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Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The Line (Witching Savannah Book 1)

If I have a weakness, it is books and stories set in the South.  That’s what prompted me to even try this series out.  With everything from Sookie Stackhouse to Jane Yellowrock, you could ask is there room for anymore supernatural southern belles.  Well, like jello, of course there is always room for more.

J.D. Horn does a masterful  job of bringing the reader not only into Savannah, Georgia but into the world where witches and magic exist.  In this, the first book of the series we get an informed outsiders view of the system of magic in the story.  I like this type of easing us into the reality of the world.  For me, it helps me start to feel a part of the world right away rather that acclimatizing myself and losing out on bits of the story.

The people in this story have a real believability in their actions and reactions.  I’ve been in and out of big ‘small towns’ like the one depicted and the feel rings true to me.  Same is true for the way the families interact.  The drama isn’t over done and the characters aren’t caricatures.  Central to all is Mercy , our tour guide through and informed outside in the story and her fraternal sister Maisie.  Mercy's  lack of magical ability in a family of witches gives her a unique opportunity as a character to introduce us to her world.   Maisie's extraordinary gift for magic has made her the darling of the family (especially to Mercy).

The story flows well and has enough ongoing activity to keep the reader engaged.  Some elements may feel familiar but, I believe it’s the delivery that makes this story its own.  Since Mercy is our story teller, there is more going on than we are privy to.  This aids greatly to the mystery of the tale.

The Line is a story of magic, families and learning to recognize one’s self and living with that knowledge.  It has all the twists and turns of a murder mystery with the bonus of magic.  There is at least one mild sex scene so, I wouldn’t suggest this one to the young ones (it’s a very strong PG13 or better).  It’s a very entertaining read and you can look forward to my review of the second installment, The Source.Roberts Signature

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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2 People left their mark' :

  1. I really liked this book. The Southern setting felt so alive.

  2. I agree, Sarah. For me it was like visiting my home town without having to get felt up by a TSA Agent.
