**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Random Act of Kindness–January Edition

The girls at Book Soulmates started a very cool project. The concept is to post a wish list and someone might just send a gift to you! Of course, you might wanna be nice to and offer someone something from their wish list as well! Here are the details, from their website. Rules: • Sign up each month you'd like to participate in. • Show off your participation! Grab one of the buttons available :) • Create a wishlist and post it in...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Christmas With… Elizabeth C Bunce

Today is the last day of A Christmas With… and I’m really happy to spend it with Elizabeth C Bunce, author of Starcrossed & Liar’s Moon! I loved Starcrossed and can’t wait to get started on the second book ^^---------------------1- Starcrossed, the first book in the Thief Errant series was a huge success, how different was the release of Liar's Moon for you?I think the response to StarCrossed caught us all off guard, so with Liar's Moon, my publisher...

Daring You To Read…The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook

 For my last post of the year, I’m daring you all to read a more recent work: a delicious steampunk romance from Meljean Brook.  After the Iron Duke freed England from Horde control, he instantly became a national hero. Now Rhys Trahaearn has built a merchant empire on the power — and fear — of his name. And when a dead body is dropped from an airship onto his doorstep, bringing Detective Inspector Mina Wentworth into his dangerous world,...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

StarCrossed by Elizabeth C Bunce

StarCrossed by Elizabeth C Bunce Book Stats: Hardcover: 400 pages Reading level: YA Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books Release date: October 1, 2010 Series: Thief Errant #1 Source: Personal Shelf Reviewed by: Tynga Purchase: Amazon | Kindle (2,99$) | Book Depository Digger thrives as a spy and sneak-thief among the feuding religious factions of Gerse, dodging the Greenmen who have banned all magic. But when...

A Christmas With… Anna Carey

A Christmas With is almost over, but worry not, there’s fun until the end! I’m really happy to have Anna Carey by my side, author of Eve, to celebrate it’s release =)---------------------1- Eve is your first YA novel, was it a challenge to change from a middle grade audience to an older one?The two series are very different, but it didn't feel challenge to write for an older audience. I'd had Eve's voice stuck in my head, and when I began the book...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Drink Deep by Chloe Neill

Drink Deep by Chloe NeillBook stats: Trade paperback: 352 pages Reading level: Adult Genre: Urban fantasy Publisher: New American Library Release date: November 1, 2011Series: Chicagoland Vampires #5Source: Personal shelfReviewed by: JennPurchase: Amazon | Book DepositoryClouds are brewing over Cadogan House, and Merit the vampire can't tell if this is the darkness before the dawn, or the calm before the storm. With the...

A Christmas With… Cynthia Hand

Please welcome today’s guest, Cynthia Hand, author of Unearthly and the soon-to-be released Hallowed. Make sure you read on the discover more about the series and a particularly delightful Christmas story!** If you haven’t read Unearthly yet, you can purchase the ebook for only 1,09$ on Amazon**---------------------1- Unearthly received raving reviews from readers and fellow writers alike, what do you expect with Hallowed?I think that most people...

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Christmas With… Kersten Hamilton

In the Forests of the Night is the second book in the Goblin Wars series and released just last month. To celebrate the occasion Kersten accepted to stop by for a very touching interview. Please welcome her warmly =)---------------------1- In the Forest of the Night is your second YA book, how was the transition from writing to a younger audience?Story is the heart of fiction, and readers of all ages crave it. A good picture book, one with story,...