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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Goddess Interrupted by Aimée Carter

9780373210459_TS_SMP.inddGoddess Interrupted by Aimée Carter

Book stats:
Reading level: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal/Greek Mythology
Trade paperback: 296 pages
Publisher: Harlequin TEEN
Release date: March 27th, 2012

Series: Goddess Test #2

Source: Finished copy from Harlequin Teen

Reviewed by: Stéphanie

Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository

Kate Winters has won immortality. But if she wants a life with Henry in the Underworld, she'll have to fight for it.

Becoming immortal wasn't supposed to be the easy part. Though Kate is about to be crowned Queen of the Underworld, she's as isolated as ever. And despite her growing love for Henry, ruler of the Underworld, he's becoming ever more distant and secretive. Then, in the midst of Kate's coronation, Henry is abducted by the only being powerful enough to kill him: the King of the Titans.

As the other gods prepare for a war that could end them all, it is up to Kate to save Henry from the depths of Tartarus. But in order to navigate the endless caverns of the Underworld, Kate must enlist the help of the one person who is the greatest threat to her future.

Henry's first wife, Persephone.

In The Goddess Test, I really enjoyed the way Aimée Carter created her own version of the Greek Mythology world and made the Olympian characters her own. In GODDESS INTERRUPTED, she took it to the next level (literally) by bringing the story to the underworld. Greek Mythology is all about personification and giving gods and goddesses human emotions. One thing the author is very good at, is differentiating her characters through emotions and personality, and since there are so many characters in this series, differentiation is a good thing.

For a young woman married to the King of the Underworld, Kate Winters was still very immature and naïve at the beginning of the book. Often, she was wondering if her husband Henry really loved her and if their marriage was just one of necessity. Her doubts were well founded, since Henry never really demonstrated his emotions. Sometimes, I just felt like slapping her because her doubts were present throughout the book and it became very repetitive. Fortunately, we saw Kate mature a little as the book progressed. She gained confidence in not only herself but in her capacity to become a leader. After battling it out against one of the only enemies that can kill Kate and the Olympians, I believe she has gotten closer to being real Queen material. One of the things I love to see, over the course of a series, is the evolution of a character into a stronger person and I think I’ve become more attached to Kate because of her personal growth. However, she still has a lot to learn before being confortable in her role as Queen.

One character I did not expect to meet was Persephone. In the first book, Henry’s memories of Persephone were a big threat to Kate. In this second book, this exact same person might be the only one who has the knowledge to save Henry. The animosity between Kate and Persephone was very tangible, right when they first met. I’m still not sure why Persephone tried to help Kate and the rest of her group, since I viewed her as a very selfish person. And for that matter, I’m still not sure if it was truly necessary for Persephone to have an active role in the book. I would have been content with her being just a memory, since she is, theoretically dead. Besides adding to Kate’s doubts, she really didn’t add to the story, in my opinion.

Along with her fictional character Kate, Aimée Carter is slowly maturing as an author. I love the world she’s created since it keeps me coming back for more. However, I would have loved to see more Henry scenes in this book. He’s such a broody and strong character that any scene with him is an enjoyable one. I just hope he’ll be more present in the third book. Also, the next book is guaranteed to start with a bang since the cliffhanger of this one is a huge. I think we can all agree that having the main character black out is a pretty abrupt and frustrating ending.

Overall, GODDESS INTERRUPTED was an enjoyable read and I would recommend it to anyone who’s a fan of Greek mythology. If you’ve read the first book and you want to read more about Goddess Interrupted, read this excerpt.




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