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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"When I'm not writing" with Casey Eanes & Seth Ervin

Casey Eanes Seth ErvinLucky us!  Today we're hearing from two authors: Casey Eanes and Seth Ervin, coauthors of The Red Deaths.  I just finished reading The Red Deaths and really liked it!  You can see my review at my other blog, Marie's Reads.


When I'm Not Writing Marie

I can't think of any more fair way to do this than alphabetical order (the inner librarian coming out), so we'll start with Casey!  Casey, what are you up to when you're not writing?

When I am not writing I spend a large amount of time playing with toy trucks, coloring pictures, watching Paw Patrol and changing lots of diapers… I am a proud Dad of two and love it! My kids are a huge part of my life and they are an inspiration for me to write. I also enjoy taking time away with my wife to hike and do backpack camping or really any outdoor activity. There is nothing quite as refreshing as getting away and surrounding yourself with nature. A backpack plus a tent plus a hammock in the woods equals an awesome get away. I am also a lover of music. Almost always when I am writing I have music playing because it seems to propel my creativity and motivate thoughts and ideas. However, when I am not writing I am still listening to music and even playing a little bit on my guitar. I love all kinds of music from classical master pieces to current day pop music and everything in between, I enjoy it all.

Even though I would love to spend all my time writing, or enjoying family or friends I do still have to work a day job to ensure everyone is fed and we have a place to live. Minor details I know, but I figured it might be best to make sure these are taken care of. My job is not glamorous but I spend my days as a risk management administrator in the banking industry. So, after spending my days looking at rules and regulations it is like a vacation to get to dive into writing a good story.

And you, Seth?  What are you up to when you're not writing?

When I am not writing, I am usually thinking about writing. I know it’s a bit ridiculous, but writing for me is both a guilty pleasure and free therapy, and there is nothing quite like being in that zone. So what do I do when I’m not thinking about writing? Well, I am also a newish, youngish father who often finds himself waking up way too early to begin his day watching Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood on PBS. I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy spending this time with my young son! My wife, my son, and my dog fill up a huge chunk of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. My family is also very blessed to have good friends and extended family members whom we are very close to. They remain a definite priority within our lives and we make a point to stay in community with them, and they with us.

I am fortunate that my career choice revolves around two things that I cherish; kids and books. Yes, that’s right. I’m a children’s librarian. This is a job that I never dreamed I would find myself in, but I should have seen the early warning signs years ago. I’m a storyteller by nature, and I have the unbelievable privilege to get to share stories to others for a living. I am truly blessed to find myself in such a great circumstance, honestly.

These two areas of my life are the fuel in which my writing is created. The library serves my well of inspiration, safely learning from the triumphs (and failures!) of other writers who have gone before me. My relationships, in turn, help me to stay motivated and driven as I continue to write.


Thanks so much for visiting us, Casey & Seth! For more about the guys and their book, check out the following links:

Website | Facebook | Twitter


Here's the scoop on The Red Deaths:

The Red DeathsKing Camden is dead.

After forty years of peace, war rages through Candor.  The Rulers of the Realms are dying. Their precious secret of the Keys has been revealed.

Enemies unforeseen move in the shadows and the Nightmares behind the glass will soon be unleashed.

The Dominion has awakened.

Three Red Deaths.  Three linked lives.

One Keeper of the Keys.

Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository


Do you guys have suggestions for who you’d like to see featured on the blog? If so, you can make your suggestions on this page. No guarantees that your favourite authors will be able to participate but we’ll try!

Authors, would you like to visit  us? Please email me at marieharris725 (at) gmail (dot) com and we’ll set it up!


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter


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