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Friday, March 13, 2015

Soulbound by Kristen Callihan

Finally free! Or so Eliza May thought. She'd been chained to Adam for months when she'd been finally freed. She didn't know she was getting herself into another form of enslavement when she moved in with her aunt Mab, though. She must now escape once more and ironically, she'll need the help of Adam to get away.

I really love Kristen's books and Soulbound is no exception! Fool that I am, I almost missed the release day of this book altogether! It would've been a grave offense! Anyhow, this pretty is now sitting on my shelf, along with the previous books, and I am eagerly awaiting the next one!

Adam had always been some kind of enigma to me, and even though he is still mysterious by the end of this title, I feel I know him a lot more. Actually, the man itself laid it all out for all to see and judge, it really is his job and how he controls the GIMs that still remains mysterious. BUT, I got enough answers to keep me satisfied. I really like him and despite not approving all of his decisions, I can understand where he is coming from, and I loved that Callihan shed light on his past, allowing us to really understand his motives. He is a true knight in not-so-shiny armor at his core, but had to become a scheming bastard to survive this long. It's a complicated mix, and I truly enjoyed it.

Eliza May is a force to be reckon-with under her lady attire. She had a very troubled past, has those really weird- and deadly - powers and has to deal with her last slaver to  escape her most recent nightmare. It took a lot of strength to face all that came her way and I command her for it. She is smart and wary, has a strong attitude and the language to back it up, and I loved her verbal sparing with Adam. I rooted for her the whole time and I really hoped it would work out for Adam and her, in the end.

The plot was highly addictive and I have to tip my hat and give a round of applaud to Adam. He is a master manipulator and I can only admire how he managed to make it all work the way he wanted to. With all his smarts, Eliza still managed to get one on him in the end, and I am SOOOO glad she did! What a sad ending it would've been otherwise.

The end isn't your typical happily ever after, and Adam and Eliza aren't your typical couple either. I guess all things considered things didn't turn out not so bad and I'm glad Sin gave his 30cents to Eliza!

Now, I'm under the impression Sin will be the star of the next novel (or maybe Lucien?? who knows) and I can't wait to read it! This series is awesome, and I urge you to read it if you haven't started yet!


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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