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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Off the Grid: A Jane Yellowrock Story by Faith Hunter

I know this is only a novella but, I had to review it as a prelude to the next installment of the Jane Yellowrock series.  This is the newest in that series and there may be some spoilers so, if you haven't started the series and intend on doing so, do so now!  It really is an excellent series in the genre especially if you like books with strong female central characters.  As usual, Faith Hunter does not disappoint us on that account with this story in the Jane Yellowrock saga.

In this story we see Jane continuing her arrangement with Leo Pellissier and goes to take care of one of the clans within his domain.  Of course, Jane sets out to take care of the clan's needs in her usual, no holds barred, style.  One of the things I really like about this book and, the series itself, is that it doesn't rely on the whole Monster of the Week trope.  Don't get me wrong, it is one of my favorite story lines.   The problem is that it gets over used by TV and movies to the point that it becomes predictable.  This is book tells a story about what I would think Jane would have to put up with between the big jobs.  You know, the everyday, hum drum life where hideous death or dismemberment lurks behind every door.

As usual, Faith Hunter does excellent work in weaving a tale, though briefer than most, is still filled with mystery and action.  There isn't a lot of connection with the overall storyline of the series but, one never knows what the future hold in store for Miss Yellowrock.  I have read short stories that have had major impacts on a books series.

Since this pick was an audiobook, I must comment on the talents of Khristine Hvam.  As always, she takes the characters that Ms. Hunter creates and breathes life into them.  Her delivery is clear, understandable and more than just somebody who's reading the text into a microphone.  She makes each character distinct and recognizable.

Off the Grid is a great addition to the series and a nice tease to the upcoming release of  her novel Dark Heir.  Considering most of the series has a more mature nature to it, I would still reserve this one for the more mature readers.


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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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1 Person left their mark:

  1. Actually, this novella is our introduction to Nell, the main character in a new series that Faith is writing. It will be set in Jane's world and involve some of the secondary characters we've met before. In Off the Grid, we learn that Nell was raised in a cult, but left it. We also learn that she has some kind of magical abilities linked to the earth and that she has been raised to fear such power. Nell is educating herself through library books. Jane needs her help in this story, but it also puts Nell on PsyLed's radar, which is where the series will pick up, I believe.
