**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Stacking The Shelves [243]

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


 Hello Book Lovers! A few new books for me this week, and actually I've already finished one and halfway through another. I'm so happy to be back in my reading groove! Hopefully that means I'll get back into my reviewing groove too.


Windwitch by Susan Dennard

Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

For Review

The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi (Thank you Tor)

First Command by Alex Lidell (ebook)


The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher

None of these authors are new to me, except Carrie Fisher. I normally don't read memoirs but because I'm a huge fan of Star Wars, and because of Fisher's recent passing, I thought I would give it a chance. And actually, it's very interesting, not at all what I was expecting.

Feel free to share what you added to your shelves recently. Have a lovely weekend!

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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

18 People left their mark' :

  1. I am really curious about Carve the Mark. I loved Divergent and Insurgent but never read the last book in that trilogy. I do need to read Truthwitch and hope to get to Windwitch soonish. Enjoy all of these!

  2. Oh I hope you'll enjoy all your new lovelies! :D I can't wait to get my own copy of Carve The Mark :D
    Happy Reading!

  3. Those looks like great books. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week.

    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  4. Haha, I got Windwitch and Carve The Mark on my TBR too. Happy reading and have a great weekend.

    Best wishes
    Vi @ Gone With The Books

  5. I don't usually read too many biographies either but Carrie Fisher's does have me curious. I'm a big Star Wars nut too. I love the cover for WindWitch. So pretty! I hope you enjoy all of your news books

  6. OOh nice! I liked Windwitch! And I am most excited to read Carve the Mark at some point! LOL! Still need to get my copy! Whelp! Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Ooh, Carrie Fisher! Great haul! I need to reread Truthwitch so I can continue the series! :)

  8. You have John Scalzi new book. I am jealous

  9. The cover of Carve the Mark is really amazing!

  10. Enjoy your books! I have the Carrie Fisher book...eager to read it.

  11. Great selection of books! I've read Windwitch and Carve the Mark. I liked Windwitch overall. Carve the Mark, I had issues with, but I want to read the sequel. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  12. Lovely haul! I can't wait to get a copy of Carnaval and Windwitch myself. Enjoy!

  13. I am interested in reading Carrie Fisher's last one too. Have a good reading week!

  14. Now that you've read a Carrie Fisher book, I recommend Postcards from the Edge. I've read only two books of hers - Postcards and its follow up, and Postcards was definitely worth the purchase price. RIP Princess Leia.

  15. Windwitch sounds good! Enjoy your books!

  16. I'm definitely excited to read Carve the Mark, just don't know when I'll get my hands on it. Great haul!

  17. Cool for being back in the reading groove. I did well with the #WintersRespite readathon the last couple of weeks. Now I am so far behind on reviews! *lol*

  18. Need to check The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher and what a nice haul you got.
