I am very happy to host Alyxandra Harvey, popular young adult author of the Drake Chronicles, Haunting Violet, and Stolen Away, for her new young adult fantasy series that will take readers through the streets of magical 19th century London. A BREATH OF FROST, the first installment in The Lovegrove Legacy (published by Bloomsbury Childrens) goes on sale January 7, 2014. It’s full of witches, magic, family secrets, goblin markets, deer-people, and boys in cravats!
Emma's POV: A Conversation with Emma about Cormac
My name is Emma Day. I’m seventeen years old and the daughter of an earl and a madwoman.
No one knows why my mother is the way she is, only that sometime after my birth she lost her rational faculties. I’ve only seen her a couple of times in my entire life and she has never recognized me.
I live in London with my father who is a very proper man. Thismostly means that he is deadly dull and will never talk to me about anything interesting at all. Actually he never talks to me much to begin with.
Thank God for my cousins Gretchen and Penelope. Without them I fear I would go as mad as my poor mother. We are able to survive the debutantes with their iron-edge curtsies and diamond-hard stares. We all made out curtsies at St. James recently, but I still feel like a mouse among ferrets. Mostly because I have no interest in being a ferret. It seems to involve a lot of sighing and whispering behind fans. I’d rather look at the stars, hide in the library with Gretchen, or listen to Penelope swear in a strange collection of Shakespearean quotes.
Oh, and there’s one more reason I don’t exactly fit in. I’m a witch. Did I forget to mention that? It’s rather new information to me as well. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, to be honest. Though if I could figure out how to aim the lightning I seem to call out of the sky, I might just singe Cormac’s backside.
I knew him before all of these secrets and spells. Over Christmas, he snuck a kiss under the mistletoe. I have never been kissed like that.
And then he went off to school, or so I thought, and never spoke to me again. I had thought he might court me, that we might dance the waltz, and he would let me tell him all about star constellations. Instead, he pretended not to know me. I know now that it was because he became a proper member of the Order of the Iron Nail, and the Order really, really does not care for my mother.
And that is a mystery I am going to have to solve…no matter how many times the infuriatingly handsome Cormac gets in my way.
In 1814, three cousins—Gretchen, Emma, and Penelope—discover their unknown family lineage of witchcraft when their individual magical powers unexpectedly begin to manifest. Now, beyond the familiar manicured gardens and ballrooms of Regency London, a dangerous, alluring underworld available only to those with power is now open to the
But by claiming their power, the three cousins have accidentally opened the gates to the Underworld. Now ghouls, hellhounds—and most terrifying of all, the spirits of dark witches known as the Greymalkin Sisters—are hunting and killing young witches for their powers. And, somehow, Emma is connected to the murders … because she keeps finding the bodies. Can the cousins seal the gates before another witch is killed …or even worse, before their gifts are stripped away?
Want to learn more about A BREATH OF FROST? Be sure to check out this "First Look" interview with Alyxandra Harvey!
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About the author:

Among her favourite books are ‘The Wood Wife’ by Terri Windling, ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte, and of course, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. Elizabeth Bennet is her hero because she’s smart and sassy, and Mr. Darcy is, well, yum.
Aside from the ghosts, she also lives with husband and their dogs. She likes cinnamon lattes, tattoos and books.
Connect with Alyx at her Website | Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest

What an Awesome post and giveaway! I'm a huge fan of Alyxandra Harvey's books and I really want to read this new series!