okay with them as they are.
It probably sounds like I've got lots against Origin, but I really don't. This is a series that I have thoroughly enjoyed, and will continue to follow faithfully. Something about the way that the main characters, and even the secondary characters (looking at you, Archer!) are written will just have you falling in love with them constantly. I wish we didn't need to wait another whole year to find out how everything shakes out! Things definitely got downright chaotic by the end of Origin, and Daemon and Katy definitely have quite a mess to clean up.
One thing is for damn sure though, the last book in this series is going to be EPIC!

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