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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"When I'm not writing..." with Jeffe Kennedy

Jeffe Kennedy I'm pleased to welcome Jeffe Kennedy to Tynga's Reviews today for our "When I'm not writing..." feature. She's the author of a variety of works, including ROGUE'S PAWN, the first book in the Covenant of Thorns fantasy romance series.

Jeffe is here to tell us what it is she does when she's not hard at work on her next story, and it's a pretty awesome hobby. Welcome, Jeffe!


As I sit at my desk, writing this post, the snow is falling outside my window. It’s a pretty snowfall, sifting out of grey skies, slowly covering the ground in a white and brown patchwork quilt.

I don’t mind, because it’s January in Santa Fe, which is our coldest month. And the snow here never lasts long. It’s cozy and warm inside—good for writing.

But when I’m not writing?

If I could, I’d be down in the Caribbean, snorkeling.

Jeffe Kennedy P1010090

It’s truly my very favorite thing to do. I even have anxiety dreams that we’re in some tropical beach location and I can’t get outside to go snorkeling. (Which, as anxiety dreams go, is much better than the ones where I’m taking a final exam and realize I’ve forgotten to go to class all semester.) When we do get to a place where I can snorkel, I’m happy to tour around, see sights, eat out, sunbathe, do cocktails on the balcony, all that. I mean, who wouldn’t? But have to get in that water and snorkel around as much as I can fit in. My husband, who doesn’t swim, is wonderful about indulging me in this. He reads on the beach and keeps an eye on me. He also takes a lot of photos of me emerging from the water in my bikini, which I am absolutely not going to show you.

I first learned to snorkel in 1990. My good friends got married on a cruise ship in the Bahamas. I was in graduate school and scraped together my (very) meager funds, to be able to attend. I sprang for the snorkeling excursion, thinking it might be my only opportunity to try it. Besides, everyone else was going.

And it was miraculous.

Jeffe Kennedy Sting Ray

It never ceases to amaze me what kind of world lives below the surface of the water. The colors glow with otherworldly intensity, the wildlife moving in a tiered three-dimensionality you don’t see on land. With such density, too. Where you might get lucky and sometime see a herd of elk on land, under the water you can swim through schools of thousands of fish. I’ll see more different species of plants and animals in one hour of snorkeling than in years of hiking through wilderness. The silence, too, is stunning, and you’re suspended in it, weightless and calm. It’s like a meditation.

So, these days, when we can—when I’m not writing—we take trips to the Caribbean. We’ve tried a couple of the Hawaiian islands, but the Caribbean remains our favorite. We’re collecting islands, debating the merits of our favorites in our downtime. So far I’ve been to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Culebra, Vieques, St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix, Tortola, the Dominican Republic and Virgin Gorda.

Jeffe Kennedy Devil's Bay

Once we pick our favorite (Virgin Gorda and St. John top the list right now), we hope to move down there. Then I’ll spend my days snorkeling and writing.

Sounds pretty damn wonderful.


Thanks for visiting us, Jeffe! It sounds like you've been to some amazing places!

For more information about Jeffe and her books, check out her website or follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

Jeffe's visiting some other blogs this month. Click on the button below to see her other promotional stops.

Jeffe Kennedy Tour button


Here's the scoop on ROGUE'S PAWN:

Rogue's Pawn by Jeffe KennedyThis is no fairy tale…

Haunted by nightmares of a black dog, sick to death of my mind-numbing career and heart-numbing fiancé, I impulsively walked out of my life—and fell into Faerie. Terrified, fascinated, I discover I possess a power I can’t control: my wishes come true. After an all-too-real attack by the animal from my dreams, I wake to find myself the captive of the seductive and ruthless fae lord Rogue. In return for my rescue, he demands an extravagant price—my firstborn child, which he intends to sire himself…

With no hope of escaping this world, I must learn to harness my magic and build a new life despite the perils—including my own inexplicable and debilitating desire for Rogue. I swear I will never submit to his demands, no matter what erotic torment he subjects me to…

Read an excerpt

Purchase: Amazon


Do you guys have suggestions for who you’d like to see featured on the blog? If so, you can make your suggestions on this page. No guarantees that your favorite authors will be able to participate but we’ll try!

Authors, would you like to visit and share with us? Please email me at jennblogs (at) gmail (dot) com and we’ll set it up!


Born and raised in the Toronto area, Jenn moved to St. John's, Newfoundland, eight years ago for school. She's still in school (thankfully on another degree!), now trapped in her dissertation. When she's not dissertating, which happens more often than it should, Jenn spends her time reading, watching movies, playing volleyball, travelling, and enjoying the local music scene. Her latest addictions: yoga and Almond Crunch cereal.

11 People left their mark' :

  1. Thanks for hosting me, Tynga! Your St. John's is on my list of places I'd love to visit.

    1. It's a lovely city but if you do come, you should plan to visit between June and October, when it's nicest. Newfoundland winers are not very fun. :)

    2. Yeah - I can totally see that! Someday!

  2. I've never had the opportunity to snorkel so I'm very jealous right now. So much so I'm going to give you a scowley face >:/I'd love to do this and scuba dive, both on my bucket list.

    Your Fae release sounds hawt. Oi, love me some Fae Lords!

    1. I confess to a slight obsession with Fae Lords, too, Olivia. *sigh* And you should absolutely try the snorkeling (I haven't learned to scuba) - you'll love it!

  3. You may not want to get certified, but you should try Discover Scuba sometime. You go out with a certified dive master and can go up to 40 ft deep. When you snorkel, you can't that close to all the little creatures, but when you dive, you can go right up to them. It's amazing what creatures live underwater.

    1. I would love to do that Jen - it's just never quite worked out. That's on MY list! However, in some places, you *can* snorkel right up to the creatures. Virgin Gorda and Tortola are particularly good for that.

  4. Thanks for this wonderful guestpost Jeffe! Question, what is in that second picture with you?

    1. That, my dear, is a Sting Ray! and yes - I got to hold her in my arms. Amazing experience.

  5. Never been to the islands, nor could you PAY me to snorkel! Takes all kinds of peeps, doesn't it?

    Love the blurb. Off to check out your book!
