The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss

Book Stats:
Reading level: AdultGenre: High Fantasy
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: DAW
Release date: November 17, 2015
Series: The Kingkiller Chronicles #2.5
Source: Library
Reviewed by: Kara
Order: Amazon | Book Depository
Deep below the University, there is a dark place. Few people know of it: a broken web of ancient passageways and abandoned rooms. A young woman lives there, tucked among the sprawling tunnels of the Underthing, snug in the heart of this forgotten place.
Her name is Auri, and she is full of mysteries.
The Slow Regard of Silent Things is a brief, bittersweet glimpse of Auri’s life, a small adventure all her own. At once joyous and haunting, this story offers a chance to see the world through Auri’s eyes. And it gives the reader a chance to learn things that only Auri knows....
In this book, Patrick Rothfuss brings us into the world of one of The Kingkiller Chronicle’s most enigmatic characters. Full of secrets and mysteries, The Slow Regard of Silent Things is the story of a broken girl trying to live in a broken world.
This book takes place after The Wise Man's Fear from minor character Auri's perspective. It has no bearing, that I can tell, upon Kvothe's tale, but presents a different snapshot of Rothfuss's world in a unique voice and point of view. Therefore, don't pick this tale up without having read the first two books! If you're interested in reading about Auri and only Auri, then you will find this a quick, engrossing read.
Auri lives in the Underthing, a network of forgotten rooms and places under the University. The Underthing is her entire home. She has her own names for things, very few of which was revealed in the other stories, as she is secretive and shy of people. Also, she is very sensitive to emotion and confrontation, running away at direct questions. Readers will know she has befriended mainly Kvothe, for his lute playing and special nature, and Master Elodin, another odd duck. No one else (to our knowledge) knows she lives there as she would be hauled off to Haven, the asylum for people who experienced magical mishaps, because Auri isn't quite...normal. Instead, the characters of her world are objects and places, which Auri gives somewhat human characteristics. For example, her magical light is "Foxen" and acts as a sort of pet; while the large gear she finds, she carries from place to place, showing it the rooms and seeing if that is its place of belonging.
In my estimation, I think she could have a form of magical Asperger's since she is very gifted and smart, prefers things to people, and yet everything has to be "just so". I really enjoyed this novella despite not having a plot or purpose other than to get a glimpse of everyday life for Auri. It's sweet how carefully she prepares for Kvothe's visits and takes care of her Underthing, trying to preserve it rather than be selfish and take from the things she finds. The descriptions and work of making numerous inanimate objects and places act as characters shows Rothfuss's talent in a new light, as its truly a delicate, faintly rhythmic piece of short fiction.
Auri lives in the Underthing, a network of forgotten rooms and places under the University. The Underthing is her entire home. She has her own names for things, very few of which was revealed in the other stories, as she is secretive and shy of people. Also, she is very sensitive to emotion and confrontation, running away at direct questions. Readers will know she has befriended mainly Kvothe, for his lute playing and special nature, and Master Elodin, another odd duck. No one else (to our knowledge) knows she lives there as she would be hauled off to Haven, the asylum for people who experienced magical mishaps, because Auri isn't quite...normal. Instead, the characters of her world are objects and places, which Auri gives somewhat human characteristics. For example, her magical light is "Foxen" and acts as a sort of pet; while the large gear she finds, she carries from place to place, showing it the rooms and seeing if that is its place of belonging.
In my estimation, I think she could have a form of magical Asperger's since she is very gifted and smart, prefers things to people, and yet everything has to be "just so". I really enjoyed this novella despite not having a plot or purpose other than to get a glimpse of everyday life for Auri. It's sweet how carefully she prepares for Kvothe's visits and takes care of her Underthing, trying to preserve it rather than be selfish and take from the things she finds. The descriptions and work of making numerous inanimate objects and places act as characters shows Rothfuss's talent in a new light, as its truly a delicate, faintly rhythmic piece of short fiction.
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