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Friday, July 10, 2009

The otherworld series - Yasmine Galenorn

The otherworld series (also known as The sisters of the moon series) is established in a world separated in 3 different areas. You got the world as we know it, the otherworld where the feys and likes live and the Subterranean Realms where dark things crawls.
We are spending in the story with 3 narrators:
1st and 4th book are lived by Camille, the oldest of the sisters who is a witch.
2nd and 5th book are presented by Delilah, the middle sister, she's a cat shifter (orange tabby and black panther).
3rd and 6th novels are narrated by Menolly, the youngest and a vampire.
The feys are out of the closest on earthside and the sister work for the fey-FBI and are working to keep things nice and well, but it wasn't nice and well for so long.
A dark character from Subterranean Realms has big plans to invade both earthside and otherworld and because of short-staff issues due to an imminent war in the otherworld the sisters are facing demon ennemies with very little support.

Through the series we follows the sisters adventures with the demons, but also their relation to each other, their friends and let's say, multiple lovers!
Sister of the moon series is very interesting and you really notice the atmosphere related to each sisters as we get deeper in the story. The all have different past, Menolly's is particularly hard. The girls are great because even though they are strong and resourceful they aren't all mighty and it makes them more real to the reader.
I hope I got you curious, the series is real great and the author is lovely and reach-able. It is really worth it believe me =)

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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2 People left their mark' :

  1. I love this series. I've decided that I like the books best when they are from Menolly's POV.


  2. I enjoy it the most from Camille's point of view I like her sassy-ness ^^
