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Saturday, May 07, 2016

Stacking The Shelves (209)

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


 Hello all!  Since the last time I hosted Stacking the Shelves, I've given birth to a beautiful baby boy.  I'm still working on how and when to fit in much reading time between feeding and diaper changing and baby rocking.  Definitely not complaining- I can happily spend an hour just watching him sleep.  It's crazy.  :)

Baby Harris

Also since my last time hosting, I did bring home a few new books (both via Amazon.com; I'm not doing much leaving-of-the-house these days) and plenty of library books (baby slept through his entire first library visit).  Keep reading to join in the fun and share what books you've brought home this week!


On Becoming Babywise Gary Ezzo Ology Marty Machowski

On Becoming Babywise by Dr. Gary Ezzo with Dr. Robert Bucknam:  Already read a library copy of it, but now that I have the actual baby living with me, I needed to own my own copy.  Fingers crossed the sleep training goes well!

The Ology by Marty Machowski:  One of our pastors at church recommended this one.  It's super sweet!  Beautiful illustrations on thoughtful meditations; enjoyable by ages 0-150!



They Say We are Infidels by Mindy Belz: recommended by a friend.

Baby 411 by Dr. Ari Brown with Denise Fields:  also recommended by a friend.

Storm Warning by Billy Graham:  recommended by a pastor.

The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp:  recommended by our pediatrician.  (And the baby on the cover does look quite happy- here's to hoping this one works, too!)

What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff:  I really liked What to Expect When You're Expecting, and am looking forward to this sequel.

Blessed, Blessed... Blessed by Missy Robertson with Beth Clark:  an impulse pick-up at the library.  I love the Duck Dynasty folks and their books!

Many Ways to Say I Love You by Fred Rogers:  another impulse pick-up at the library.  A book of quotes for children and parents by Mr. Rogers.

The Story of Kullervo by J.R.R. Tolkien:  another impulse pick-up at the library; I love when a favorite deceased author has a surprise "new release!"

Mary Poppins Comes Back by P.L. Travers:  I had started this one as an audiobook on my commute... then had a baby and lost the commute so I picked up a physical copy to finish it!

And you?  What did you bring home this week?


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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

26 People left their mark' :

  1. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy, Marie!

    Here's my STS post for this week.

  2. What a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations.

  3. Such a beautiful boy! Congrats hun !!

  4. Well, it was nice knowing the people here, but I have to leave and shall never return for the simple mention of "sleep training". This is the biggest bullcrap I have ever read and I am appalled that it is still used in this day and age. It's cruel and unnecessary.

    For those interested in why I have this strong opinion:


    And yes, I do have a child. We did not sleep train, and guess what, we all got enough sleep.

  5. Awwww!!!! He's soooo cute!! Congrats!!! Hopefully he'll be a good sleeper and then you can always take a break from watching him and read! ;)

    Enjoy the new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby and it looks like you're going to have your hands full with all those books.

  7. Congratulations on the lovely baby boy! I was never very good at juggling books with a baby...but that is okay. Enjoy this time!

  8. Congratulations! He's beautiful. They grow up so fast. There will be plenty of time for reading later...

  9. Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! They definitely take over your life, but it's wonderful too.

  10. Congrats on your beautiful baby! And I suggest audiobooks for the days when they're really young! And don't worry, you'll get back into the groove of reading soon!

  11. Your new baby is so cute looking. I hope you love all of your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  12. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby. This is a wondrous time in your life. Be sure and take lots of pictures and videos because it will go by quickly (and without much sleep, you may forget some of it!).

  13. Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! Next to him, the gorgeous books look less impressive. Enjoy!

  14. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby!

  15. Happy Babymoon time :-)

  16. Congratulations on your beautiful son. We loved Baby Wise. All my boys were great sleepers when they were little. Good luck.

  17. Congratulations! How wonderful to have a new baby boy.

  18. Congratulations Marie!! Don't worry, in just a few short months, you'll get to have a full nights' sleep :)

  19. Thank you for your opinion, but we are all allowed to our opinion and parenting techniques. I did not sleep train my children, but I did read many of these books as my kids were (and still are) terrible sleepers. It is never wrong to gather information on different techniques and then make our own decision. Every parent raise their child as they see best.

    No judgement will be tolerated on the page. Thank you

  20. Congrats on your baby! He's beautiful!

  21. Congratulations! Guess that will change your reading habits in many ways. He is adorable though!

  22. I was giving my own opinion and stated that I will not return here in the future because I cannot bear the thought to read more about sleep training. That one mention was enough for me personally.

    Sleep training may "work" in that it gets the child to acquiese to the parents' wishes, but it does not do any good. That wonderful "crying it out" method, for example, actually only works because the child's brain will eventually shut down from all the exhaustion of crying. That does not mean the child falls asleep, but the brain gives out. Does that sound like a good idea to anyone nowadays? I hope not. And that is only one technique. As cited above, there are many very good reasons not to think about sleep training.

    A child has spent roughly 9 months (usually, you know ;) ) in their mother's womb, hearing her sounds 24/7. The baby is born and the baby's entire world changes all of a sudden. It is loud, it is bright, and mommy's sounds will not be there 24/7. That's a huge change, and babies crying and waking up has to do with these changes and realizing that mommy is not there all the time. They need reassurance that even if mommy is not right next to baby, mommy (or some loving adult, be it a daddy, a nanny, grandparents...) is there. That is what they need, and it is a very human need to look for loving people.

    My son was a horrible sleeper for over 2 years. He still has bouts when he will not fall asleep, often because he experienced something in the second half of the day that he still has to process. That's called having a toddler. He will also wake up from time to time. So do I.

  23. This is my first time joining in, thank you for hosting.

    Your son is beautiful. I suggest Audiobooks, to fit in reading while mothering. (You might want to try either an external speaker or cordless bluetooth headphones though, since babies become grabby very quickly.)

  24. That's one handsome little fella you have there, Marie! Congratulations!

  25. Congratulations on the handsome addition to your family. :-)
